Watchfoxheadexplodes's JournalRand Paul last night says he will again try
To out the whistle blower wtf he is either stupid, doesn't care or wants praise from trump?
Only chance we may have is Bolton coming out today
If he doesn't the republicans and trump will Crow vindication.
Will Bolton going public get trump removed? Most likely not but by God it will piss off trump and his minions to no end. Possibly extend the impeachment trial past the SOTU?
Media panels this morning
All look like someone stuck a ice pick in their tires and they are trying to keep the air from escaping.
Michael Steele laid it out well on MSNBC "Mitch knows how this is going to end"
But we do have couple days for dropping shoes.
Your honor my client was only there to rob the bank
The three dead tellers should have nothing to do with this case.
I swear that's what I hear from Trump's defense team.
I guess I should get used to Mr Schumer being cut off
Just so they could complain he mentioned Trump's kiddos may be profiting off Trump's bullshit.
To call Hunter Biden as a witness question
Wouldn't the republicans have to PROVE he was relevant in the impeachment?
A house manager needs a quick dinner and get on CNN
I know we were warned by Mr. Schiff but I think they need to knock this back a little?
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Name: Perry RicheyGender: Male
Hometown: Anderson South Carolina US
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Member since: Mon Nov 7, 2016, 01:24 PM
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