MichMary's JournalAbout Northam . . .
This a.m. I was reading the comments after a WaPo article, and there was a link to a Gateway Pundit article that could possibly show that it was another person in the yearbook picture. It shows a picture of Northam standing in a group of people which included a man wearing plaid pants that could possibly be the same pants in the yearbook picture.
I had my husband look at the picture and he says they aren't the same pants, but I think the difference could be due to the quality of the pics, the lighting, etc.
Since the KKK person was significantly shorter than the blackface guy, and IF the blackface guy wasn't Northam, then he wasn't in the pic at all.
Regardless, Northam needs to go for other examples of racism, but it is interesting that he may have been telling the truth when he said it wasn't him in the pic.
Has anyone else seen this yet--or any other article that shows the group shot? (I won't post a link to the Gateway Pundit because it is a rightwing source.)
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