General Discussion
In reply to the discussion: Gabrielle Giffords, April 17, 2013 [View all]BrainDrain
(244 posts)This loss will enhance the reputation of the NRA. Here we had a HIGHLY emotional situation that under-pinned the effort for at least a minimal step forward in controlling gun violence. The atmosphere could not have been more favorable with national polling showing overwhelming support among the populace for the measure. Yet it still failed. The NRA didn't have to convince anyone outside of a few senators who were at risk for political defeat if they voted for the bill. The field they had to cover was narrow and well within their capability to exploit.
In todays world politics is not about knowing right from wrong or even something as simple as doing the right thing because the greater majority supports it. For most, it is about getting re-elected. And when you represent a state where a conservative majority make you vulnerable to electoral defeat, it makes a special interest group like the NRA that much more powerful. It also helps that those they target are weak of character to begin with and have no faith in themselves to be able to stand up front of their own constituents and be able to explain why it was so important to take this step and lay to rest the NRA lie that somehow this is an attempt to take their guns and freedoms away from them.
We the people suffer because far too many of those we elect lack the courage to do the right thing. They are more afraid of losing their privileges and status than they are of losing themselves.
That just makes this whole episode just that much more sad.
There comes a point where everyday, ordinary people must make a choice not to be ordinary anymore.
Let the Revolution...........begin