flibbitygiblets's JournalDebate thread #1
Pence looks like a smug asshole
Harris looks beautiful and serene
*******new thread started ******
Who's seen the movie "Dave" with Kevin Kline as the POTUS who faked his own death?
I feel like we're about to see a variation of that. * knows he's going to lose the election. If he does, he'll go to prison (and possibly get a polonium cocktail). Faking his own death might be his only chance to get while the gettin's good.
OK, yes I'm being a bit hyperbolic. But I wouldn't put anything past this guy.
Rachel reporting now that Trump was behind plans to kill "Stars and Stripes"
"President Trump, for whatever reason, has been hell bent on killing it off, has been working on it all year. But today, he finally relented and said 'I'm going to make sure Stars and Stripes stays in existence'."
Also she broke custom and showed footage of Fox's coverage of Trump's "military are suckers and losers" scandal (with Fox essentially and totally confirming the validity of the entire story).
Khizr Khan on with Joy
I freaking love this guy. He's passionate and yet reserved at the same time somehow. And also adorable.
WaPo and AP have already matched "huge chunks" of Atlantic story
Breaking on Nicolle's show.
Remember that story of the old man who choked and almost died at Mar a fuego, and Trump talking about how "disgusting" it was? That's why even his supporters KNOW that military hate-gate is 100% true.
Fraternal Order of Police Endorses Trump
Source: Newsweek
In a tweet, the National Fraternal Order of Police, which represents over 350,000 members, made the announcement Friday.
The endorsement is the latest that the president, a staunch advocate for law enforcement, has received recently from police-related organizations as he looks to defeat Democratic rival Joe Biden in the upcoming November election. The support came amid nationwide protests in the last few months about systemic racism and police brutality following the death of George Floyd, a Black man, in Minneapolis while in police custody.
In July, the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) gave its stamp of approval for the president. In a statement, NAPO President Michael McHale wrote: "Our endorsement recognizes your steadfast and very public support for our men and women on the front lines, especially during this time of unfair and inaccurate opprobrium being directed at our members by so many."
The following month, the Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York, also backed Trump. "Many times, people say that a union like ours, law enforcement groups, give endorsements," NYC PBA President Patrick Lynch told Trump during an appearance at the president's golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. "Not in the New York City PBA, sir. In the New York City PBA, sir, you earn the endorsement and you've earned this endorsement. I'm proud to give it."
Another law enforcement union in New York, the New York State Troopers Police Benevolent Association, gave Trump an endorsement.
Read more: https://www.newsweek.com/fraternal-order-police-endorses-trump-president-positions-himself-law-order-candidate-1529785
I guess this is what we're down to. Do we want a police state or not?
Schumer announces investigation into Postal Service policy changes
Source: CNN
Speaking Sunday to reporters in New York City, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced a three-member subcommittee of the US Postal Service's Board of Governors tasked with investigating the USPS' policy changes ahead of the November election.
The subcommittee, which consists of two Democrat appointees to the board and one Republican, is expected to issue a public report within two weeks outlining how the USPS will ensure the timeliness of election mail and other critical services, Schumer said.
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy affirmed to lawmakers last week that he would suspend policy changes at the USPS until after the November election.
"Frankly, no one really believes him," Schumer said Sunday.
Read more: https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/23/politics/schumer-postal-service-investigation/index.html
the two-week window for the report was to "give us enough time to put the correct actions in place so that the elections will be held fairly."
Now is the time to switch to online bill pay (if you haven't already done so)
Calling on everyone I know to switch to paperless (online) systems. Save trees, reduce strain on the USPS!
-Checking and savings account statements
-Insurance (auto, home, renters, health etc.)
-Bill pay (utilities, credit cards, auto payments, insurance etc.)
-ID cards (memberships, insurance)
-Email your state, local and federal reps and ask them to stop sending you junk mail and send email or texts instead
-If you get paychecks, SSI, food and other government assistance in the mail, see if you can switch to auto deposits
Other ideas?
She threw "it is what it is" back in Rump's fugly face!!
describing his total inability to feel empathy and be what this country needs, no matter how hard he tries. "it is what it is".
I'm really glad she mentioned Joe's stutter too. He's got an actual disability, unlike agent orange, who's just an idiot.
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