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romanic's Journal
romanic's Journal
May 30, 2016

Detroit: 'Man up, guns down' rally draws dozens after recent gun violence against kids

DETROIT (WXYZ) - Dozens of men, women, and children marched in northwest Detroit Saturday, as part of a rally cry to end gun violence.

Organizer Al Williams said the "Man Up, Guns Down" march was put together in response to the senseless shootings that have hurt or killed children. The most recent incident happened Wednesday night, when two-year-old Makanzee Oldham was shot in the head during a dispute between men on Fairmount Drive on the city's east side.

“It’s a shame first of all that we have to lose a child to all come together, but second of all, it’s a shame that it continues to happen," Williams said.

He led dozens down several blocks off 7 Mile in an effort to recruit neighbors to pledge peace.

Activists say it's going to take more than changing mindsets to end the violence.

Mouchettee Muhammad, who teaches youth boxing at his Hands On Boxing gym, says young men need opportunity.

"We’re looking to take young boys off the street and give them an avenue where they can channel their aggression," he said.

“This is our city. This is our people. We’re going to cut the murdering out. It’s time for us to stand up. Man up, guns down," said Pastor Maurice "Mo" Hardwick of the Live in Peace movement.

Activists say the recent loss of young lives should leave neighbors outraged and eager to be part of the change.


As the article states, this rally was held due to all of the gun violence in Detroit involving children. Sadly the recent victim (2 yr old Makanzee Oldham) just passed today after being on life support for a week. More of these rallies need to be done in protest of gun violence and not just in Detroit but nationwide.
May 29, 2016

Politico: The fall of Salon.com

A Facebook page dedicated to celebrating the 20th anniversary of digital media pioneer Salon is functioning as a crowdsourced eulogy.

Dozens of Salon alumni have, over the past several months, posted their favorite stories from and memories of the once-beloved liberal news site described as a “left-coast, interactive version of The New Yorker,” a progressive powerhouse that over the years has covered politics with a refreshing aggressiveness, in a context that left plenty of room for provocative personal essays and award-winning literary criticism.

“We were inmates who took over the journalistic asylum,” David Talbot, who founded the site in 1995, wrote on the Facebook page. “And we let it rip — we helped create online journalism, making it up as we went along. And we let nobody — investors, advertisers, the jealous media establishment, mad bombers, etc — get in our way.”

They are mourning a publication they barely recognize today.

“Sadly, Salon doesn’t really exist anymore,” wrote Laura Miller, one of Salon’s founding editors who left the site for Slate last fall. “The name is still being used, but the real Salon is gone.”

Salon, which Talbot originally conceived of as a “smart tabloid,” began as a liberal online magazine and was quickly seen as an embodiment of the media’s future. For a while, particularly ahead of the dot-com boom of the late 1990s, it even looked as though it might be a success story. It lured famous writers and tech-company investors and went public in 1999. At the time, Salon was valued at $107 million.

“I think it’s very similar to what a Vox or a Buzzfeed seems today,” said Kerry Lauerman, who joined Salon in 2000 and would serve as the site’s editor in chief from 2010 to 2013. “There was, at first, a lot of money and excitement about Salon. There was no one else, really, in that space. ... It was kind of a brave new world, and Salon was at the forefront.”

Over the last several months, POLITICO has interviewed more than two dozen current and former Salon employees and reviewed years of Salon’s SEC filings. On Monday, after POLITICO had made several unsuccessful attempts to interview Salon CEO Cindy Jeffers, the company dropped a bombshell: Jeffers was leaving the company effective immediately in what was described as an “abrupt departure.”

While the details of Salon’s enormous management and business challenges dominate the internal discussion at the magazine, in liberal intellectual and media circles it is widely believed that the site has lost its way.

“I remember during the Bush years reading them relatively religiously,” Neera Tanden, the president of the Center for American Progress, told POLITICO. “Especially over the last year, they seem to have completely jumped the shark in so many ways. They’ve become — and I think this is sad — they’ve definitely become like a joke, which is terrible for people who care about these progressive institutions.”

So, what happened?

Read more: http://www.politico.com/media/story/2016/05/the-fall-of-saloncom-004551#ixzz4A2PuhH9v

Agree, disagree, or do you think this piece from Politico is ironic (as it could be considered clickbait itself)? Me personally, I sort of agree that Salon has gone down the tubes in real content and integrity - but it's still a step up from Vox and Buzzfeed.
May 19, 2016


Saw this hashtag on another forum and thought it was a hoax. Turns out it's an actual thing.


I can agree that there is a lack of visibility for disabled minorities in some publications; but some of the tweets ive seen are just unbelievably bigoted and reek of oppression olympics. What do you all think of this?

May 1, 2016

Europe's First Islamic Constitution? What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Calls by a top member of the ruling party of Turkey for an Islamic constitution to replace the secular basic law currently in place in the country, a NATO member and crucial U.S. ally, have been rejected by politicians from all stripes, including President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, himself a pious Muslim. But as Erdogan is trying to avoid a debate that could harm him politically, the question remains: How should the relationship between state and religion be defined in a country with a 99 per cent Muslim population?

Turkey’s current constitution, which enshrines the principle of secularism in Article 2, was drawn up under military rule in 1982. All parties in Ankara agree that a completely new text should be written to give Turkey a more modern and more democratic outlook.

Erdogan is trying to convince Turks to also change the form of government from the current parliamentary to a U.S. style presidential one, with himself at the helm. The opposition says his real aim is absolute power without the sort of checks and balances that limit executive excesses elsewhere, amid speculation in the media that a referendum on a new constitution could be called this year. Erdogan cannot be sure that a majority of Turks would accept a presidential system in such a vote, with some polls saying support for his plan is as low as 35 per cent.

That is why remarks by Parliamentary Speaker Ismail Kahraman about the need for an Islamic constitution came at a bad time for Erdogan. Kahraman, a member of Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), told a conference in Istanbul on April 25 that secularism should not even be mentioned in the planned new constitution. “We are an Islamic country,” Kahraman said. “There has to be a devout constitution.”

Alarming but it seems like many Turks disagree and are uneasy by such laws.

But many Turks are less enthusiastic. Rejection of calls to bring Turkey’s constitution into line with Islamic rules is not limited to die-hard secularists. “Even many devout Turks (are) likely to be queasy about this,” Howard Eissenstat, a specialist on Turkey at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY, tweeted about Kahraman’s statement. Eissenstat pointed to polls showing that only a minority of 12 per cent of Turks want their country to be ruled by Islamic law and that 90 per cent think women’s decision to cover their hair should be voluntary.


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Name: Roman
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