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reggieandlee's Journal
reggieandlee's Journal
December 30, 2018

BTRTN: The Turning of the Screwed

Born To Run The Numbers: The only people who ever believed Trump's lies were Republicans. Now, the mounting evidence that they are pissed.


Excerpts: "It was all so much fun for the right wingers when the only consequence of Donald Trump’s lies was the sight of the liberal media going into pulmonary shock on a daily basis, agog with outrage at Trump’s projectile bullshitting. Slowly, however – but surely -- things are changing. It is now becoming more apparent that Trump’s deceits have all been improvised explosive devices set on timers designed to detonate in the hands of Republicans. It is the Trump worshipers, lackeys, apologizers, enablers, and suck-ups -- from Ann Coulter to Rush Limbaugh to Mitch McConnell -- who are getting toasted by the time-bombs they were eagerly carrying for the President.

Democrats may be angry, but they do not feel victimized by Trump’s deceit, because they were not naive, ignorant, cavalier, or willfully gullible enough to buy into any of it in the first place. But the people who believed it? They are starting to get pissed. They are beginning to feel victimized, let down, and manipulated. They are starting to voice their anger, disappointment, and sense of betrayal. Call it the turning of the screwed."

December 30, 2018

BTRTN: The Turning of the Screwed

Born To Run The Numbers: The only people who ever believed Trump's lies were Republicans. Now, the mounting evidence that they are pissed.


Excerpts: "It was all so much fun for the right wingers when the only consequence of Donald Trump’s lies was the sight of the liberal media going into pulmonary shock on a daily basis, agog with outrage at Trump’s projectile bullshitting. Slowly, however – but surely -- things are changing. It is now becoming more apparent that Trump’s deceits have all been improvised explosive devices set on timers designed to detonate in the hands of Republicans. It is the Trump worshipers, lackeys, apologizers, enablers, and suck-ups -- from Ann Coulter to Rush Limbaugh to Mitch McConnell -- who are getting toasted by the time-bombs they were eagerly carrying for the President.

Democrats may be angry, but they do not feel victimized by Trump’s deceit, because they were not naive, ignorant, cavalier, or willfully gullible enough to buy into any of it in the first place. But the people who believed it? They are starting to get pissed. They are beginning to feel victimized, let down, and manipulated. They are starting to voice their anger, disappointment, and sense of betrayal. Call it the turning of the screwed."

December 10, 2018

BTRTN: I'm Dreaming of Indict Christmas

Born To Run The Numbers' sends Santa a Christmas list designed to end our long national nightmare that is not contingent on 20 Republican Senators suddenly sprouting integrity and growing spines:



"Because the father is President of the United States, he cannot be indicted for the crimes he committed in concert with his children. But his children can... (we can) trigger an epic crisis of conflicting interests between Donald Trump and his own children, in which the President must choose between their future and his own. No matter how he chooses, he loses."

December 10, 2018

BTRTN: I'm Dreaming of Indict Christmas

Born To Run The Numbers' sends Santa a Christmas list designed to end our long national nightmare that is not contingent on 20 Republican Senators suddenly sprouting integrity and growing spines:



"Because the father is President of the United States, he cannot be indicted for the crimes he committed in concert with his children. But his children can... (we can) trigger an epic crisis of conflicting interests between Donald Trump and his own children, in which the President must choose between their future and his own. No matter how he chooses, he loses."

November 26, 2018

BTRTN: Welcome to Syco-Fantasy Island

Born to Run the Numbers on the fact that Trump is hell-bent on replacing all those experienced "human guardrails' with toadies, yes-men, and sycophants:


Excerpts:"Some men are born sycophants, some men become sycophants, and some men have the mantle of sycophant thrust upon them.What they all seem to have in common, however, is that they all are Republicans, and they all work for Donald Trump...
"Finally, there is group of individuals in the White House who we hesitate to slap such a pejorative upon: the alleged 'adults in the room' who have the experience in government, intelligence, and the military to act as “guardrails” to contain this President and serve as a check on his wildest impulses...
"It is this group of people who represent one of the more fascinating ethical dramas to emerge from this White House. We sleep better knowing that the White House still has a few competent, experienced individuals who understand our government, the separation of powers, the vital importance of vigorously exerting moral leadership on the world stage, and the limitations and dangers of military intervention. But at what point, exactly, does their involvement in the Trump White House and their apparent public endorsement of many of his positions render them complicit?
"How perfect it is that a cheesy tv series from the 1970s seemed to grasp lessons in morality more firmly than the losers in Trump's toady farm. At least Ricardo Montalbán knew that when your fantasies become real, the outcome is rarely what you hoped it would be.As for the rest of us? Once that last guardrail is gone, we will all be living on Donald Trump's Sycophantasy Island, where the fantasies of sycophants all come true."

November 26, 2018

BTRTN: Welcome to Syco-Fantasy Island

Born to Run the Numbers on the fact that Trump is hell-bent on replacing all those experienced "human guardrails' with toadies, yes-men, and sycophants:


Excerpts:"Some men are born sycophants, some men become sycophants, and some men have the mantle of sycophant thrust upon them.What they all seem to have in common, however, is that they all are Republicans, and they all work for Donald Trump...
"Finally, there is group of individuals in the White House who we hesitate to slap such a pejorative upon: the alleged 'adults in the room' who have the experience in government, intelligence, and the military to act as “guardrails” to contain this President and serve as a check on his wildest impulses...
"It is this group of people who represent one of the more fascinating ethical dramas to emerge from this White House. We sleep better knowing that the White House still has a few competent, experienced individuals who understand our government, the separation of powers, the vital importance of vigorously exerting moral leadership on the world stage, and the limitations and dangers of military intervention. But at what point, exactly, does their involvement in the Trump White House and their apparent public endorsement of many of his positions render them complicit?
"How perfect it is that a cheesy tv series from the 1970s seemed to grasp lessons in morality more firmly than the losers in Trump's toady farm. At least Ricardo Montalbán knew that when your fantasies become real, the outcome is rarely what you hoped it would be.As for the rest of us? Once that last guardrail is gone, we will all be living on Donald Trump's Sycophantasy Island, where the fantasies of sycophants all come true."

November 13, 2018

BTRTN: It's the "Get Out the Vote, Stupid!"

Born To Run the Numbers takes an historical view to note that Trump may be far stronger going into 2020 than one would think based on the mid-terms. But the mid-terms also show the Democrats the mantra for success...


Excerpts: "First, the bad news: progressives need to know that the Americans tend to re-elect their incumbent President by an overwhelming degree. There are significant reasons why… which all seemed aligned to benefit Trump as we head toward 2020. Moreover, we cannot and should not assume that this blue wave generated momentum that will in any way carry into 2020. In sum, Donald Trump may be in a far stronger position going into 2020 than we realize. Let’s examine this through the lens of history...
"Aside from two exceptions, the party in power has held fast for their eight year turn at the wheel. In a 72 year period that contained a maximum of nine possible eight-year single-party terms, it happened seven times...
"If anyone is taking comfort that Donald Trump is wounded and therefore badly damaged going into the 2020 Presidential campaign season, think again. For starters, he has enormous wind at his back from two simple facts: the economy is roaring, and the country is not neck-deep in a wildly unpopular war. Those two facts alone are huge...
"We’ve been talking for a long time now about the fact that the United States of America is radically polarized. About the fact that it seems everyone has already made up their mind...The game has changed. Now, it is simply counting how many minds have been made up on the Red team vs. the Blue team. It is no longer a question of who can persuade the most people of their message. It is who can get the most people who already agree with them to actually vote. That is the logical conclusion of radical polarization."

November 13, 2018

BTRTN: It's the "Get Out the Vote, Stupid!"

Born To Run the Numbers takes an historical view to note that Trump may be far stronger going into 2020 than one would think based on the mid-terms. But the mid-terms also show the Democrats the mantra for success...


Excerpts: "First, the bad news: progressives need to know that the Americans tend to re-elect their incumbent President by an overwhelming degree. There are significant reasons why… which all seemed aligned to benefit Trump as we head toward 2020. Moreover, we cannot and should not assume that this blue wave generated momentum that will in any way carry into 2020. In sum, Donald Trump may be in a far stronger position going into 2020 than we realize. Let’s examine this through the lens of history...
"Aside from two exceptions, the party in power has held fast for their eight year turn at the wheel. In a 72 year period that contained a maximum of nine possible eight-year single-party terms, it happened seven times...
"If anyone is taking comfort that Donald Trump is wounded and therefore badly damaged going into the 2020 Presidential campaign season, think again. For starters, he has enormous wind at his back from two simple facts: the economy is roaring, and the country is not neck-deep in a wildly unpopular war. Those two facts alone are huge...
"We’ve been talking for a long time now about the fact that the United States of America is radically polarized. About the fact that it seems everyone has already made up their mind...The game has changed. Now, it is simply counting how many minds have been made up on the Red team vs. the Blue team. It is no longer a question of who can persuade the most people of their message. It is who can get the most people who already agree with them to actually vote. That is the logical conclusion of radical polarization."

October 29, 2018

BTRTN: Cesar Sayoc... "I am Donald Trump, and I Approve this Message"

Born to Run the Numbers on the question of whether Trump's violent rhetoric is responsible for Sayoc's pipe bombs:



"No, it was not a massive hoax perpetrated by the left wing. It was exactly what we would have guessed: an angry, underachieving, over-testosteroned fifty-ish white-man-as-victim in a conversion van plastered with worship for the Maga-nificent Donald. The collage of hate include superimposed gun targets over the images of Hillary Clinton, African-American CNN commentator Van Jones, and filmmaker Michael Moore. There was a sticker that said 'Dishonest Media CNN sucks.' But of all the images, slogans, and angry rhetoric visible on that truck, the most revealing is a simple line of type at the bottom of the middle window. There, you see a sticker that reads 'I am Donald Trump and I approve this message...'

"Please push all your pathetic prevarications to the side, Republicans, and have the guts to focus on my one very narrow and very specific question: Is the President of the United States inciting violence against his political opponents, and is he therefore responsible for those pipe bombs? The answer is right there in plain view on the collage of hate that adorns Sayoc’s van. There, you will find the images of prominent Democrats framed in the bullseye of a rifle target. That was the message that Sayoc was taking from Donald Trump. Literally. 'I am Donald Trump and I approve this message...'

October 29, 2018

BTRTN: Cesar Sayoc... "I am Donald Trump, and I Approve this Message"

Born to Run the Numbers on the question of whether Trump's violent rhetoric is responsible for Sayoc's pipe bombs:



"No, it was not a massive hoax perpetrated by the left wing. It was exactly what we would have guessed: an angry, underachieving, over-testosteroned fifty-ish white-man-as-victim in a conversion van plastered with worship for the Maga-nificent Donald. The collage of hate include superimposed gun targets over the images of Hillary Clinton, African-American CNN commentator Van Jones, and filmmaker Michael Moore. There was a sticker that said 'Dishonest Media CNN sucks.' But of all the images, slogans, and angry rhetoric visible on that truck, the most revealing is a simple line of type at the bottom of the middle window. There, you see a sticker that reads 'I am Donald Trump and I approve this message...'

"Please push all your pathetic prevarications to the side, Republicans, and have the guts to focus on my one very narrow and very specific question: Is the President of the United States inciting violence against his political opponents, and is he therefore responsible for those pipe bombs? The answer is right there in plain view on the collage of hate that adorns Sayoc’s van. There, you will find the images of prominent Democrats framed in the bullseye of a rifle target. That was the message that Sayoc was taking from Donald Trump. Literally. 'I am Donald Trump and I approve this message...'

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Member since: Wed Jul 20, 2016, 06:44 PM
Number of posts: 790
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