LaMouffette's JournalCall your Republican Congressmen and Congresswomen TODAY and
demand to know what they intend to do in response to Trump's doing absolutely nothing after being briefed that Russia was paying the Taliban bounties for killing U.S. service members. Oh, wait, I'm wrong! He didn't do nothing. He worked to get Russia back into the G7 and withdrew troops from Germany!
Also demand that they vote for the harshest of sanctions on Russia and the expulsion of all Russian officials from the U.S. and banning the entry of any Russians to the U.S. beginning immediately.
And while you're at it, demand that Republicans join in with their Democratic colleagues and re-impeach Traitor Trump and this time kick his treasonous ass out and imprison him for high crimes and misdemeanors against the United States of America.
Seriously, we cannot wait until November to get him out of the White House! What the hell else is he going to do? What (additional) national secrets will he deliver to Putin? What country will he nuke?
So please, please call your Congresspeople today. We need to put the pressure on the Repugnant Party to finally put country over party.
Love you, Jerry Nadler, but you need to shut that shit down!
I just saw the video on CNN of the outrageous maneuver by Republican Louie Gohmert to disrupt the hearing by rapping loudly on the table during a witness's opening remarks as a way of objecting to Nadler giving the witness more time to deliver his remarks. And he refused to stop rapping on the table after being told repeatedly by Nadler to stop.
Oh, my God! Why didn't Nadler have the sergeant-at-arms haul him out? Why?! My blood is boiling right now!
I love Jerry Nadler, but he needs to be replaced as chairman of this hearing and other high stakes hearings such as this. We need someone in charge of these meetings who can go medieval on these jerks when they pull this shit! Get Nancy Pelosi, get ANYONE who can get honest-to-God PISSED and take action!
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