KMOD's JournalRe: Alton Sterling
Does anyone have any information as to why the officers were attempting to take down and restrain Mr. Sterling in the first place?
All of the news and information I'm seeing and reading is related to his being shot and killed, which is horrifying, but what led up to that?
From what I've learned, he was selling CDs outside of a store. I don't understand how this even escalated to this point.
One of my posts appears to have been hidden twice
under two different rules. I received two separate notices, stating different rules, both regarding the same individual post.
Something very cute just hit me
When Hillary first campaigned for President Obama, it was in Unity, NH. The location was chosen, purposefully.
When President Obama first campaigned for Hillary, it was in Charlotte, NC. Charlotte is the name of her granddaughter.
I just find this coincidence, adorable.
Obama: 'Hillary Clinton's The Most Qualified Person 'EVER' To Run For President"
It's the heart and soul of my belief system.
It's why I am a Democrat.
And it's something I will fight for, for the rest of my life.
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