Collimator's JournalLook into The Last Man on Earth, with Will Forte
Again, I am amazed that no one is talking about this show during this point in history.
One of the episodes was filmed (or more likely in post production) after the 2016 election. In it, we see a survivor in a luxury bunker (played by Kristin Wiig) watching the news of a species-ending virus unfolding in the world.
A super-cut of news announcers talk about the funeral of President Trump, President Pence and eventually, President Betsy De Voss.
It was certainly an interesting show, and uncanny in its prescience.
Finally, Something Scarier Than Melanin
Will the Coronavirus be the thing to dim the shine in those Trump-Worshippers' eyes?
Trump taps into the fear responses in the amygdala, now there is something looming that competes for his amygdalaite army's attention besides the threat of black and brown people getting health care, having decent schools, working at more prestigious jobs than they have or possibly marrying their daughters.
When you see Trump's followers wearing hoods now, it will be to keep them from breathing air-borne viruses. He's already pretty much given them permission to bring the white robes out of the back of the closet and wear them in the light of day.
When the robes don't keep them healthy any more than they can manage to keep the world lily-white, maybe they will re-think Trump. Of course, what they need to do is to start burning white robes and hoods instead of burning crosses.
At this point, I would settle for them abandoning Trump. Teaching them to accept their brown-skinned fellow human beings may take a few more generations.
We need Trump and his Climate-Change denier pals out of power so that we can have those generations to lift more people out of fear and into the light of what should be true democratic values.
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Bawlmer, Murlind
Home country: United States
Current location: Trump Household
Member since: Wed Dec 6, 2017, 10:45 PM
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