vlyons's JournalCan you imagine Trump in jail?
As he suspects, Trump will probably be arrested and indicted when he appears before the DC grand jury by Friday. Wha-hoo and hahaha! Don't know if he will get bail, but insurrection is damn serious.
I have long predicted that eventually Trump will be convicted and sit the rest of his sorry ass life in a max security fed prison. Day after day in a gray 6x9 solitary cell. For his own safety, kept out of general population. No TV. He doesn't read, so no books. No audience. His family will quickly write him off, so no visits. No cheeseburbers. Just boring bland prison food. A steel platform with a thin mattress for a bed. Day after day after day until he drops dead.
I would say that it's tragically sad, but like a Greek dramas, he brought himself down by his own hubris. Karma is just like gravity in that it never stops working.
I blame it all on Obama, but not in the way you might think
It was bad enough for the racist RWers that there was a black man sleeping with a black woman in the White House, sitting in the oval office and having the gaul to actually represent America. But that he was re-elected -- uh oh! That meant (to them) America had lost its mind and actually believed that all men and women were created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. What next! Maybe an Asian could be president! Or god forbid, a queer or a black woman!
The engine of white entitled privilege and misogyny has been churning mightily to keep coloreds in the back of the bus and women pregnant and in the kitchen. Hillary's candidacy was such a bridge too far for them that they engaged Russians to fiddle with our election. What could delight Putin more than a corrupt criminal easily-bought idiot in the white house?
Surely we can get out the vote strong enough to whip their rotten unAmerican asses. C'mon Dems. Let's all hitch up our britches and get out the vote.
Pottygate - What an excellent label for it on so many levels
?stp=dst-jpg_s960x960&_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=B2NQXUbjLjEAX-JITvh&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.xx&oh=00_AfC-MmxbnKIv-InCMPOjLt3OMv1XZsgQi838KhIbCHTnUw&oe=64953592So next Tues at Trump's arraignment, which of the following do you think will happen
- Denied bail and incarcerated
- Bail set
- Surrender his passport
- Wear an ankle bracelet
- Ordered to remain in the district
- Released on his own recognizance with no bail
His goose is so cooked!
Actually there's 38 counts
On page 42: Count 38 - False Statements and Representations (18 U.S.C. @ 101(a)(2)
Read for yourself - https://fm.cnbc.com/applications/cnbc.com/resources/editorialfiles/2023/06/09/Trump_federal_indictment.pdf
Now when Trump awakes every morning he asks himself,
"Is today the day?" Ya gotta know, he's scared big time. He knows that he can't buy his way out this time. His sycophants ain't so eager to do his bidding.
Joe Biden is a great POTUS and not too old.
He's more effective than Obama and Clinton put together.
Besides, if Joe were too old, which he isn't, I think he would have enough integrity to resign if he knew he could no longer do the job.
Heads up, another email scam to watch out for.
Got an email from "FedEx" that my meds were on hold at the distribution center, and I could schedule a delivery and pay $1.98 for delivery. Go to the website, but my malware ap says don't go there; it's malware. So check online with my pharmacy, and they are still filling the Rx. Upon checking the email address of the original "FedEx" sender, it says from info@wknbfwmxjvsc.us. This is a really pernicious scam. Probably paying that seemingly insignificant $1.98 on a credit card would result in a very big and unhappy extra fraudulent charge. Thank goodness I have a great malware ap installed.
Shame on those scammers
An open letter to George Santos
Dear Congressman Santos:
You really should resign your office. I know that you have twisted yourself into a giant pretzel to get that office, but the manner in which you got it was based on fraud, lies, and thievery. Indeed your whole life has been based on fraud, lies, and thievery. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. You are despised and ridiculed by everyone everyday, because of your lies and frauds.
Now you must face the full faith and power of the US government, as it seeks to try and convict you for some of your frauds and lies. The gov has the evidence to prove their case. So stop telling yourself lies about how you can wiggle out of this mess now. You can't.
The easiest, less painful way to go now is simply to admit your lies and frauds and resign your office. Don't put yourself through a very public, embarrassing, and humiliating trial. Just go quietly. By cooperating with the prosecution, your attorneys can get you the best deal possible. So please, consult with your attorneys about this.
Resign your office, so you can go out with a little bit of class and dignity.
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