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Haveadream's Journal
Haveadream's Journal
May 16, 2016

You May Write Me Down in History with Your Bitter Twisted Lies

There are times I need a reminder about who Hillary and we, her supporters are. Our goals are courageous, authentic and compassionate. The opposition has hijacked the narrative and is intent on trying to frame it as cynical and indifferent about the fate of our country. They say, with ever increasing volume and derision, that our nearness to finally overcoming obstacles must be a result of corruption. That we care not for the good of "Americans" who truly struggle the most.

No, nothing could be further from the truth.

The reality is that it is for so many "Americans", our dreams that have been deferred for all of our history no matter how much our opposers would like to rewrite that now. The reality is that it is that for millions of us, we live a life in which we have always been systematically denied having a the same life, liberty and pursuit of happiness as those who take such rights for granted. We and our dreams are precious and valuable no matter how much they would like to bitterly denigrate them with their distortions and lies. They see that we are finally on the precipice of truly changing the social and political landscape and are doing everything they can to prevent that, even if it means creating a fiction about her and our characters to do it.

This story is not a new one. History is filled with people in power who have sought to prevent those without it from having representation, freedom, safety and rights. And, they always justify their abuse by creating lies about the worth and character of those who they would deny. We are living in a momentous time in history. We can take so much pride in who we are and what we want for ourselves and the entire country. Our voices, destines and noble dreams are finally being heard. No matter what they do, still we rise.

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may tread me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.

Maya Angelou
May 7, 2016

Bernie still sees himself as a 60's revolutionary

Perhaps that is why he is encouraging protests and why he wants a contested convention. The 1968 convention riots were part of a high ideological point in his life and in some important ways he has never been able to move on from that era. That would make sense since so much of his rhetoric replays the nostalgic themes from that period over and over.

In 1968, MLK and candidate Bobby Kennedy had just been assassinated, there were massive student protests against the war and the "establishment" and the Dem nomination was in shambles. Humphrey, who never competed in a primary was ahead in delegates because of Dem party controlled caucuses. He was leading McCarthy, the anti war candidate, who had won the Dem people's votes in the Primaries. Protests were intense outside the Convention and the Chicago police took violent measures to contain it.

The problem with this nostalgia, despite Bernie constant references, is that we do not have a political climate similar to what we had in 1968. The largest similarity is the "establishment's" oppression of the civil rights of PoC, the current manifestations of which Bernie seems to be unable to champion. The fact is, we are not engaged in a huge war for which we draft thousands the way we did in VietNam. This is inconsequential to him though he is trying, hard as he might, to create a parallel. The fact is, it is Hillary who has won the popular vote in the primaries by a massive amount and it is Bernie who has a smaller margin in the decidedly undemocratic open caucuses. This reality is something he has to distort to make it appear he is the people's choice because otherwise his delusions of 1968 McCathyesque grandeur do not work.

I have to wonder, as Bernie keeps encouraging protests and a contested convention, if he doesn't on some level, want a replay of those dramatic events of 1968. I suspect in the 2016 version, he would be cast as the McCarthy martyr for whom people are willing to shed blood on the streets to see the causes of peace and justice prevail. For myself, I am unwilling to indulge his adolescent fantasies of greatness at the expense of the true voice of the people, especially those of women and minorities for whom justice is still out of reach, so he can relive a time in his life that had so much meaning.

May 4, 2016

Meet the Clinton Republicans - GOPs endorsing Hillary!

Thank you Hillary and thank you Donald!

Clinton Republicans? That might have been unthinkable not too long ago but now Hillary is campaigning using articles from The Weekly Standard.

“Last night, Donald Trump effectively captured the Republican nomination, successfully bullying his way through a crowded primary field,” the Clinton campaign said in a statement Wednesday entitled: “Conservatives Rebuke Trump As He Captures Republican Nomination.”

The email continues, “However, many prominent activists, journalists and elected officials in his own party have figured out what Hillary Clinton has argued all along: Donald Trump is too big a risk for America. Take a look at the large group of prominent conservatives who are already promising that they’ll never vote for Trump.”

Rep. Scott Rigell [R-VA]: “My love for our country eclipses my loyalty to our party, and to live with a clear conscience I will not support a nominee so lacking in the judgment, temperament and character needed to be our nation’s commander-in-chief. Accordingly, if left with no alternative, I will not support Trump in the general election should he become our Republican nominee.”

Former Romney staffer Garrett Jackson: “Sorry Mr. Chairman, not happening. I have to put country over party. I cannot support a dangerous phony.”

Former top Romney strategist Stuart Stevens: “I think Donald Trump has proven to be unbalanced and uniquely unqualified to be president. I won’t support him… Everyone has to make their own choice. I think Trump is despicable and will prove to be a disaster for the party. I’d urge everyone to continue to oppose him.’”

Rep. Carlos Curbelo [R-FL]: “I have already said I will not support Mr. Trump, that is not a political decision that is a moral decision.’”

Sen. Ben Sasse [R-NE]: “Mr. Trump’s relentless focus is on dividing Americans, and on tearing down rather than building back up this glorious nation. … I can’t support Donald Trump.”

Daily Caller editor Jamie Weinstein: “If it’s Trump-Hillary with no serious third party option in the fall, as hard as it is for me to believe I am actually writing these words, there is just no question: I’d take a Tums and cast my ballot for Hillary — and I suspect so would many other life-long conservatives, whether they are willing to admit it now or not.”

Weekly Standard’s Stephen Hayes: “This is what political division looks like. Trump’s claim to be a unifier is not just specious, it’s absurd. This casual dishonesty is a feature of his campaign. And it’s one of many reasons so many Republicans and conservatives oppose Trump and will never support his candidacy. I’m one of them.”

Former McCain adviser Mark Salter: “The GOP is going to nominate for President a guy who reads the National Enquirer and thinks it’s on the level. I’m with her.”

RedState editor Ben Howe: “#ImWithHer”

Billionaire Bush-backer Mike Fernandez: “If I have a choice — and you can put it in bold — if I have a choice between Trump and Hillary Clinton, I’m choosing Hillary.”

Lifelong Republican, foreign policy expert Max Boot: “[Hillary Clinton] would be vastly preferable to Trump.’”

Former NJ Gov., Christine Todd Whitman on a Clinton/Trump matchup: “I will probably vote for her.”

MA Gov. Charlie Baker: “I’m not going to vote for [Donald Trump] in November.”

Former RNC Chairman Mel Martinez: “I would not vote for Trump, clearly.”

Former VA Senate candidate, Ken Cuccinelli on Trump: “When you’ve got a guy favorably quoting Mussolini, I don’t care what party you’re in, I’m not voting for that guy.”

Former RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman: “Leaders don’t need to do research to reject Klan support. #NeverTrump”

Former Bush spokesman Tony Fratto: “For the thick-headed: #NeverTrump means never ever ever ever ever under any circumstances as long as I have breath never Trump. Get it?”

Former Eric Cantor communications director, Rory Cooper: “#NeverTrump means…never. The mission of distinguishing him from Republican positions and conservative values remains critical.”

Conservative blogger Erick Erickson: “Reporters writing about the “Stop Trump” effort get it wrong. It’s ‘Never Trump’ as in come hell or high water we will never vote for Trump”

Fox News’ Steve Deace: “Apparently @secupp has a #NeverTrump list to see who keeps their word to the end. You can sign my name in blood.”

Republican strategist Patrick Ruffini: “I will never vote for @realDonaldTrump. Join me and add your name athttp://NeverTrump.com . #NeverTrump”

America Rising co-founder and former Jeb Bush communications director Tim Miller: “Never ever ever Trump. Simple as that.”

Former Rep. J.C. Watts [R-OK] said he’d write-in someone before voting for Mr. Trump in November.

Former Director Of NV and MS GOP Cory Adair: “You’ll come around,” say supporters who just got done saying their candidate doesn’t need me. Nah. I won’t. #NeverTrump

Townhall editor Guy Benson: “Much to my deep chagrin (& astonishment ~8 months ago), for the 1st time in my life, I will not support the GOP nominee for president.”

DailyWire editor Ben Shapiro: “Really? #Nevertrump. Pretty easy.”

Wisconsin conservative radio host Charles Sykes: “I suppose I should clarify: #NeverTrump means I will nevereverunderanycircusmtances vote for @realDonaldTrump”

Editor at RedState, Dan McLaughlin: “For the first time since turning 18, I will not vote for the Republican candidate for President.”

George Mason law professor, Republican David Bernstein: “ “I’d rather Hillary Clinton win. I’d rather (and I never thought I’d say this)… If Trump wins the nomination, I will actively seek to prevent him from becoming president.”

Conservative columnist George Will: “If Trump is nominated, Republicans working to purge him and his manner from public life will reap the considerable satisfaction of preserving the identity of their 162-year-old party while working to see that they forgo only four years of the enjoyment of executive power.”

Redstate contributor Leon Wolf: “I will never vote for Donald Trump. I will not vote for him in the general election against Hillary, and I would not vote for him in a race for dogcatcher. Heck, I would not even vote for him on a reality television show.”

Former Romney adviser Kevin Madden: “I’m prepared to write somebody in so that I have a clear conscience.”

Pete Wehner, former speechwriter for George W. Bush: “I will not vote for Donald Trump if he wins the Republican nomination.”

Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard: “Donald Trump should not be president of the United States. The Wall Street Journal cannot bring itself to say that. We can say it, we do say it, and we are proud to act accordingly.”

Undersecretary of State under George W. Bush, Eliot Cohen: “I will oppose Trump as nominee. Won’t support & won’t work for him for more reasons than a Tweet can bear.”

Former Jeb Bush digital director Elliott Schwartz: “In case there is confusion about #NeverTrump.”

Doug Heye, Former RNC communications director: “I cannot support Donald Trump were he to win the Republican nomination.”

Former IL GOP Chairman Pat Brady said he’d back a third-party candidate or “just stay home” if Mr. Trump is the nominee.

Washington Examiner’s Phillip Klein: “I have officially de-registered as a Republican.”

Hypeline News’ Kyle Foley: “I’m willing, if need be, to vote Hillary. That’s how strong my disdain is for Trump #NeverTrump”

Republican pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson: “I registered Republican when I was 18 because I thought free markets and liberty were important. Not sure what “Republican” means today.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/05/04/meet-the-clinton-republicans/#ixzz47jN8yGnZ

May 4, 2016

At the Starting Gate: Clinton Leads Trump by Double-Digits!

Indianapolis (CNN)As Donald Trump captures the mantle of presumptive Republican nominee, a new poll finds he begins his general election campaign well behind Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

The new CNN/ORC Poll, completed ahead of Trump's victory last night, found Clinton leads 54% to 41%, a 13-point edge over the New York businessman, her largest lead since last July.

Clinton is also more trusted than Trump on many issues voters rank as critically important, with one big exception. By a 50% to 45% margin, voters say Trump would do a better job handling the economy than Clinton would.

Almost 9 out of 10 voters in the poll called the economy extremely or very important to their vote for president, outranking any other issue tested in the poll.

Clinton has the edge on a range of other issues. She is more trusted than Trump on terrorism (50% Clinton to 45% Trump), immigration (51% to 44%), health care (55% to 39%), the income gap (54% to 37%), foreign policy (61% to 36%), education (61% to 34%) and climate change (63% to 30%).

April 26, 2016

I Can See Clearly Now - We're Going to the White House!

It's gonna be a bright sunshiny day!

Madam President!

April 22, 2016

Dolores Huerta Foundation to file lawsuit against KC Board alleging violations of Voting Rights Act

MALDEF and the Dolores Huerta Foundation will hold a press conference to announce is the filing of a lawsuit against the Board of Supervisors of Kern County, California alleging that the board violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Kern County’s 2011 redistricting plan unlawfully dilutes the Latino vote and effectively prevents Latinos from meaningful participation in Board of Supervisor elections.

April 22, 2016

Hillary Folks: Your Compassion and Wisdom is Needed

I am making a request on behalf of all of us. On behalf of Hillary. On behalf of the 33,000 people who are killed every year by gun violence. Finally, the good people of the Democratic Party are trying to do something about it. Obama has. Hillary is doing it. It is going to be an uphill battle the same way civil rights, health rights and lgbt rights have been hard fought.

Please, if you can, support Hillary in her quest to change the gun violence landscape. She is right and leading the way.

There is a thread in GDP where unfortunately, people are so blinded by politics, they won't support this issue. If you can lend your compassion, your wisdom and voices, please visit this thread and support Hillary's cause:


Thank you so much. Hillary people are the best.

April 22, 2016

"My Mom"-Daughter Of Slain Sandy Hook Principal Stars In New Hillary Clinton Ad

Thank you, Erica. You are a hero just like your mom. You are using your heartbreak to promote gun reform that will stop the murders of our children and families in our homes, our schools and our streets. A progressive cause that is so long overdue.

“She reminds me of my mother: she isn’t scared of anything,” Erica Smegielski says.

Dawn Hochsprung, will appear in a new ad for the Hillary Clinton campaign in the upcoming primary states of Connecticut and Rhode Island.

Smegielski, to whom Clinton devoted the final portion of her victory speech Tuesday night, argues in the ad, “My Mom,” that Clinton is the presidential candidate best equipped to reform the country’s gun laws.

The 60-second version of the ad begins with Smegielski describing how painful it was to lose her mother in the December 2012 mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. Hochsprung, one of 26 victims of the massacre, was killed while trying to protect her students.

“No more families should have to go through what we have,” Smegielski says. “Hillary Clinton is the only candidate that has what it takes to take on the gun lobby.”

Clinton’s campaign website says she would strengthen gun background checks by closing loopholes and end legal immunity for gun makers and sellers whose products are used in violent acts, among other reforms.

“No one is fighting harder to reform our gun laws than Hillary,” Smegielski continues, as footage of her hugging Clinton appears on screen. “She reminds me of my mother: she isn’t scared of anything. And that’s how I know she is the person who can actually make a difference.”

April 22, 2016

"My Mom"- Daughter Of Slain Sandy Hook Principal Stars In New Hillary Clinton Ad

Thank you, Erica. You are a hero just like your mom. You are using your heartbreak to promote gun reform that will stop the murders of our children and families in our homes, our schools and our streets. A progressive cause that is so long overdue.

“She reminds me of my mother: she isn’t scared of anything,” Erica Smegielski says.

Dawn Hochsprung, will appear in a new ad for the Hillary Clinton campaign in the upcoming primary states of Connecticut and Rhode Island.

Smegielski, to whom Clinton devoted the final portion of her victory speech Tuesday night, argues in the ad, “My Mom,” that Clinton is the presidential candidate best equipped to reform the country’s gun laws.

The 60-second version of the ad begins with Smegielski describing how painful it was to lose her mother in the December 2012 mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. Hochsprung, one of 26 victims of the massacre, was killed while trying to protect her students.

“No more families should have to go through what we have,” Smegielski says. “Hillary Clinton is the only candidate that has what it takes to take on the gun lobby.”

Clinton’s campaign website says she would strengthen gun background checks by closing loopholes and end legal immunity for gun makers and sellers whose products are used in violent acts, among other reforms.

“No one is fighting harder to reform our gun laws than Hillary,” Smegielski continues, as footage of her hugging Clinton appears on screen. “She reminds me of my mother: she isn’t scared of anything. And that’s how I know she is the person who can actually make a difference.”

April 22, 2016

Hillary Supporters Task Force to Push Back Against Online Harassment & Thank SuperDelegates!

Hillary supporters, you can help!


To find out more about the task force and how you can help go here:




Anonymous online attacks, from both sides of the political spectrum, have sought to spread lies and misleading narratives about Secretary Hillary Clinton.
Hillary’s supporters are more enthusiastic than Sen. Bernie Sanders’ supporters, yet oftentimes are discouraged from engaging online and are “often afraid to voice their thoughts” because of the fear of online harassment. Many of Hillary Clinton’s female supporters in particular have been subject to intense cyber-bullying and sexist attacks from swarms of anonymous attackers.

Among the many Hillary Clinton supporters attacked online, superdelegates have been subject to vicious attacks for supporting her. Even the director of MoveOn, which has endorsed Sen. Sanders, denounced this harassment.

In response to these attacks on supporters and superdelegates, Correct The Record is launching the Barrier Breakers 2016 digital task force. While Hillary Clinton fights to break down barriers and bring America together, the Barrier Breakers 2016 digital task force will serve as a resource for supporters looking for positive content and push-back to share with their online progressive communities, as well as thanking prominent supporters and committed superdelegates on social media.

Correct The Record will invest more than $1 million into Barrier Breakers 2016 activities, including the more than tripling of its digital operation to engage in online messaging both for Secretary Clinton and to push back against attackers on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Instagram. Barrier Breakers 2016 is a project of Correct The Record and the brainchild of David Brock, and the task force will be overseen by President of Correct The Record Brad Woodhouse and Digital Director Benjamin Fischbein. The task force staff’s backgrounds are as diverse as the community they will be engaging with and include former reporters, bloggers, public affairs specialists, designers, Ready for Hillary alumni, and Hillary super fans who have led groups similar to those with which the task force will organize.

Lessons learned from online engagement with “Bernie Bros” during the Democratic Primary will be applied to the rest of the primary season and general election–responding quickly and forcefully to negative attacks and false narratives. Additionally, as the general election approaches, the task force will begin to push out information to Sanders supporters online, encouraging them to support Hillary Clinton.

The task force currently combats online political harassment, having already addressed more than 5,000 individuals who have personally attacked Secretary Clinton on Twitter. The task force will provide a presence and space online where Clinton supporters can organize and engage with one another and are able to obtain graphics, videos, gifs, and messaging to use in their own social spaces. Additionally, the Barrier Breakers 2016 task force hopes to embrace the creativity of Hillary Clinton’s supporters by sharing their efforts and content with other groups.



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Member since: Sat Feb 27, 2016, 08:41 PM
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