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BernieforPres2016's Journal
BernieforPres2016's Journal
March 28, 2016

On the Hillary advisor who says Bernie needs to change his tone for there to be more debates

Here's an article on Hillary's campaign criticizing Bernie in January for an anti Wall Street ad that didn't mention Hillary. No mention that two of her advisor Joel Benenson's largest clients are Bank of America and J.P. Morgan Chase. They are 2 of the biggest TARP recipients and 2 of the 4 largest banks that Bernie regularly points out are responsible for originating 1/3 of the mortgages in the U.S. and 2/3 of credit card issuance. These are 2 of the too big to fail financial institutions that Bernie says should be broken up.

Other major clients of Benenson's firm and what they'd like to see Bernie tone down are McDonald's (minimum wage), Pfizer (U.S. pays the highest drug prices in the world, pending corporate inversion to exploit tax loopholes) and Wal-Mart (minimum wage, the Walton family owns as much wealth as the bottom 40%, they should pay their employees a living wage so they wouldn't have to rely on food stamps, Medicaid and subsidized housing to live, etc.).


<Just below the listing of Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase, Benenson’s firm lists Clinton’s campaign, the Obama campaign and top Democratic Party groups as clients. Those clients are listed under a section in which Benenson’s firm says it works on “advising leaders who shape the world.”

During Clinton’s unsuccessful 2008 campaign, she faced criticism for having Mark Penn as her top adviser, while his public relations firm represented tobacco, oil, pharmaceutical and gaming companies. His company also instructed clients on how to defeat union-organizing drives.>

There is a lot of syngergy between the Benenson Group's clients. When he goes after Bernie on behalf of Hillary's campaign, does he also get to bill Bank of America, J.P. Morgan, McDonald's, Pfizer and Wal-Mart for the same work?

March 28, 2016

Thom Hartmann just said he's turned off MSNBC

He says that there are 3 progressive commentators who appear with some regularity on CNN: Van Jones, Bill Press and Katrina vanden Heuvel. He says there are none on MSNBC, so if he wants to watch news he turns to CNN.

I have done the same. CNN is hardly neutral, but it isn't 100% echo chamber.

March 28, 2016

Finally watched Chuck Todd's interview of Bernie from yesterday on MTP

Nauseating. Almost entirely focused on the horse race and how Bernie can't win. Chuck pressing on whether Bernie will support Hillary as the nominee without any conditions.

And MSNBC actually has people studying Bernie's speeches to find the last time he stopped the crowd from booing at the mention of Hillary's name?

The click button at the big picture is for only a short portion of the interview. The full interview link is further down the page.


March 28, 2016

Obama strongly endorses Debbie Wasserman-Schultz this morning

As Debbie works to gut the Consumer Financial Protection Agency on behalf of the payday lender industry. Thom Hartmann wonders if this means DWS is in trouble in her primary.

March 28, 2016

Thom Hartmann just played a clip of Cokie Roberts on NPR this morning

Cokie proclaimed Bernie needs to win 73% of the remaining delegates to win the Democratic nomination on the first ballot. Thom said he heard the same thing on CNN this weekend. He is wondering if they are both working off the same Clinton campaign (false) talking points, or if Cokie just heard the comment and went on the radio and repeated it without fact checking.

Bernie actually needs 57% of the delegates in the remaining primaries to have more regular pledged delegates than Hillary going into the convention.

March 28, 2016

Chelsea: Mom will do something to address "crushing costs of Obamacare"

Yes, the Weekly Standard is a conservative publication. But I am posting a link because there is audio of Chelsea talking about how her Mom was going to address the "crushing costs of Obamacare" (presumably the premiums plus large deductibles that Bernie has been talking about) as President, either via legislation or executive action. There is 29 seconds of audio at this link:


For some reason, this didn't get any play in the MSM, even though the comment was made in the same meeting in Madison, WI that Chelsea opened by saying that Democrats had no realistic chance at gaining a House majority until 2022 at the earliest and that her Mom had a history of working with Republicans like Tom DeLay and John McCain. Those comments were included in a Washington Post article on how Hillary is sending Chelsea to college campuses where Hillary is not popular:


Wasn't it just 6 weeks or so ago that Hillary was going after Bernie on his single payer healthcare proposal, accusing him of wanting to dismantle Obamacare? Now Obamacare has "crushing costs" that must be addressed?

Why is Hillary so opposed to a single payer Medicare for all healthcare system, which is favored by 58% of Americans, including 81% of Democrats and 60% of independents?


Does Hillary really think that getting Republicans to boost funding for Obamacare to effectively reduce premiums and deductibles (and leave 29 million uninsured) would be easier than fighting for a Medicare for all plan with the vast majority of Democrats and Independents behind her? Or is it that she doesn't want to cross her campaign contributors from the health insurance, pharmaceutical and medical devices industries?

March 27, 2016

Jonathan Karl Interview of Bernie on "This Week" was a disgrace

After giving a 15 minute phone interview to Trump at the beginning of the show, he spent about 5 minutes interviewing Bernie, who went to the trouble of showing up at a studio where he could be interviewed on camera.

Here are the 5 questions Karl asked:

1. So you won big out there in those 3 states. You're still way behind in the delegate count, but does that...what does this mean for the race, does this mean you are absolutely going through to the end?

2. But you still need 73% of the delegates going forward, which is a huge..... (interrupted by Bernie: "No we don't. No. No. No. I don't accept that. That is not the case. You're assuming that every superdelegate that now supports Secretary Clinton will stay with her. You're not taking into account that there are hundreds of superdelegates who have not made a decision.....&quot

3. You've heard Democrats saying it's time to lay off Secretary Clinton, keep this positive now, stop the attacks on her Wall Street ties, her SuperPacs, all of that. Are you going to start laying off or are you know, going to start putting the pedal to the metal here? (this prompts a response from Bernie that contrasting his record with Secretary Clinton's on a variety of issues that he then goes through is talking about the issues, not a personal attack)

4. So you said in an interview this week, uh that, she may not be liberal enough to be in your cabinet, so let me ask you now after these wins, is she liberal enough to be your running mate, would you consider her?

5. So Senator Sanders, we saw a situation this week where an ISIS leader was taken out by American ground troops, Special Forces on the ground in Syria. You are firmly opposed to boots on the ground. Was that something that raised concerns for you? (prompts Bernie to start with "No, that's not quite accurate. What I have said is that I support what President Obama is doing....) Once Bernie started talking about how ISIS is in retreat and has lost 30-40% of the territory it had, Karl realized his gotcha question had not worked and started to cut him off and end the interview.

Karl asked all but the last of these questions with a grin/smirk on his face, as if the whole thing was a bit of a joke.

March 27, 2016

ABC Asshat Jonathan Karl Questions of Bernie on "This Week"

After doing a 15 minute phone interview with Donald Trump at the beginning of the show, he did about a 5 minute interview with Bernie Sanders, who actually went to the trouble of showing up at a studio so he could be interviewed on camera.

1. So you won big out there in those 3 states. You're still way behind in the delegate count, but does that...what does this mean for the race, does this mean you are absolutely going through to the end?

2. But you still need 73% of the delegates going forward, which is a huge..... (interrupted by Bernie: "No we don't. No. No. No. I don't accept that. That is not the case. You're assuming that every superdelegate that now supports Secretary Clinton will stay with her. You're not taking into account that there are hundreds of superdelegates who have not made a decision.....&quot

3. You've heard Democrats saying it's time to lay off Secretary Clinton, keep this positive now, stop the attacks on her Wall Street ties, her SuperPacs, all of that. Are you going to start laying off or are you know, going to start putting the pedal to the metal here? (this prompts a response from Bernie that contrasting his record with Secretary Clinton's on a variety of issues that he then goes through is talking about the issues, not a personal attack)

4. So you said in an interview this week, uh that, she may not be liberal enough to be in your cabinet, so let me ask you now after these wins, is she liberal enough to be your running mate, would you consider her?

5. So Senator Sanders, we saw a situation this week where an ISIS leader was taken out by American ground troops, Special Forces on the ground in Syria. You are firmly opposed to boots on the ground. Was that something that raised concerns for you? (prompts Bernie to start with "No, that's not quite accurate. What I have said is that I support what President Obama is doing....) Once Bernie started talking about how ISIS is in retreat and has lost 30-40% of the territory it had, Karl realized his gotcha question had not worked and started to cut him off and end the interview.

Karl asked all but the last of these questions with a grin/smirk on his face, as if the whole thing was a bit of a joke.

March 26, 2016

Jake Tapper just said Hillary is more hawkish than Bernie, most Democrats....

...and some Republicans!

They were discussing Tulsi Gabbard's discomfort with Hillary's interventionist nature that prompted her to resign from the DNC and endorse Bernie.

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Member since: Tue Feb 23, 2016, 03:28 PM
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