Thomas Hurt
Thomas Hurt's JournalA list of conservative terrorist acts....
Feel free to add more, I am certain I do not have them all.
Griffin 1993
Hill - 1994
Salvi - 1994
McVeigh 1995
Nichols - 1995
Rudolph - 1998
Adkisson - 2008
Roeder 2009
Von Brunn 2009
Page 2012
Cross -2014
Amanda and Jerad Miller 2014
Roof - 2015
Dear 2015
Christian 2017
Fields 2017
"Rough stuff"
Just saw Donnie's comments on the Manafort raid. Funny isn't how Donnie comes across like a liberal when he is talking about rich white guys and not poor brown folks...
Anti-Trump rhetoric as the cause of today's shooting?
Can we blame anti-Clinton and anti-Obama rhetoric for these?
Griffin 1993
Hill - 1994
Salvi - 1994
McVeigh 1995
Nichols - 1995
Rudolph - 1998
Adkisson - 2008
Roeder 2009
Von Brunn 2009
Page 2012
Cross -2014
Amanda and Jerad Miller 2014
Roof - 2015
Dear 2015
So, if Comey lays out a nice set of facts that show Donnie obstructed...
What's to stop the Congressional GOP from giving the Dems the finger and just holding the threat of Articles of Impeachment over Donnie's to doing anything they want as long the GOP's holds the majority?
Serious Question...
Can we now dispense with such words as "populist" and "nationalist" when describing contemporary American conservatism and just firmly and confidently settle on describing it as Fascism?
Now, by that I do not mean to try to directly compare Trump to Hitler or Mussolini or that the US will be dominated by Nazis.
I mean has conservatism transitioned to an American version of fascism or a neo-fascist ideology.
I have this covfefe thing, Trump's late hours and the red lights figured out in one theory.
"Despite the negative press covfefe" was not about the media at all.
The real story here is that styling Donnie's hair is a laborious and harrowing experience and it takes hours. So Donnie is forced to set up into the wee hours of the morning to get it done. He watches Fox, stuffs his face and screams at the tv in between styling procedures.
The red lights seen at the WH are heat lamps of some kind to cure the hair spray.
The tweet was mistake it was supposed to be a text to his stylist.
covfefe really means "coiffure". He fat fingered the word because of the fired chicken grease.
I suspect that "negative press coiffure" is one of the hair processing stages or such.
So, I wonder what the Israelis think about FF45 doing a defense deal
with Saudi Arabia for around three times what Obama did for Israel?
If the Russia thing is a hoax....
and FF45 has no ties to Russia, and Sessions, Manafort, Flynn, Kushner, Stone, Carter etc. did nothing illegal and Trump never said anything untoward to anyone ever....
why do the leakers need to be caught? Is it a crime to lie to the press?
Aren't the leakers and the press entitled to their alternative facts, truthful hyperbole and such?
Sooo, show of hands, how many think Rosenstein has already sold out his ethics...
integrity and soul to FF45 by signing off on the excuses to fire Comey.
Whether his firing was justified, is beside the point, he was, but did this guy sell out by backing the timing and manner?
North Korea does not test nuclear weapon to mark founders birthday has once again saved us from NK!
Watch this will be the scam they will try to run on us all. Spicer will tell us all about it on Monday.
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Member since: Wed Mar 8, 2017, 12:59 PMNumber of posts: 13,931