myohmy2's JournalWhat's changed 3...?
January 6th Committee, Foreword, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi
"We owe a debt of gratitude to Chairman Bennie Thompson, Vice Chair
Liz Cheney, the patriotic Members of Congress and dedicated staffwho
devoted themselves to this investigation, to uncovering the truth and to
writing a report that is a Roadmap for Justice.
The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack has succeeded
in bringing clarity and demonstrating with painstaking detail the
fragility of our Democracy. Above all, the work of the Select Committee
underscores that our democratic institutions are only as strong as the commitment
of those who are entrusted with their care."
January 6th Committee, Recommendations: 4. Fourteenth Amendment Section 3
"Under Section 3 of the Constitutions Fourteenth Amendment, an individual
who previously took an oath to support the Constitution of the
United States, but who has engaged in an insurrection against the same,
or given aid or comfort to the enemies of the Constitution can be disqualified
from holding future federal or state office. The Select Committee
has referred Donald Trump and others for possible prosecution under 18
U.S.C. 2383, including for assisting and providing aid and comfort to an
January 6th Committee, Executive Summary, VII. ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THOSE WHO
"In the Committees judgment, based on all the evidence developed,
President Trump believed then, and continues to believe now, that he is
above the law, not bound by our Constitution and its explicit checks on
Presidential authority. This recent Trump statement only heightens our
concern about accountability. If President Trump and the associates who
assisted him in an effort to overturn the lawful outcome of the 2020 election
are not ultimately held accountable under the law, their behavior may
become a precedent, and invitation to danger, for future elections. A failure
to hold them accountable now may ultimately lead to future unlawful
efforts to overturn our elections, thereby threatening the security and
viability of our Republic."
...and we get to do it again...?
What's changed 2...?
January 6th Committee, Foreward, Vice Chair, Liz Cheney
"At the outset of our investigation, we recognized that tens of millions
of Americans had been persuaded by President Trump that the 2020 Presidential
election was stolen by overwhelming fraud. We also knew this was
flatly false, and that dozens of state and federal judges had addressed and
resolved all manner of allegations about the election. Our legal system
functioned as it should, but our President would not accept the outcome."
January 6th Committee, Foreward, Chairman, Bennie G. Thompson
"The failure of Trumps plan was not assured. To the contrary, Trumps
plan was successful at several turns. When his scheme to stay in power
through political pressure hit roadblocks, he relentlessly pushed ahead with
a parallel plan: summoning a mob to gather in Washington, DC on January
6th, promising things will be wild!
That mob showed up. They were armed. They were angry. They believed
the Big Lie that the election had been stolen. And when Donald Trump
pointed them toward the Capitol and told them to fight like hell, thats
exactly what they did.
Donald Trump lit that fire. But in the weeks beforehand, the kindling he
ultimately ignited was amassed in plain sight."
...and we get to do it again...?
What's changed...?
January 6th Committee, Foreward, Vice Chair, Liz Cheney
"Part of the tragedy of January 6th is the conduct of those who knew that
what happened was profoundly wrong, but nevertheless tried to downplay
it, minimize it or defend those responsible. That effort continues every day.
Today, I am perhaps most disappointed in many of my fellow conservatives
who know better, those who stood against the threats of communism and
Islamic terrorism but concluded that it was easier to appease Donald
Trump, or keep their heads down. I had hoped for more from them."
January 6th Committee, Foreward, Chairman, Bennie G. Thompson
"Trumps mob came dangerously close to succeeding. Courageous law
enforcement officers put their lives on the line for hours while Trump sat in
the White House, refusing to tell the rioters to go home, while watching the
assault on our republic unfold live on television.
When it was clear the insurrection would fail, Trump finally called off
the mob, telling them, We love you. Afterward, Congress was able to
return to this Capitol Building and finish the job of counting the Electoral
College votes and certifying the election."
...we get to do it again...?
Joe's address...
...I want to hear Joe address us and the nation...
...I know they pushed hard on Joe but it was still Joe's call...
...if Joe freely made his decision and he explains some of his reasons why, it will go a long way on how I feel about this situation...
...if Joe sincerely wants it this way with no regrets or lingering caveats, who am I to question him...?
...let's hear Joe...
...if Joe thinks this is the best way to beat trump, so be it... the end, trump must be beaten...
...but so sad...
They need to fix it...
...this could all have been avoided if they would have kept the pressure on Joe behind closed doors...
...if Joe would have agreed to depart, a major Oval Office speech could have announced Joe's intentions...
...if he disagreed, arm-twisting could have continued behind closed doors and no one would have been the wiser..
...but taking it public to put pressure on Joe has landed us behind the eight-ball...
...they must fix it...
Can't Win...?
...for all those who say Joe can't win, can they guarantee us their replacement Will Win...?
...I don't think so...
Hang in there Joe...
...don't let them push you out... can we accuse trump and the pukes of being undemocratic if we ignore the 14 million Democratic Party voters that voted for you in the primary...?
...some people say you can't win, then why isn't trump 30-40 points ahead...?
...some people say you're've said as much...but most people don't care because we know you're not TOO old to be a fantastic President... bad day and they want you to quit...?...well, we've all had bad days and people know this and have discounted it already..., keep on keeping on...if you should flub-up keep moving forward bringing decency, substance, honesty and leadership to the American people...we know quality when we see it...
...we trust you, so now trust us to know the difference between you and a fascist asshole come November..
....your calm steady gracious manner has a soothing affect on almost everyone I know including some pukes who are thinking twice about voting for an unstable, unfit, fascist for president...
...we're out here for you, hang in there Mr. President...
On political violence...
...over the last 100 years how many Democratic/Progressive political leaders or activists have been murdered or assassinated...?
...over the last 100 years how many Republican/Conservative political leaders or activists have been murdered or assassinated...?
...I don't need anybody preaching to me about political violence...
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Gender: MaleMember since: Fri Sep 19, 2014, 12:02 AM
Number of posts: 3,517