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RobertEarl's Journal
RobertEarl's Journal
April 22, 2014

Snooper 2 is usually against violence

But in this case snooper is all for violence. Especially way far away from him, on other people.

"...arrest/shoot anybody..."

Isn't expressing a desire to commit violence on people against DU's TOS? If not, it should be. That wanton desire needs to be banned from display here. Peace demands such.

April 12, 2014

Change of thinking comes to Nuclear Power Plant Owners

The previous thinking was that no nuclear power plant could blow up.

So there were no plans for what happens when a nuke plant did blow up. There were no plans in place that would cover how to gather nuclear contamination and how to seal off an exploded, smoking, dangerous plant.

Since Fukushima that thinking has been discarded. Forced with the reality that it could happen again, any day now, owners of these ticking time bombs are looking at reality of Fukushima's paltry cleanup efforts, and finally thinking ahead to that awful day when another one bites the dust and blows sky-high.

Are you ready? Do you have plans to run away like 160,000 people around Fukushima have done - maybe never to return?

April 10, 2014

Nuclear Power Plans for More Disasters

The nuclear people now realize that their big power plants are not safe from catastrophic failures. They have come to this conclusion after seeing three plants explode in the last 35 years.

So instead of planning that there will be no more exploding power plants, they have decided to begin planning how to clean up the mess when it happens.

This is a real turn of events for the nuclear industry. In the past all claims were that the plants were safe; that the nuclear facilities would not get out of control and blow sky-high.

I guess they figure there is some real money to be made in the clean ups? After all, estimates of the cleanup at Fukushima are now estimated to be in the ball park of one trillion dollars.

Just think of exploding power plants as job creation, and it's all good?

March 12, 2014

Thanks for this polly... US vs VZ

Each time one of the RW starts with the "US has clean hands", I will find this post and shove it in their face.

March 6, 2014

Good info on VZ, thanks Jefferson

Interesting that 18 of the last 19 elections were won by the Bolivarians.

Accusations today about how the banksters have been working behind the scenes in the Ukraine, make clear that the banksters may very well be working behind the scenes in Venezuela. Indeed, the 'currency' problem noted in this article is confirmation that banksters are hurting the people of Venezuela.

March 3, 2014

Cool, BainesBain,

Gonna put this in the journal to keep track. Otherwise I'd forget all about it in a few minutes.

January 27, 2014

List of my posts in thread: Starfish dying in NW Pacific

Fukushima-related radioactive materials measured across entire Northern Hemisphere


""Since the double disaster of the 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami that affected hundreds of thousands of people and seriously damaged the Fukushima Daichi power plant in Japan on 11 March 2011, minute traces of radioactive emissions from Fukushima have spread across the entire Northern Hemisphere. A monitoring network designed to detect signs of nuclear explosions picked up these traces from the stricken power plant. To date, more than 30 radionuclide stations that are part of the International Monitoring System have provided information on the spread of radioactive particles and noble gases from the Fukushima accident.""


Point being it is adding up, this radiation

There is more and more of it in the oceans. Some previous wasting could have been because of Chernobyl and weapon testing. Pretty much anywhere in the N. Hemisphere. Those deposits could be contributors. The DoE report below details that they still find traces in the sea life from Alaska tests.

Now we have Fukushima. Not only did it make deposits via air transport, but it now has been found in the NW pacific as described in another link below.

It is adding up. Spreading. The whole N. Pacific is now contaminated. Not making this up, it is all real science as linked below in follow up replies of mine.

In this report from the DOE, US government, it is described why they test for radioisotopes, where they test, when they test and some test findings. Note the excerpted listing for plutonium found in the mussels that were tested. This finding confirms the idea that plutonium can be passed up the food chain to the starfish.


Title: Department of Energy: Biological Monitoring at Amchitka Appears to Show Impacts from Fukushima Dai-ichi Incident.

The U.S. Department of Energy Office Legacy Management (LM) has a long-term stewardship mission to protect human health and the environment from the legacy of underground nuclear testing conducted at Amchitka Island, Alaska, from 1965 to 1971. Atmospheric monitoring in the United States showed elevated cesium activities shortly after the nuclear incident. LM scientists anticipated that atmospheric transport of cesium would potentially increase the cesium activities in the 2011 biological samples collected near Amchitka. Because cesium-134 has a relatively short half-life of 2 years and indicates leakage from a nuclear reactor, it is a clear indicator of a recent nuclear accident.

Because the Amchitka 2011 sampling event occurred soon after the Fukushima nuclear accident, the biota impacted by atmospheric precipitation showed the greatest impact (e.g., species that live in freshwater or shallow ocean waters) when compared to marine biota living in deeper water. This is because ocean currents are a slower transport process than wind currents. LM scientists anticipate that the marine biota will show the impacts of Fukushima during the next sampling event, currently scheduled to occur in 2016.

(One snip from report about the amounts found pg 226)

* Plutonium-239 — 4.194 pCi/kg Horse Mussel tissue


Starfish facts

Diet of the starfish >> source wikipedia

Most species are generalist predators, eating microalgae, sponges, bivalves, snails and other small animals. Some species are detritivores, eating decomposing organic material and faecal matter. The crown-of-thorns starfish consumes coral polyps. The processes of feeding and capture may be aided by special parts; Pisaster brevispinus, the short-spined pisaster from the West Coast of America, can use a set of specialized tube feet to dig itself deep into the soft substrate to extract prey (usually clams). Grasping the shellfish, the starfish slowly pries open the prey's shell by wearing out its abductor muscle, and then inserts its inverted stomach into the crack to digest the soft tissues. The gap between the valves need only be a fraction of a millimeter wide for the stomach to gain entry.

Ecological impact of starfish >>>> source wikipedia

Starfish devouring mussel
Pisaster ochraceus consuming a mussel in central California

Starfish are keystone species in their respective marine communities. Their relatively large sizes, diverse diets and ability to adapt to different environments makes them ecologically important. The term "keystone species" was in fact first used by Robert Paine in 1966 to describe a starfish, Pisaster ochraceus. When studying the low intertidal coasts of Washington state, Paine found that predation by P. ochraceus was a major factor in the diversity of species. Experimental removals of this top predator from a stretch of shoreline resulted in lower species diversity and the eventual domination of Mytilus mussels, which were able to outcompete other organisms for space and resources. Similar results were found in a 1971 study of Stichaster australis on the intertidal coast of the South Island of New Zealand. S. australis was found to have removed most of a batch of transplanted mussels within two or three months of their placement, while in an area from which S. australis had been removed, the mussels increased in number dramatically, overwhelming the area and threatening biodiversity.

Survival of ocean warming and ph change for mussels

A 2009 study found that P. ochraceus is unlikely to be affected by ocean acidification as severely as other marine animals with calcareous skeletons. In other groups, structures made of calcium carbonate are vulnerable to dissolution when the pH is lowered. Researchers found that when P. ochraceus were exposed to 21 °C (70 °F) and 770 ppm carbon dioxide (beyond rises expected in the next century), they were relatively unaffected. Their survivability is likely due to the nodular nature of their skeletons, which are able to compensate for a shortage of carbonate by growing more fleshy tissue.


Links and other sources

Lead Researcher: Fukushima pollution may be causing sea star epidemic on West Coast — Sea urchins, sea cucumbers also affected — “Something’s making them susceptible”… “It’s unlike anything we’ve seen”… “Populations go locally extinct overnight, literally”

Experts: Fukushima can’t be excluded as factor in sea stars turning to goo along West Coast; It hasn’t been ruled out — They’re “particularly proficient” at absorbing radioisotopes; 1,000 times more plutonium than fish


Newest report of Fukushima contamination in the Pacific

This report describes how radionuclides from Fukushima were found in the water offshore in the Pacific. The report is the first to detail this fact. It goes on to say that the contamination is due to reach shore this year. And that much more sampling must be done.


At this site is a request for funding for more pacific research of Fukushima contamination:


From a counter opinion site

At the following link from Deep Sea News, in the comments section, one commenter offered up some good suggestions to the scientists there.



Epidemiologically, are not the factors you have raised direct evidence of the impact of potassium/caesium and Calcium/Strontium ionic replacement? Four points:

1. Perhaps more so than any other sea creature, K and Ca are the critical minerals for starfish. Starfish have complex K and Ca exchange, uptake and shedding mechanisms.

2. Sr and Cs are notorious Ca and K emulators respectively.

3. A single Sr90 or Cs137 atom resident in a starfish for a few days would release enough energy to create soft tissue trauma (mutative effects inclusive). Biological response? Uptake K to attempt a heal, and more K to attempt to shed the damaged arm. Effect? More potential Cs and Sr intake. What happens when the starfish gets multiplicitous shed messages from 10-20 atomic trauma centres throughout its whole body? It melts.

3. Sr and Cs are found in trace levels in every one of the places that SWS is now occuring, and have been for a number of years now. This is as a direct consequence of the US Government nuclear policies, and its shoddy and slipshod waste management practices. Sure, Fukushima is a slow moving toxic tidal wave, and you haven’t even started to see the true effects. But the killer genie was out of the bottle years ago.

4. Go and run some tests. Get relatively pure water from the deep South Pacific, and healthy starfish from the same region. Put a sick starfish in with the healthy ones. Then try adding some radioactive isotopes at trace levels. Break the story.


The ocean ecologists are alarmed

Here is a link to a research study concerning the starfish.


January 22, 2014

Pruneface did not employ many Vietnamese

And if they did they certainly were not part of the goons who did the dirty deeds. So, it should be obvious to even the most casual reader, that the OP had no intent to denigrate any Vietnamese people.

Back in the day we used the word 'gook' as a slang word for spies.

January 10, 2014


Radiation is not measured in doses of particles. How many particles do you get from sunshine? How many from flying in a plane? You know how a radio works? Do particles come flying thru the air to make your radio play? No. Radioactivity is an energy wave, like waves from the sun.

What you are refusing to see. Yes, refusing, is that natural potassium particles are totally different than an artificial, man-made cesium particle.

Each particle has a different energy level radiating from it. And each particle has a different toxicity. Potassium is a particle that humans have adapted too and come to need. Not so with Cesium. Cesium has been shown to cause heart problems. Cesium actually can take the place in your body that potassium usually occupies. And kill you.

January 7, 2014

Starfish die off in the NW Pacific

We've all heard about how the starfish have been dying in the waters in the NW Pacific Ocean. Divers claim to have seen them melt away right before their eyes. Melting is what happens when a starfish dies. So what is making the starfish die? No one seems to know. So I have done a bit of research and in the following posts will share that research with you.

In summary, starfish are known to be an umbrella specie. That means that if the starfish were to go extinct, many other species that are dependent on starfish would also be in danger. Starfish are fairly unique in that they can regenerate parts of their bodies. How they do that is not exactly clear. But in that sense they are very special.

Starfish eat many things. Mostly bottom dwelling things. Like mussels. It has been discovered that if starfish are removed from some locations, mussel populations explode. In one report linked below, it has been discovered that mussels near Alaska have very high concentrations of radioisotopes. The starfish eat these mussels and the radioisotopes then are in the starfish. Known as moving up the food chain.

How do mussels get the plutonium in them? Mussels are filter feeders. Mussels feed by filtering water and taking suspended solids from that water. Plutonium, and other heavy metals drift to the bottom where the mussels are, and the mussels, in their feeding, filter out the plutonium which ends up in the mussel's meat which the starfish eat.

Conclusion: Atmospheric deposition of radioisotopes from Fukushima is established. Plutonium from Fukushima has been found in mussels in the NW Pacific. Starfish eat mussels. Starfish are dying and causing researchers great alarm. It is possible that plutonium is killing the starfish.

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