SWBTATTReg's Journaldesantis is a joke ... he's actually proud of his accomplishments in killing his fellow citizens ...
in FL. Disgusting and pathetic. Perhaps one day someone will have the courage to charge these people w/ reckless and careless indifference to life. Against all medical advice too. Funny, I never saw the MD tag after desantis' name. Murderer is a far better moniker and is far more apt. I'm speaking too for those friends of mine who unfortunately live in FL and some of them are terrified in going out...no wonder the death toll is rising in FL.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis highlighted his state as an "escape hatch" for those seeking to escape "authoritarian" mandates during his State of the State address on Tuesday, even as coronavirus continue to rise in the Sunshine State.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, DeSantis rose to national prominence over his handling of the virus. He received high accolades from many Republicans while drawing ire from some health experts over his staunch opposition of mandates and shutdowns.
He boasted about these policies during his address, pointing to Florida as standing "strong as the rock of freedom.
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