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In reply to the discussion: Message to Llewlladdwr & all other Southerners: Perspective on the South bashing. [View all]johnlucas
(1,250 posts)It's that family instinct I understand.
Nobody talks bad about my family but me.
I get it.
In my post history you will see me caution posters not to go overboard with lambasting the South.
There was a post from August 9th called All over the Republicans seem to be swaying the people in WV! by Kteachums.
I saw a little bit of that 'F the South' thing going on & one poster wrote that West Virginia was a lost cause because of too many racists.
I wrote a post called No state is a lost cause.
I basically said that I don't believe in this Crips & Bloods Red State/Blue State nonsense. I really don't.
Republicans catch what we throw away. We gotta go to the regions we are NOT liked in & make appeals.
Practical down-to-earth appeals that make dollars & sense if ya smell what I'm cookin'.
It's uphill because of the xenophobe factor but when things get really bad that stuff will go out the window.
Hard to hate someone that saved your life.
I'll tell you one thing. The Liberal/Progressive/Green/Democrat/Whatever movement ain't going too far until we break that Bigot Block.
We can't get solidarity because there are a lot of people who are scared of 'The Other'.
We must make it entirely unfashionable to carry those bigoted views ANYWHERE not just certain places.
Unfashionable EVEN in the South.
It goes to the CORE of the country & we're gonna have to get a grip on it.
Chip it away little by little or smash it in big swings.
But the Bigot Block must break down or Progress will remain at a standstill.
John Lucas