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BernieforPres2016's Journal
BernieforPres2016's Journal
March 6, 2016

Chelsea Clinton can't bring herself to care about money


<“I’ve tried really hard to care about things that were very different from my parents. I was curious if I could care about money on some fundamental level, and I couldn’t. That wasn’t the metric of success I wanted in my life.>

Is she saying that money is the metric of success for her parents given that is where she chose to draw the contrast between herself and her parents?

The funny thing is Chelsea talking about how she just can't care about money. NBC paid her $600,000 for a little bit of work. IAC pays her $300,000 plus stock options to sit on a corporate board. She and her hedge fund husband recently moved from a $4 million New York City residence to a $10 million New York City residence.

I guess you don't need to care about money when you know it will always fall in your lap.
March 6, 2016

Bernie wins Nebraska

According to AP, just announced by The Young Turks.

March 6, 2016

Live Stream of Bernie in Warren, MI


Going on now. CNN and MSNBC have had video of it in a small box insert, but can't interrupt the talking heads to let people hear any of it.
March 5, 2016

Tim Geithner cashing in


<After an appropriate stint at a think tank to write his memoir and a quiet transition to Wall Street, President Obama’s first Treasury secretary, who left office in 2013, is now ready to make millions thanks to help from a big bank he used to regulate.

Bloomberg News this week disclosed that Geithner has gotten a line of credit from JPMorgan Chase, the nation’s biggest bank, to invest in a new $12 billion fund at the private equity firm where he works, Warburg Pincus.

The filing with the New York Department of State does not give the amount of the line of credit or the terms, but according to Bloomberg, Warburg Pincus executives are signing up for a total $800 million and Geithner, as a top officer, is probably getting a sizable chunk of that.

The returns on the private equity investment are bound to be much higher than whatever interest Geithner will be paying on the loan, so he is virtually guaranteed to make many millions in profit on the deal.

Geithner of course was the Treasury secretary who pushed the bailout of the big banks, including JPMorgan, in the wake of the financial crisis, beating off anyone who wanted to discipline the banks or punish their executives with the argument that doing so would further destabilize the financial system.

His cosseting of the banks brought him into conflict with the chairman of the bailout oversight panel, Elizabeth Warren, the future senator from Massachusetts, and the inspector general for the program, Neil Barofsky, as well as one of the top bank regulators, then-FDIC chairman Sheila Bair — all of whom have documented their clashes with Geithner in recent books.>
March 4, 2016

Black Lawmakers and Their Staffers Split on Bernie Sanders plus an astonishing quote


This is an article on the CBC endorsement of Hillary over Bernie a few weeks ago. I think the whole thing is interesting, but there was one quote near the end that I thought was truly astonishing and revealing:

<“Obviously Bernie is appealing” to voters, Rep. Elijah Cummings told BuzzFeed News. “To raise $6 million is nothing to sneeze at. And you’re talking about people with a little bit of money. So he is appealing to a group of people who Hillary needs to pay attention to. While the polls show that she’s got some of the black vote, those ‘$34’ people probably fit into the same economic situation as many African Americans — and you still don’t know how many of those are African American.”>

So if people have a little bit of money, Hillary needs to pay attention to them. As opposed to people who don't have a little bit of money and consequently can be ignored.
March 4, 2016

How the Congressional Black Caucus Leverages Blackness to Work as a Tool for Wall Street


<Since the CBC tends to vote as a bloc, and, as CBC head Marcia Fudge admits, most of them don’t know much about financial services law and usually defer to CBC members on the financial services panel, the CBC is an easy mark for sophisticated lobbyists. It’s also easy because, as HuffPost notes, white lawmakers aren’t quick to criticize the CBC. A lobbyist explained to HuffPost how it works:

“We go right to the CBC because they are open-minded and they often vote as a bloc,” he says, asking for anonymity because he frequently relies on CBC members for support on deregulation bills. “And the professional left is scared of them. Every white liberal — media, politician, advocacy group — knows better than f*cking with a CBC member.”>

<At one point, Rep. Maxine Waters reportedly had a contentious argument with Rep. Alcee Hastings over his selling out to big money interests. During the disagreement, Hastings allegedly admitted he’d sold out, just for a higher price than Waters implied:

What was more embarrassing than selling out, Waters told her assembled colleagues, was selling out cheap to nickel-and-dime scammers like the for-profit college industry. If you’re going to sell your soul, she admonished, have some self-respect and sell high. (Hastings didn’t dispute the conflict, but he did dispute Waters’ point. “It would be a mistaken premise,” he says, smiling. “There are a hell of a lot of for-profit schools.”)>

In case anybody isn't familiar with Alcee Hastings:


<In 1977, he became a judge of the circuit court of Broward County, Florida. In 1979, he was appointed by President Jimmy Carter as a U.S. district judge for the Southern District of Florida.

In 1981, Hastings was charged with accepting a $150,000 bribe in exchange for a lenient sentence and a return of seized assets for 21 counts of racketeering by Frank and Thomas Romano, and of perjury in his testimony about the case. In 1983, he was acquitted by a jury after his alleged co-conspirator, William Borders, refused to testify in court, resulting in a jail sentence for Borders.[3]

In 1988, the Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives took up the case, and Hastings was impeached for bribery and perjury by a vote of 413-3. He was then convicted in 1989 by the United States Senate becoming the sixth federal judge in the history of the United States to be removed from office by the Senate. The Senate, in two hours of roll calls, voted on 11 of the 17 articles of impeachment. It convicted Hastings of eight of the 11 articles. The vote on the first article was 69 for and 26 opposed.[4]

The Senate had the option to forbid Hastings from ever seeking federal office again, but did not do so. Alleged co-conspirator attorney William Borders went to jail again for refusing to testify in the impeachment proceedings, but was later given a full pardon by President Bill Clinton on his last day in office.>
March 4, 2016

The Democratic Party got crushed during the Obama administration. Here's Why. (NPR)


<Every president sees his party lose hundreds of positions — it's the price a party holding the White House pays — but no president has come close to Obama. During Obama's eight years in office, the Democrats have lost more House, Senate, state legislative and governors seats than under any other president.

When Obama took office, there were 60 Democratic senators; now there are 46. The number of House seats held by Democrats has shrunk from 257 to 188.

There are now nine fewer Democratic governors than in 2009. Democrats currently hold fewer elected offices nationwide than at any time since the 1920s.>

<Democrats had one spectacularly bad piece of luck. The Republicans' Tea Party-fueled surge in 2010 was perfectly timed to coincide with the decennial census, after which new congressional and state legislative district boundaries are drawn by governors and state legislatures. Republicans' huge gains in the 2010 midterms put them in the driver's seat when it came time to draw new congressional districts in 2011. Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell remembers what happened when Republicans took over the governor's mansion and the Legislature in his state:

"When I left office in January of 2011," says Rendell, "there were 13 Democratic congressman and six Republican congressman. As a result of redistricting in the 2010 election, that turned around and we now have 13 Republican congressmen and five Democratic congressman.">
March 4, 2016

Bernie just started to speak live

Southern Illinois University, link is down a couple of threads.

March 3, 2016

CNN just had a short clip of a high dollar fundraiser for Hillary in NYC

Katy Perry, Julianne Moore, Jamie Fox and Sir Elton John. All the cool people were there.

March 3, 2016

Let's have a 4 candidate general election

The Republican strategy now, voiced by Romney today, is for Cruz, Rubio and Kasich to stay in the race all the way to deny Trump a majority of delegates going into the convention. (Romney advocated that anti-Trump people vote for Rubio in Florida, Kasich in Ohio, Cruz in states where he is the strongest candidate other than Trump). Then the Republican establishment can pick somebody other than Trump as their nominee, perhaps somebody who didn't even run.

If this happens, Trump will likely run for President as an independent. He may even bolt the party before the convention.

We've seen how the DNC and the rest of the Democratic establishment has stacked the deck to make Hillary the Democratic nominee.

We know both major parties are owned by the top 0.1%.

So let's have a general election with Bernie (perhaps with the Green Party), Hillary, a mainstream Republican and Trump. It would be 4 ring circus that would end up in the House of Representatives (because no candidate would get an electoral college majority), and would show both parties just how disgusted the American public is with them. I think it would be a good first step towards the political revolution Bernie is talking about.

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Member since: Tue Feb 23, 2016, 03:28 PM
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