LAS14's JournalFind out what happened on 10/7/2016
I was flabbergasted to hear about this from Rachel last Friday.
This documents why the government's release of the news about Russian interference was ignored.... Well... maybe not the whole "why." The MSM could have done better.
What about a special fund drive to increase computer capacity for DU searches?
I'm not able to search across more than a day, and even then, I can't include replies. What if DU (senior moment on the guy's name) had a one time/one purpose fund drive for more computer power?? I know I'd donate.
Can gun control laws be written in such a way...
... to prohibit the sale to non-military/law enforcement of guns that will shoot more than X bullets per minute/trigger pull? I frequently see references to the problem of manufacturers simply making new weapons that don't fit the description of legislation. Can legislation be written based on "behavior" of the gun, rather than its physical description?
To re-phrase... If they can be written this way, why aren't they?
Since when are a coughing fit, and...
... a prank, and a tech problem with an overhead grounds for labeling a political speech full of substance a "shambles?" What is wrong with the MSM??? LOTS. But they're all we've got.
NOTE - I'm NOT a fan of Theresa May. This is a post about the disintegration of the MSM (which, of course, has been going on for years.)
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Member since: Tue Feb 9, 2016, 01:20 PMNumber of posts: 14,955