Thats where most of the structure is found. Working class people make up the single largest demographic in the nation. Working class men, women, old, young, minority or white, urban or suburban have more votes than any other group. It is the unintentional tendency of Democratic strategists to appear to overlook and discount them that has enabled the GOP to conscript many of them, even to vote against their own interests. Joe Biden exemplifies a politician who seems to understand and care about them. His presence was the key to our "success" this midterm. Some working-class people found energy sufficient to vote for things they trusted and understood, pulling them away from the ranks of the GOP.
We need to admit the Republicans gave Democrats this election. It was not our tactics or record which attracted voters. The ham-fisted gaffs of Trumpism and anti-abortion folks, both off their leashes, were unforced errors which should have left them literally reeling from the 11/8 outcome. That they stood at all, that they actually will take the House should have never happened. We weren't able to beat them into oblivion even as they stood flatfooted, jaw first because, perhaps, we were preoccupied marginalizing people who should be in our own ranks.
I think this is maybe unobvious or counterintuitive to most of the DU crowd, but it does seem to address some questions that we must answer in order to see an end to this ridiculous perversion of democracy in a suicidal lunge toward fascism. Questions like, why do they vote against their own economic interests? Why does the military support a party who uses them as pawns for profit? We may never gain the votes of the evangelical crowd, but I think we should be able to pull in some of the sport-hunting-gun demographic. I think they may actually be growing tired of being taken for granted and played for patsies. The evidence for this may be found in the surprising defeat of L. Boebert.