halfulglas's JournalBusiness helped create this voting mess in Republican states.
I'm talking about you, ALEC. They're trying to be on the right side of history now that they realize the money power of ordinary people of all shades and ethnicity. But they have been paying Republican and conservative Dems for many years pushing the ALEC agenda with state and national legislators to be "business friendly." How many of these businesses still belong to ALEC? How many taking their money elsewhere? How many of them are overtly telling the politicians they have donated to for years through ALEC they will get no more of their money? I don't have an updated list of ALEC members, but let's just say I'm a bit skeptical of their commitment to fairness since there is nothing fair about ALEC's tentacles in government. They call themselves nonpartisan but the results of their meddling show otherwise.
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Name: JudyGender: Female
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Member since: Sun Oct 4, 2020, 11:42 PM
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