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In reply to the discussion: Message to Llewlladdwr & all other Southerners: Perspective on the South bashing. [View all]johnlucas
(1,250 posts)I just wrote a whole monster of a post called A long story about The Southern Strategy breaking down the entire history of the political parties in the USA & what drives their changes.
Black People is what drives the changes, the realignments. From the very beginning all the way to today.
In our current context the years 1948 & 1964 explain why all of those FDR Union Democrats became the suckers for the modern-day Republican Party & all of its senseless acts.
1948 is the year that Democrat President Harry S. Truman desegregated the Military.
That's the same year that Democrat Governor Strom Thurmond ran for President under the new "States' Rights Democrat" banner AKA the Dixiecrats.
Ya see, Truman was from Missouri (that famous state from the 1820 Missouri Compromise on the slavery issue) & a Southerner himself (grew up on a farm & everything).
Thurmond being another Southerner from South Carolina felt this was a betrayal from the party who fought on behalf of Confederate Cause in the War Between The States of the 1860s.
That Confederate Cause being the upholding of slavery institution that made the Agricultural empire of the Plantations rich.
It goes all the way back to that Southern plantation owner from Virginia Thomas Jefferson, the emblematic leader of the original Democratic-Republican Party (look up the Greek & Latin origin of the root words in 'Democratic-Republican' to see where this idea of "States' Rights" come from).
Democrats fight AGAINST the Negroes not FOR the Negroes!!
This Is Madness!!!!!
1964 is the year that Democrat President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ending the oppression of the South's Jim Crow era.
Ya see Johnson was from Texas, another Southern state with ties to Missouri (people from Missouri went to "settle" Texas in the 1800s).
We got ANOTHER Southerner helping out them Negroes?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
FDR's legacy was untouchable (exception for that crap he did to the Japanese-Americans) & the Democrats under this legacy made the Democratic Party virtually unstoppable.
Republican Dwight Eisenhower wasn't crazy enough to retract those New Deal programs which saved the country from the Great Depression. And ironically here we got the Democratic Party helping out the Blacks they once scorned. They're atoning for their wicked past & giving themselves a social & economic legacy that won't be surpassed.
Some of the Republicans did some things for the Blacks in the 1940s & 1950s but the Democrats took up the mantle in the bravest way possible.
The Republican party knew they lost this Black voting block with their inconsistent dithering.
They knew they were about to be Whigged out with all the advances the FDR-legacy Democrats were making.
So to prevent annihilation as a party they added those angry Dixiecrat Democrat bigots to their fold.
Ya see the big money guys are always few in number. They need reliable voting blocks to pad their numbers so their plans get passed. Since they knew they lost the Blacks, why not pick up those guys who hate the Blacks?
They got lots of energy with all that xenophobic anger & that will come in useful for rolling back FDR's policies piece by piece.
Ya see they never got over Rich Guy Franklin Delano Roosevelt betraying them by making his fellow Richies pay max 94% of the taxes instead of max 25%.
The rich knew nobody would be sympathetic to them ESPECIALLY after the economically invaluable U.S. Interstate was built using those heavy tax revenues. How you gonna go into outer space with Sputnik without the big money taxed from the rich boys?
It was gonna take a long time & the passing of generations to begin rolling back FDR's New Deal.
Luckily Johnson gave them an opening with that ignorant Vietnam adventure.
Nixon got in using these angry Dixiecrats in 1968.
They built power in the 1970s using the South's general religious affiliationSouthern Baptistto begin this Moral Majority strategy.
And then they got in Ronald Reagan in 1980.
That's when they begin the rollback in earnest. With him.
32 years later we're suffering the effects as the Southern bigots & their associated compatriots continue to help the Richies destroy everything FDR's New Deal established as they try to get back at The Negroes & any others they put on level with The Negroes (Muslims, Gays, Asians, Mexicans, etc.).
They're openly calling New Deal/Great Society legacy programs Entitlements now & trying to straight shut them down.
You couldn't do this in 1953. You couldn't do this in 1962. You couldn't do this in 1978. You couldn't even do this in 1985.
But it's being done now.
And all because there is this BIG GROUP OF PEOPLE who hate The Negroes so much that they'll unwittingly hurt themselves trying to hurt those Negroes.
It only adds insult to injury that one of those Negroes is now the Democratic President.
There goes them Democrats helping them Negroes again. Sickening!!!! TRAITORS!!!!!
John Lucas