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aspirant's Journal
aspirant's Journal
November 21, 2015

Smoke Signals

Tax cuts = less government moolah. Years ago it was a good thing when the middle class was thriving. Now it's just a sneaky way to pass austerity cuts while crying poverty from these tax cuts. They giveth and then taketh away

Tax cuts are government based, while income inequality is mostly corporate and billionaire based. Higher minimum wages increase the government moolah so what will the Congress critters do about social cuts then?

Either we are going to obtain income equality by forcing these filthy corporations and billionaires to share the wealth or we are going to ignore the corporate welfare and use OUR tax money for all of US.

Hence, Bernie vs Hills.

October 31, 2015

Trick or Treat

Hillary's trick and Bernie's treat

October 30, 2015


Main Stream Media?

Do we really believe that in 2015 the TV and newspapers are our main stream of information?

It's time to rename these dwindling corrupt folks, maybe Fringe TV Media (FTVM) or Main Stream Internet Media (MSIM)

October 23, 2015

Rise above

Trying to convert DU Hillary supporters is a waste of time.

They don't try to convert anyone, their corporate plan is to discourage and confuse Bernie supporters.

When our enthusiasm becomes tepid we aren't motivated to vote in the primary and Hills wins

The double edged sword is that if we don't vote in the GE Hills loses. So here comes the Democratic party loyalty oaths to regain our support.

The 2 party system is divisive in itself and the People's Revolution is a unifier. Bernie is creating an AMERICAN Party inclusive of disgruntled Repubs, Independents and progressive dems, a surefire winner.

We need to keep our eyes open and see this manipulation for what it is

October 23, 2015

Peace and goodwill to men/women.

Bernie is creating a People's Revolution and Hillary's testimony is everything about the Beltway status quo.

Why did we get involved in killing the Libyan leader? Was it because the French and the Arabs wanted it or to control the oil? What imminent danger did America face from Libya?

This was a Washington insider, corporate war hawk (Iraq vote) stressing how brave 4 dead Americans were when they would still be alive if "The People" stopped the establishment from violently pursuing world domination. "We came, we saw, he died"

It doesn't take much to outwit today's Repubs .

Bernie's stance: peace and diplomacy first and foremost

October 18, 2015

Stay focused.

We have a wonderful Grass Roots organization emerging and IMO we have come from nothing to leading in Iowa and NH and a few other states.

Now we are falling into this corrupt corporate world of how much money we are taking in, debating what the worthless MSM and their pundits are saying and waiting on the edge of our seats for what the next poll results say. I think I read Bernie hired a polling firm so let's also start publishing those results.

Drawing huge crowds are self and nationally motivating.

Besides social media, how do we truly know Bernie's impact of 23 million debate viewers if they can't be counted by increasingly huge event crowds? Focusing on small gatherings (like HRC) are fine for here or there but we should flex our muscles and let America know we are coming.

Bernie has hired staff in the initial primary states and I haven't seen weekly progress reports that could assist volunteers on what has been successful inroads in recruiting supporters. We are a team and sharing info is vital

October 2, 2015

Just got an e-mail from AFL-CIO

to sign a petition to stop the garnishment of Social Security checks to pay for their student debt. I'm pretty sure that $750 and under is untouchable but SS should be totally untouchable.

The e-mail from the Secretary-Treasurer says that Obama and Duncan can stop this with a moratorium and/or administrative actions, no legislation needed.

Called their office and am hoping to get specifics back but if anyone is aware of this, please share.

Also called Bernie's campaign office to see if he would push this for our seniors.

August 31, 2015

Setting up

Has anyone made a bullet point flyer on Bernie's immigration plan? We're starting to set-up an office and tabling plans in the SW. A Spanish translation would also be helpful.

August 11, 2015

Bernie's wing span

With these #'s is it time to start invoking OUR 50 state strategy?

The campaign tour is expanding to include diversity in the opening or supporting speeches.

Has the moment come for us to begin introducing Progressive Primary challengers in each stop as opening speakers where they exist.

What a wonderful way to turn the tables with Bernie's endorsement being more powerful than the DNC, DSCC and the DCCC.

August 8, 2015

Bernie's expansion

Bernie"s expanded message should SOON not only be read on social media and spoken at events but sung at huge concerts with supporting musicians.

In particular, the AA community could be reached in big numbers with AA artists coordinating with Bernie Events.

Would the musicians donate their time for free events, we hope so. What a wonderful way to contrast the everyday People's candidate from the 1% fundraisers.

Music is a universal language and Bernie has a universal message

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Member since: Wed Nov 5, 2014, 11:47 PM
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