heaven05's Journalyeah, send them there
and Houston? Please have a problem.....soon
the police chief
said specifically, "anybody black with somewhat of a record". I read, traffic ticket, any misdemeanour was the criteria also. SAD. Still, the black male has to suffer because we are so 'visible'. Can't hide from racists.👴🏽
I don't because
it's true what was said by who you are responding to. Just say what you really want? Okay. We are grown up, we can take the truth.
again, state what you mean. Can you do that, candidly? Again, can you just say it?
generations of strength
in all these women👴🏽 The murder of their sons and daughters gives us a reflection of the pain that is and can never be remedied by racist courts, laws or racist non-justice, as has always been, for AA. As has been the case. May they stay strong.
he wasn't embarrassed!!!!!!!!!!!
she's lying. These type of people are never embarrassed unless they have a spiritual awakening. And dumptrump had such an awakening 2013 in Russia during a shower, and his boss is one that made him fire Strzok a top-notch Russian spy catcher-2010, and dumptrump's boss is the 'devil' personified who precipitated his 'spiritual' awakening..
true this
Ron Brown, Paul Wellstone, conspiracy theories abound, some true, some not so true....I look at them all and until they are proved not to be a conspiracy. I keep them in mind. Those three buildings in 2001 all plummetting straight down always has me wondering how personally. But that's just me. An old man with a lot of these type of 'theories'. Want to know my favorite...?
there is the old saying, "hell hath no fury as a woman scorned". I hope she dumps all over trump and his administration cohorts on EVERYTHING about the lowlife snakes running our country now I still don't trust her but this is repentance of sorts.
trump is totally
sexist. With his power and money, both pre and post-election, he thinks that makes him exempt from any kind of human decorum. He is a pitiful human being and a total asshole👴🏽 He hates ALL women. Period.
++++THIS!!! nt
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Name: hansGender: Do not display
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Member since: Thu Jun 14, 2012, 11:34 AM
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