SWBTATTReg's JournalInfrastructure is a big issue in Missouri too, with all of our bridges, let alone roads, etc.
that need to be reworked, etc. In Missouri for example, we have 6,000 bridges alone, that some of them could use some major restoration or work done. A big job.
An article by son of Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, stated that Infrastructure wasn't needed, etc., and basically states that Infrastructure isn't even needed. Talk about a crock of crap and BS. I've posted a portion of his 'no facts provided' montage as to why Infrastructure isn't needed and he goes tiresomely into 'Socialism' etc. Obviously he feels okay that billionaires and millionaires need their tax cuts while nothing else is needed.
--snip--try not to throw up-----and by the way, they didn't say a word about his 'boyfriend'---
Evangelical Christian leader Franklin Graham strongly criticized President Joe Biden, saying that the commander in chief and Democrats are bringing the "onset of socialism" and that America does not need rebuilding.
Biden delivered an address to a joint-session of Congress on Wednesday to overview the accomplishment of his administration during his first 100 days in office. The president emphasized his goal of passing his multitrillion-dollar American Jobs Plan to fix the nation's crumbling infrastructure, while also unveiling an American Family Plan to provide money and support to people across the country. Republicans largely criticized Biden's proposals and his remarks, as did Graham in a Thursday Twitter thread.
Article is at https://www.newsweek.com/franklin-graham-says-biden-bringing-onset-socialism-says-america-doesnt-need-rebuilding-1587899
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