Chasstev365's JournalThe Upside of Tonight
The days of timid Democrats weakly responding to the GOP are over. No more Mondale, Dukakis, or Gore campaigns!
The Clinton campaign will be brutal on Trump/Pence
Obama raised the debt? Fucking lie!
Trump is doing a great job wooing Hispanics
Build that Wall? Brillant! Blaming the death of young white girl on Hispanics in general? Very Nazi-like
Anybody but Kaine!
Picture a debate between Tim Kaine and Mike Pence. Some commonality, Washington establishment, and boring as hell. It would have the excitement of watching
candidates running for a Water Reclamation seat!
I truly hope Hillary will be more creative than Tim Kaine
A Big Thanks to All Who Are Watching the RNC Shit Show!
Now I don't have to watch, you can keep me informed, and my blood pressure is not rising.
As former Sanders supporter (I am all in for Hillary now) I ask if anyone will still stay home or waste a vote on Jill Stein? DON'T HELP THE GOP DRIVE THE NATION OFF THE CLIFF WITH TRUMP!
Has Goebbelsvision started the "they're being mean to Melania" bit yet?
I will not watch Faux News, so I wouldn't know, but am curious.
To the woman who personally blames Hillary Clinton for the death of her son:
I hold Bush and Cheney personally responsible for 911, for the death of 5,000 American soldiers, 100,000's of innocent Iraqis, and the creation of Isis.
I am sorry your son died. However, your hipocracy is breathtaking. Shame on you for being used as a pawn.
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