White House Reportedly Considering ''Racist' Plan to Deport Vietnam War Refugees [View all]
Reported by Common Dreams ---
We See You Stephen Miller': White House Reportedly Considering 'Despicable' and 'Racist' Plan to Deport Vietnam War Refugees
In what critics described as a "consciously racist" and immensely cruel move that has the fingerprints of White House senior adviser Stephen Miller all over it, the Trump administration is reportedly working to make Vietnam War refugees who have lived in the United States for decades eligible for deportation.
"Donald Trump's cruelty knows no bounds."
Rep. Mark PocanFirst reported by The Atlantic on Wednesday, the White House plan seeks to reinterpret a long-standing agreement with Hanoi that protects from deportation all Vietnamese people who arrived in the U.S. before July 12, 1995the date the two nations officially reestablished diplomatic relations after the Vietnam War, in which the U.S. killed millions of people and inflicted damage that lives on to this day.
"In essence, the administration has now decided that Vietnamese immigrants who arrived in the country before the establishment of diplomatic ties between the United States and Vietnam are subject to standard immigration lawmeaning they are all eligible for deportation," The Atlantic noted.
Winnie Wong, progressive organizer and founder of People for Bernie, offered a succinct translation of the proposed policy change: "Trump wants to deport Vietnamese grannies who have been living here for more than 40 years."