LizBeth's JournalWe need the Dec 26 deadline stimulus and all we need is a couple months to make it past this.
I cannot believe that we are this close to being cut off, when we know it will look totally different by April, and we jut need help for a couple months.
We have Sanders whining he will not vote for the stimulus as is if it hits the floor and it is a simple measure to get MILLIONS of people to April. I am getting very angry. As I read once again, being schooled by Biden administration they are going to work with conservatives, as I am being hung to dry, and I need only a couple more months to survive, after 9 months of dealing responsibly.
There is NO WAY I Kumbaya with rw, at all, not happening and this means my Republican family and friends. And Sanders, vote for whatever damn bill gets on the floor so millions can make it to April.
Pelosi, Schumer Back Using Bipartisan Plan in Stimulus Talks
Under that bipartisan proposal, small businesses would get a roughly $300 billion infusion for a version of the Paycheck Protection Program of forgivable loans and other aid, and state and local governments would get about $240 billion, including money for schools, according to three people familiar with the proposal.
An additional $180 billion would go to an extension of pandemic unemployment benefits, providing an added $300-a-week for four months.
The proposal doesnt include direct payments to individuals.
The bill that has been worked on between Republicans and Democrats has the best shot of actually passing, said Utah Republican Senator Mitt Romney, who was one of the nine senators in the bipartisan group making the proposal. There are message bills and then there are bills that can pass, and we have to have Democratic votes to get a bill through the Senate.
So people saying, why call it, no hurry, doesn't matter. Relief across the nation and around the
world. Joyous celebration. 360 pounds lighter.
It matters.
I have people from all over throwing messages on my FB wall, that couldn't believe the win and sat in stress for the last four days, telling me you were right. Anyone could have seen it but many people did not trust, until the election was called.
And a big sigh of conclusion was handed to us this morning, and we can FINALLY go on with our day.
Ultimate in gaslighting, oddest of ways. Pretend that there is still question about this election.
This is Biden's motorcade. It is a Presidential motorcade. He is being briefed at the level of President. Yesterday evening they beefed up his security at the level of a President. They cleared the airspace around his house as they do with the President.
Every person that knows anything knows Biden has won GA, AZ, NV and Penn.
Everyone knows Biden is the President elect.
What a charade and why? To appease trump and his supporters because their egos can't handle realty which is the hell we have been living for these last four years. And this is just more of it. Being told be patient, when there is obviously not a single reason, but to coddle Trump.]
So if we have Georgia, does that make President Biden even without the others? Az, Wi, Mi, Ga. Does
that put him over the top? Not waiting for NV. And anythi9ng after is cherry on top?
Glass half full, so, I am really bummed about the senate, I am concerned about health care,
while old and a pandemic and Biden getting anything done and judges appointed with a Republican senate. The upside, a Biden win gets Trump out and we do not have to hear that vile, disgusting, crude, mean, nasty voice again.
That is a good thing.
But this morning my son called and needed to rant so while walking my dog, with him on speaker we ranted about the nazi rw vote, and vile Trump as I passed old person after old person, without a care in the world that they heard our castration of Republicans. The conversation did both of us good.
Toward the end of the conversation I concluded that Biden goes in and does executive order after executive order undoing Trump damage and beefing up our departments that have been weakened and hurt for two years. 2022 we have more chances with the republicans in senate and blue wave them, then Biden spend two more years passing legislation.
Not the blue wave we wanted today, but they threw every corrupt, dishonest, oppression/suppression action against our vote at us and I think we will still get Trump out. That is a win.
I am at the point of accepting, and stating we will be ok. The 5 stages. I can wait two years not getting sick.
How does that sound?
But we needed the senate. Really needed the senate. What does the number sit at now?
Anyone knows? I am so disappointed Graham, Ernst got it and looking like Collins. We got Kelly. Co. dude, that is two. So that takes us to 49/51? Not good. We lose healthcare at that.
Oregon Gov Brown on voting and numbers in our state.
Governor Kate Brown
2m ·
The numbers on why Oregon is one of the best states for voting:
✅ 73: percent of Oregonians who ALREADY voted!
✅ 92: percent of eligible Oregonians registered to vote
✅ 0.0001: percent of voter fraud (yep, not a thing)
I remember hearing at the start of covid in March that if insured and end up in hospital, insurance
was to pick up covid bill. Later reading about bills coming in to people, I decided that didn't happen. The other day I was talking to a woman about not wanting to get sick because money out of pocket and she informed me that with insurance, I would not be responsible for the bill, insurance would pick it up. I do not really believe it.
Now my niece has it, mid 20's been going on for day and last night high fevers and she is concerned about hospital bill. She said she has crappy insurance, but she does have insurance.
Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks.
Ya, I am going there. I just texted a young voter in Minneapolis. Nov 3, sunny and 57.
The day after, 58. They get it cold so these temperatures are like spring or something, lol. And here it is going to be a beautiful, warm, sunshiny fall day to wait in lines and vote. The person I text wants to do it day of. In person.
I told him, ... You all can rejoice and do an happy dance in the streets the next day. Free at last, free at last. Then we can all put our heads down and make it thru the next two months the best we can and hope we survive. But the day after, I think we need a nation celebrating in the streets. Like we had the woman's protest the day after election in 2017 in pink hats. World wide celebration.
Before the horse? Yes. But, I want to do it. We can all spontaneously break out in joy on social media, in the streets, seeing and dancing and cheering.
People, this election gets us as close as we can, to a known win and instead of projecting nervous and fearful, by gosh, I am going to enjoy it. We earned it. We deserve it. And I am taking it. I have voted and now for the next 6 days, I am going to cheer all those other voters on to have our national blue wave.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: Calif
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Member since: Sun Feb 23, 2020, 08:57 PM
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