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Celerity's Journal
Celerity's Journal
August 31, 2019

AOC's GND Posters Inspired by the Original New Deal Era


No, AOC's Posters Aren't Based on Soviet Art (of course the RW/Fux News/White Power Fascist Crowd is rolling with this )

a rebuttal to that tosh

AOC’s Green New Deal Posters Have a Very Old New Deal Look


On Friday, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gave Twitter users a look at two new posters her office is issuing to promote the Green New Deal, apparently the beginning of a series of GND-themed posters for the Bronx and Queens. According to a spokesperson for Ocasio-Cortez, the posters were designed by the New York firm Tandem, the firm behind the congresswoman’s election campaign.

If the posters seem at first glance to have a retro vibe, you’re not wrong, as the congresswoman confirmed in a follow-up tweet. The chunky all-caps type, the emphasis on places of natural beauty, and even the color palettes are intended to evoke posters produced nearly a century ago by a singular federal program in American history: the Federal Art Project, an office of the New Deal-era Works Progress Administration. (The program survived the termination of the WPA for a few years within a new agency, the Federal Works Administration.)

The Federal Art Project was one of five cultural initiatives, known collectively as Federal One, that employed out-of-work writers, musicians, artists, and actors. Over the eight years of its existence, the project’s thousands of artists produced a staggering amount of public art, including 108,000 paintings, 17,000 sculptures, and 2,500 murals. Some 35,000 poster designs were part of that output.

The posters served manifold purposes, from advertising dramatic productions, agricultural fairs, and community art classes, to issuing public-health warnings about tuberculosis testing and workplace hazards. In the program’s final years, after the United States had entered World War II, artists designed posters with messages urging citizens to be on the alert and to support the war effort.

August 31, 2019

Glasgow riots: Huge fights break out at protest as hundreds clash in bitter unity feuds

Riot police out in Glasgow as Irish unity march sparks disorder
Council calls for fewer marches amid reports of smoke bombs and closure of Govan Road


Riot police, mounted officers, a force helicopter and dog units are being used in Glasgow after protesters against an Irish unity march sparked “significant disorder”. Police said the planned march through the city’s Govan area, organised by the James Connolly Republican Flute Band, was met by hundreds of “disruptive” counter-demonstrators at about 7pm.

Witnesses reported smoke bombs being used. The force said this had led to “significant disorder” around Govan Road, which was blocked by officers. Chief Superintendent Mark Hargreaves said: “Police Scotland has a duty to facilitate processions and any peaceful protest, but this kind of behaviour by persons demonstrating against the parade is utterly unacceptable.

“It is extremely disappointing to see people acting in this fashion, causing fear and alarm to members of the public as well as putting many people at risk.

“A range of policing resources are in place as part of a multi-agency response. Specialist public order officers in full protective equipment, the mounted section, air support and dog units have been deployed, and we are using proportionate tactics to de-escalate the situation as quickly and safely as possible. “Police Scotland will undertake a thorough and robust enquiry, and take any necessary action against those found to have been causing disruption.”


August 30, 2019

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Has No Plans to Retire. But Washington Is Preparing for the Battle Over Her Seat



But both Republicans and Democrats are keenly aware that a Ginsburg vacancy under the Trump Administration would represent an opportunity to tilt the rightward shift of the court to a 6-3 conservative majority — something Democrats would be all but powerless to stop given the Republican-controlled Senate and the White House selection processes already in place. “It’s a nightmare scenario,” says a Senate Democratic aide.

Under Trump, the Supreme Court confirmation process has been honed through two prior vacancies. His team, with the cooperation of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, has filled two seats on the nation’s highest court with Justice Neil Gorsuch and Justice Brett Kavanaugh along nearly party line votes, cementing a 5-4 conservative majority on the court.


Trump has publicly released a list of judges he would consider nominating to the Supreme Court, and “there hasn’t been any indication that the list is going to be supplemented or expanded,” says Leonard Leo, an informal advisor to the President on judicial nominations. There’s a “decent chance” Trump would replace Ginsburg with another woman, says Leo. But, “I don’t think at the end of the day if he’s really impressed with some other candidate and really wants to pick him, he’ll be constrained by that,” Leo says.

A source with knowledge of the process says key judges to watch in case of a Ginsburg vacancy would be Amy Coney Barrett of the Seventh Circuit, Joan Larsen of the Sixth Circuit, Allison Eid of the Tenth Circuit, Britt Grant of the Eleventh Circuit, and Amul Thapar of the Sixth Circuit.



Who Is Amy Coney Barrett and What Does She Have to Do With Ruth Bader Ginsburg?


Trump Judges Affirm Misguided Visa-Denial Decision by Amy Coney Barrett


Joan Larsen's Stance On Abortion Is Murky, But Pro-Life Groups Don't Mind


Oppose the Confirmation of Joan Larsen to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit


Oppose the Confirmation of Allison Eid to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit


Trump Judge Allison Eid Omits Key Facts to Rule for Corporation in Mine Safety Case: Confirmed Judges, Confirmed Fears


Britt Grant Judicial Nomination Raises Deep Concerns Prior to Hearing


Oppose the Confirmation of Britt Grant to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit


Amul Thapar: Liberal group goes on offensive against Kentucky judge Trump likes for Supreme Court


Oppose Amul Thapar for the Sixth Circuit


August 30, 2019

Andrew Romanoff Accuses Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Of Trying To Push Him Out


(Video at the link)

DENVER (CBS4)– Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff says party bosses in D.C. have blacklisted him. He accuses the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee of trying to push him out of the race.

The DSCC is a powerful political machine that spends hundreds of millions of dollars each election and Romanoff says it is threatening polling, media and other political consultants that if they work with him, it will cut them off. The DSCC has endorsed John Hickenlooper. Romanoff says helping Hickenlooper is one thing, sabotaging his campaign is another.


CBS4 asked the other two leading candidates if they’d had a similar experience. Mike Johnston’s campaign wouldn’t comment. Dan Baer’s campaign said he had no trouble hiring.

A veteran political operative with a national firm backed-up Romanoff’s claim. He asked to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation but said he sent Romanoff a contract and the DSCC intervened and made him pull it, threatening to blackball the firm if he didn’t.


Hickenlooper endorsement dividing Colorado Democratic Party, internal emails show Party officials hotly debate how to respond to a national Democratic announcement

August 30, 2019

Background on one of the most virulent South Bend Buttigieg critics, Henry Davis, Jr.

This bloke has been all over the press for months slagging off Buttigieg, just saw him bashing Pete again on telly yesterday, which piqued my interest, as I knew I had seen his name before.



“We’ve been talking with Pete for years about the problems within the police department,” said Henry Davis Jr., a former city councilman and a Democrat. “We’ve argued with him. We’ve pleaded with him to take care of these issues and he’s done nothing but close his eyes and turn his head and say all is well. This is the fruit of his labor.”


it goes a bit deeper than that

Davis is a raging homophobe and a failed mayoral candidate against Pete in 2015


OCTOBER 13, 2015

Henry Davis, Jr.

The South Bend, Indiana Councilman got himself into trouble for posting an “explicit picture” of a man having sex with a dog…while discussing his opposition to LGBT people serving openly in the military. Yes, that actually happened.

In the aftermath of this fail, Davis ran for Mayor – unsuccessfully. He was also arrested for operating a vehicle while under the influence. Davis remains a member of South Bend Common Council.


I also wanted to give all a heads up on a breaking story that might go national

Local Black Lives Matter chapter calls for Mayor Buttigieg's resignation


SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- The South Bend chapter of Black Lives Matter is asking for Mayor Pete Buttigieg's resignation.

The local group has organized protests and marches in the city to push for the resignation of South Bend Police Chief Scott Ruszkowski , but this is the first time they have called on the mayor to resign.

It comes in the wake of the deadly police shooting of car break in suspect Eric Logan back in June.

The activist group claims Mayor Buttigieg is "complicit in the violence perpetrated against black persons by not holding yourself, the chief of police, or the board of public safety accountable."

"We are asking for his resignation at this time due to the fact that he's undermining the situation. He's covering up and he's just making check marks off his list instead of really hearing out situation and taking it seriously," said Katheryn Redding of Black Lives Matter South Bend.

A spokesman for the mayor has not responded to multiple requests for a comment. (video at the link)

August 29, 2019

Who you gonna call?

How Parliament can stop Boris Johnson’s no-deal Brexit

The prime minister has sidelined Parliament and set a course for no-deal. MPs must act now to stop him


One by one, the principles on which the Brexit campaign was fought have been exposed as hollow. Before the referendum, Leavers argued that victory would enable them to negotiate a brilliant deal with the European Union. Now they advocate leaving with no deal at all. Before the vote they said that Brexit would allow Britain to strike more free-trade agreements. Now they say that trading on the bare-bones terms of the World Trade Organisation would be fine. Loudest of all they talked of taking back control and restoring sovereignty to Parliament. Yet on August 28th Boris Johnson, a leading Leaver who is now prime minister, announced that in the run-up to Brexit Parliament would be suspended altogether.

His utterly cynical ploy is designed to stop mps steering the country off the reckless course he has set to leave the eu with or without a deal on October 31st (see article). His actions are technically legal, but they stretch the conventions of the constitution to their limits. Because he is too weak to carry Parliament in a vote, he means to silence it. In Britain’s representative democracy, that sets a dangerous precedent (see article).

But it is still not too late for mps to thwart his plans—if they get organised. The sense of inevitability about no-deal, cultivated by the hardliners advising Mr Johnson, is bogus. The eu is against such an outcome; most Britons oppose it; Parliament has already voted against the idea. Those mps determined to stop no-deal have been divided and unfocused. When they return to work next week after their uneasy summer recess, they will have a fleeting chance to avert this unwanted national calamity. Mr Johnson’s actions this week have made clear why they must seize it.

Of all her mistakes as prime minister, perhaps Theresa May’s gravest was to plant the idea that Britain might do well to leave the eu without any exit agreement. Her slogan that “no deal is better than a bad deal” was supposed to persuade the Europeans to make concessions. It didn’t—but it did persuade many British voters and mps that if the eu offered less than perfect terms, Britain should walk away.

In fact the government’s own analysis suggests that no-deal would make the economy 9% smaller after 15 years than if Britain had remained. Mr Johnson says preparations for the immediate disruption are “colossal and extensive and fantastic”. Yet civil servants expect shortages of food, medicine and petrol, and a “meltdown” at ports. A growing number of voters seem to think that a few bumpy months and a lasting hit to incomes might be worth it to get the whole tedious business out of the way. This is the greatest myth of all. If Britain leaves with no deal it will face an even more urgent need to reach terms with the eu, which will demand the same concessions as before—and perhaps greater ones, given that Britain’s hand will be weaker.

August 28, 2019

Boris Suspends Democracy - Jonathan Pie

No matter which way you voted, our democracy is looking pretty shitty right now.
August 28, 2019

New B rated Economist/YouGov Poll: Biden 24, Warren 20, Sanders 14, Harris 8, Buttigieg 5

and yes, I know RCP has Warren listed at 21%, but that is NOT what the poll says

The Economist/YouGov Poll
August 24 - 27, 2019

Biden up 2% from the last one, Warren up 3%, Bernie down 5%, Harris the same, Pete down 3%

I am sure there is something in here to piss everyone off or it would not be a poll


Democratic candidates considered
Which candidate or candidates are you considering voting for in the Democratic Presidential primary or caucus in your state in 2020? (Select all that apply)
Asked of those who say they will vote in the Democratic Presidential primary or caucus in 2020

here is the last one's link

just so no one says I am playing games

The Economist/YouGov Poll
August 17 - 20, 2019

August 28, 2019

the following candidates got zero votes in the new Suffolk Poll (B+ Rated)


Amy Klobuchar (really surprising)
Steve Bullock
Bill de Blasio
John Delaney
Kirsten Gillibrand
Wayne Messam
Joe Sestak

Steyer and Gabbard got 1 each


In terms of 2nd choice, Pete only trails Warren overall in that category

finally, a really strange quirk in the Quinnipiac Poll (A- Rated)


Bennet (who is polling only 1% overall) is pulling 3% of the Black vote (that is tied for 4th most with Booker and more than all the other candidates left (after Biden, Warren, Harris, Booker and him) COMBINED (who only have 1%, Castro, all the rest are at ZERO)
no clue on that one, I will chalk it up to an anomaly (no disrespect intended to Bennet, I really like him a lot)

The other surprise is Castro with ZERO votes (almost as surprising as Klobuchar with zero in the other poll)

Warren is crushing Bernie with older voters (Biden still is tops there obviously at a massive 48%)

Warren is pulling 20% of the 65+ crowd, Bernie is at FOUR

Biden is polling at only 10% with the under 35yo's, with Bernie at 31% and Warren at 25%

huge age schism at both ends

only 9% undecided (Suffolk had more than double that at 18.4%)


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Gender: Female
Hometown: London
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Current location: Stockholm, Sweden
Member since: Sun Jul 1, 2018, 07:25 PM
Number of posts: 45,481

About Celerity

she / her / hers
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