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(787 posts)
194. Closer
Wed Sep 10, 2014, 08:55 PM
Sep 2014

Well we are getting closer. However, in no manner did I say, suggest, imply that my "solution" is to "pretend" racism doesn't exist. My solutions really come in the form of civil rights laws and judicial actions as those laws affect society over time by adding to and modifying such laws and enforcement mechanisms. This is not pretending problems do not exist. Sometimes, you need public protests and outrage to motivate public opinion.

However, you are right that I think using some labels to define generic problems like racism are wrong if they are limited to one race. Further, I think talking about "privilege" when we are really talking about bias and prejudice turns language on its head.

You do not think so. That is the great thing about opinions. They are our own. I spent a lot of time giving my reasons for thinking such terms are divisive and not effective. I can give more that might be easier to understand.

If I say crime is a problem, probably everyone in this nation will nod their heads. Crime effects everyone. However, if I or anyone were to attach the word "black" to the word "crime" as a definitional matter you and everyone on this site would question their motives for attaching the label "black" since it only identifies one race with the societal problem "crime". I am sure that no matter what was said, it would be offensive or at least uncomfortable formulation to some or all people reading it.

It would add divisiveness no matter what anyone actually would say about the subject because it is capable of hiding a lot of different attitudes and motives. The same with attaching "white" or "jewish" or "arabic" or "asian" or any other label to discuss a problem as a definitional matter that pushes characteristics on individuals by labels and not actual individual characteristics. It is not as problematic to talk about the race of a person if you are agreeing with a specific instance formulated by the person actually affected by a problem. That point should be easy to understand. Everyone has an easier time when people talk about themselves and their problems and less or a problem if someone else is talking about you.

It is easier and does not have any implications to say to a white person that black people can face institutional racism in the justice system. if you are black, you are more likely to be sentenced to a longer term. Such a discussion talks about people who are being directly and adversely affected by the disparate treatment not making conclusions about the person you are telling it to. Regardless of the societal nature or luck factors that affect a white person, it only calls on him to recognize a problem some other person is facing. It does not run any risk of minimizing his own problems in relation to that problem or impose the person to accept some other persons opinion about them. That is the problem with discussing racism as "white" privilege to people who have their own problems rather than using the term racism as it affects the people who are actually adversely affected. Again, try it someday with your wife or friends. Tell them that the problem is that "they" dint recognize how depressed you are rather than telling your wife or friend that you are depressed. One phrasing calls for empathy, the other for guilt.

With regard to your statement that "acknowledging" white privilege" is all that is required That seems pretty simplistic and actually rather offensive. So I click my heels together whenever I encounter a society problem that faces me as an individual and say three times "At least I am not black because I am a privileged white person and it would be worse if I was black". Additionally, if I hear of racial injustice facing someone else, I have to click my heals together and say " that persons problems are really not the issue. The issue is that no matter what is happening in my life, my privilege is the real issue with the problem facing him or her all because I am a privileged person because I am white". In either case, then a miracle will happen, the seas will part and racism against all people who are not me will disappear. Well maybe what you mean by that is that if every white person in the country accepted such mantras societies problems would be solved. Is that what your suggestion of acknowledgment as the solution is. At that point will the seas open? Question, at that point would every white person still be privileged? Is privilege a permanent condition or is racism and disimilar treatment something we are trying to eliminate in its entirety?

Personally, I prefer active solutions to societal problems which are not as you asserted by pretending racial injustice does not exist. To your other point, I used the word similar, not identical for a reason. Again recognizing our common humanity builds empathy. Further I think empathetic movements that define their goals broadly go much further than movements that try to set out differences. In this regard, I am thinking of our movements against the vietnam war which recognized that black or white, the war was a problem that affects us all. Civil rights laws if they are good do not stop at race but attack division and disparate treatment on race gender disability and preference. This is recognizing that prejudice against all of these groups are similar and if you are in one group and not in another you have similar problems.

I think solutions that recognize our common humanity are more effective than laws that try to institutionalize differences between people (fighting for civil rights laws that protect all and are enforced) but you can have your own opinions. I think that those laws and those fights have led to real changes in society. Not the elimination of racial injustices but real victories.

Where are opinions might meet is that for society to change it has to recognize where racism, institutional racism and racial injustices exist. I think this is clearly one of your points and I totally agree. I just disagree that we obtain the broad support by attaching labels to define societal problems generically.

+1 n/t Gormy Cuss Sep 2014 #1
Bad is bad, it's all bad. NYC_SKP Sep 2014 #2
Maybe not minimize ... 1StrongBlackMan Sep 2014 #31
Same way "white people get beat up by cops too, you know" changes the randys1 Sep 2014 #36
And, there most be zero tolerance for violence against men; but ... 1StrongBlackMan Sep 2014 #40
Only when there aren't enough minorities to rough up. EEO Sep 2014 #138
No doubt, that's a fair observation. NYC_SKP Sep 2014 #37
Well ... 1StrongBlackMan Sep 2014 #44
I think we agree it has no place but I'm not sure it's designed to derail, even if that's the impact NYC_SKP Sep 2014 #50
i usually ask/tell them to "start your own thread about it" ... and they almost NEVER do. n/t Scout Sep 2014 #63
+1 Veilex Sep 2014 #107
Somebody did today ProudToBeBlueInRhody Sep 2014 #119
Its so rare as to be a non Topic. ncjustice80 Sep 2014 #130
So you dismiss that individual's personal story? ProudToBeBlueInRhody Sep 2014 #132
It isnt true abuse in the same way a white man cannot be a victim of racism. ncjustice80 Sep 2014 #133
Are you for real? Veilex Sep 2014 #141
Nope. ncjustice80 Sep 2014 #158
You need to take another look at the link I posted. Veilex Sep 2014 #173
I can tell you right now Shankapotomus Nov 2014 #200
"so even when a women does strike a man, its not actually domestic violence" lululu Sep 2014 #163
its still violence. ncjustice80 Sep 2014 #171
Well, fortunately, you don't get to make those determination. Veilex Sep 2014 #175
Crazy talk. stonecutter357 Sep 2014 #164
Right?!?!? Veilex Sep 2014 #176
i figured they would NOW, that's why i said: "and they almost NEVER do" n/t Scout Sep 2014 #186
That thread was made back on Monday night ProudToBeBlueInRhody Sep 2014 #188
nevertheless, it is still true, that they almost never do start their own thread, independent ... Scout Sep 2014 #197
well said n/t Psephos Sep 2014 #69
+1 n/t LarryNM Sep 2014 #105
+1 Veilex Sep 2014 #106
Should it be taboo AgingAmerican Sep 2014 #3
It's problematic el_bryanto Sep 2014 #4
Right nt AgingAmerican Sep 2014 #5
Well said. nt LisaLynne Sep 2014 #15
"the timing of them is problematic." Veilex Sep 2014 #108
The problem is that you almost never see these comments unless and until Sheldon Cooper Sep 2014 #8
Right, and I agree that AgingAmerican Sep 2014 #16
because they get joked about, laughed away and dismissed whatthehey Sep 2014 #18
Link to that? I recall seeing the opposite. bettyellen Sep 2014 #19
Here's one, and lookie here....started by the OP ProudToBeBlueInRhody Sep 2014 #120
technically- that is gallows humor- common here. Not laughing at a personal story of abuse. bettyellen Sep 2014 #125
If a man shoved his wife off a cliff, would that be "permissible" gallows humor too? ProudToBeBlueInRhody Sep 2014 #126
I'm not a fan of gallows humor- but I know from experience when a DUer shares a personal story of bettyellen Sep 2014 #151
"generally" is not always... Veilex Sep 2014 #178
? the thread he referenced was about a random murder- not abuse- bettyellen Sep 2014 #198
"much weirder and rare* scenario"s are not a justification Veilex Sep 2014 #199
Nope. Sheldon Cooper Sep 2014 #20
Not at all. In fact, the opposite is true kcr Sep 2014 #83
That is an excellent point. smirkymonkey Sep 2014 #67
It seems to offered as a tacit rebuttal. nt geek tragedy Sep 2014 #10
In a discussion of women being abused ... 1StrongBlackMan Sep 2014 #32
"I man being abused has no relevance in a discussion of women being abused" Veilex Sep 2014 #110
K&R me b zola Sep 2014 #6
"Is it an attempt to minimize the issue of male abuse against women?" Iggo Sep 2014 #7
+10000 etherealtruth Sep 2014 #26
Yes classykaren Sep 2014 #35
It's an attempt to minimize and distract. kcr Sep 2014 #9
Two reasons Kelvin Mace Sep 2014 #11
It's the "black people are racist too" defense. sufrommich Sep 2014 #12
Exactly! n/t etherealtruth Sep 2014 #27
I wasn't going to say that ... 1StrongBlackMan Sep 2014 #33
If you read posts about,racism rbrnmw Sep 2014 #13
I noticed that. Enthusiast Sep 2014 #24
Odd beliefs for a Progressive rbrnmw Sep 2014 #30
I haven't found that! eom. 1StrongBlackMan Sep 2014 #34
I don't have mercuryblues Sep 2014 #14
I think it should remain clear that domestic violence is still primarily men vs. women... cascadiance Sep 2014 #43
"domestic violence is still primarily men vs. women..." Absolutely true Veilex Sep 2014 #111
You're right that women also do abuse men and they are victims too... cascadiance Sep 2014 #121
I think you need to take another look at my post. Veilex Sep 2014 #123
Not as much as primarily or not it's that men tend to be physically stronger than women. Yo_Mama_Been_Loggin Sep 2014 #114
I was a child. LiberalArkie Sep 2014 #17
I am sorry this happened to you. pnwmom Sep 2014 #88
Yes, it's an attempt to minimize male abuse of women. valerief Sep 2014 #21
Can you link to some supporting evidence? F4lconF16 Sep 2014 #97
Physical abuse. Physical. nt valerief Sep 2014 #159
Here's a source for you: chervilant Nov 2014 #204
"Women just don't have the hormones for physical fighting" Veilex Sep 2014 #112
Not to be able to fight. To want to fight. nt valerief Sep 2014 #160
Did you look at the link at all? Testosterone does not impact a desire to fight. Veilex Sep 2014 #179
120 subjects? And the study didn't include physical aggression. valerief Sep 2014 #182
"the study didn't include physical aggression" - Again, are you even looking at the link? Veilex Sep 2014 #184
120 subjects is certainly enough for generalized testing of hormone effects.... Veilex Sep 2014 #185
One more thing I forgot to add... Veilex Sep 2014 #181
Men have MORE. nt valerief Sep 2014 #183
They do indeed... and that doesn't matter. Veilex Sep 2014 #193
People paint with broad brushes, sometimes. That can bring out a response. randome Sep 2014 #22
It's an attempt to minimize the issue of male abuse against women. Enthusiast Sep 2014 #23
It's the old "false equivalence" game, a favorite dodge of assholes. Jackpine Radical Sep 2014 #25
^ THIS! ^ RufusTFirefly Sep 2014 #28
And don't forget our favorite: "Both Political Parties are the same...." Moonwalk Sep 2014 #48
A corollary of "They both do it." Jackpine Radical Sep 2014 #52
"They both do it." - Well, this is true. Veilex Sep 2014 #180
From what I've seen elsewhere intaglio Sep 2014 #29
I believe there's a double standard. JohnnyRingo Sep 2014 #38
Thanks for your story, Johnny, sibelian Sep 2014 #46
A lot of information in your post to digest. randome Sep 2014 #49
You are excusing her violence when you say, "These things happened in part because I provoked her." pnwmom Sep 2014 #55
Not excusing violence for any reason. JohnnyRingo Sep 2014 #70
Most criminals who are involved in violent crimes are male. pnwmom Sep 2014 #82
(Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2001) - I think your stats may be a little off... Veilex Sep 2014 #144
Thanks, but some on this thread are looking for MRA support, not facts. nt valerief Sep 2014 #177
He refers to some DUers downthread as the "hear me roar crowd" downthread. kcr Sep 2014 #81
...and just what would you say you're dealing with? JohnnyRingo Sep 2014 #89
You think I'm pigeonholing you as hating women kcr Sep 2014 #91
Sounds as though you've generalized chervilant Nov 2014 #206
Actually, I have known one person here argue it doesn't happen Prophet 451 Sep 2014 #39
Why? Probably because abuse threads tend to label all men as abusers Android3.14 Sep 2014 #41
This. Treant Sep 2014 #45
No, they don't tend to do that. kcr Sep 2014 #59
Partially Right Rilgin Sep 2014 #74
No, discussions of white privilege do not do that. kcr Sep 2014 #76
Same Point Rilgin Sep 2014 #85
And your point is wrong kcr Sep 2014 #87
Better to address what I said, not what I didn't say Rilgin Sep 2014 #156
I didn't say you claim racism doesn't exist. I said your solution is to pretend it doesn't exist. kcr Sep 2014 #192
Closer Rilgin Sep 2014 #194
Wading through your wall of text kcr Sep 2014 #196
Yes, a homeless white man dying of cancer is better off than a black man in the same situation eridani Sep 2014 #95
Here is an example Android3.14 Sep 2014 #75
How is that an example? n/t kcr Sep 2014 #77
The Detroit Free Press? 47of74 Sep 2014 #60
More accurately that all abusers are men. JohnnyRingo Sep 2014 #71
The hear me roar crowd? kcr Sep 2014 #80
No, these threads don't label all men as abusers, they label men who abuse as abusers CreekDog Sep 2014 #139
They are making a straw man argument. wildeyed Sep 2014 #42
Thank you, thank you, thank you! lark Sep 2014 #47
I think the proper response is "That's irrelevant" or "We're not talking about that" tclambert Sep 2014 #51
duh CountAllVotes Sep 2014 #53
I think it's a good idea to 'inoculate' against the inevitable people bring it up. Erich Bloodaxe BSN Sep 2014 #54
It falls in the same pattern as.... Sheepshank Sep 2014 #56
Too many people confuse objectivity and balance RufusTFirefly Sep 2014 #66
While it may very well be Sherman A1 Sep 2014 #57
Ok in my part Old Codger Sep 2014 #58
recommended to a degree AuntPatsy Sep 2014 #61
Although no one likes to think about it, rwers post here, some for years. merrily Sep 2014 #62
it happens, I have seen it. Niceguy1 Sep 2014 #64
Of course it happens... trumad Sep 2014 #65
I chalk it up to CNN viewers.... Spitfire of ATJ Sep 2014 #68
Everyone on the right does that. That is why Olberman used to rail merrily Sep 2014 #78
Thank you, Trumad Warpy Sep 2014 #72
Minimizing abuse against women Not a Fan Sep 2014 #73
Ratio orpupilofnature57 Sep 2014 #79
"Is it an attempt to minimize the issue of male abuse against women?" beam me up scottie Sep 2014 #84
nobody is condemning them... trumad Sep 2014 #86
Not at all, trumad. beam me up scottie Sep 2014 #90
cool trumad Sep 2014 #93
Subtle rationalization of misogyny . orpupilofnature57 Sep 2014 #92
Are you seriously calling me a misogynist? beam me up scottie Sep 2014 #94
No, I was responding to post#86 orpupilofnature57 Sep 2014 #98
Omg, I'm sorry. beam me up scottie Sep 2014 #99
Misogynist trumad Sep 2014 #100
HA! beam me up scottie Sep 2014 #102
Not all women Capt. Obvious Sep 2014 #96
Of course it's an attempt to minimize ismnotwasm Sep 2014 #101
Sometimes, it is an attempt to minimize. Behind the Aegis Sep 2014 #148
Exactly Trumad... You've got it absolutely correct... hlthe2b Sep 2014 #103
I think anyone who's been abused should be able to talk about it here, if they want. Period. villager Sep 2014 #104
Noticed that too. Rex Sep 2014 #109
Probably for the same reason I am reminded every day that men can abuse women. Egnever Sep 2014 #113
Me thinks you don't quite get it. trumad Sep 2014 #115
Some people see the speed trap and slow down while others... beam me up scottie Sep 2014 #116
Well there's a surprise Egnever Sep 2014 #118
Post removed Post removed Sep 2014 #117
because STRAIGHT WHITE MEN ARE VICTIMS TOO!!!! Kali Sep 2014 #122
AND WE STILL LOVE 'EM ALL!!! freshwest Sep 2014 #140
Because this shit is real IronLionZion Sep 2014 #124
its brought up by trolls to minimise violence against women. ncjustice80 Sep 2014 #127
If you think men who are abused don't have an equal, though different, set of challenges... moriah Sep 2014 #128
uh...no one is saying men don't get abused. trumad Sep 2014 #134
And you completely missed my point. n/t moriah Sep 2014 #135
You are the one who seems to be mistaken about a lot of things kcr Sep 2014 #149
But it's far better to express abuse in gender-neutral terms, because it DOES happen to both. moriah Sep 2014 #195
Donald Glover has a joke that addresses this. Exultant Democracy Sep 2014 #129
"Is it an attempt to minimize the issue of male abuse against women?" ReRe Sep 2014 #131
Apparently the issue is settled ProudToBeBlueInRhody Sep 2014 #136
Wow. beam me up scottie Sep 2014 #137
Just when you htink you seen it all... Behind the Aegis Sep 2014 #147
Was it Hobo's? beam me up scottie Sep 2014 #152
Yes. Behind the Aegis Sep 2014 #153
That thread is the one that made me chime in here. beam me up scottie Sep 2014 #154
Some people are gullible n/t kcr Sep 2014 #150
Are you saying the poster is a right-wing troll playing extreme LW parody? ProudToBeBlueInRhody Sep 2014 #189
Yes kcr Sep 2014 #190
Does this post by a DUer remind you of something? U4ikLefty Sep 2014 #142
I really didn't think I was saying that Hobo Sep 2014 #143
I didn't think you were either Hobo. lovemydog Sep 2014 #146
Now why would you think I was talking about you? trumad Sep 2014 #157
K&R n/t lupinella Sep 2014 #145
I think the answer is yes. They ARE trying to minimize what Rice did. DesertDiamond Sep 2014 #155
Nice call out Boom Sound 416 Sep 2014 #161
glad to see that you're in the very small minority with this opinion trumad Sep 2014 #165
So often where the truth lays Boom Sound 416 Sep 2014 #167
Oh--- trumad Sep 2014 #168
Well that's two things you've leaned Boom Sound 416 Sep 2014 #172
Deny and deflect! It's the same thing that happens whenever something racist happens. Liberal_Stalwart71 Sep 2014 #162
Why does it have to be a competition? davidn3600 Sep 2014 #166
No one is saying that..... trumad Sep 2014 #169
"Just as bad"? Yeah. Orsino Sep 2014 #170
I'm sure you don't intend it this way, but... Veilex Sep 2014 #174
Could be.. trumad Sep 2014 #187
My guess is it's 1% sincerity, 99% false equivalency. LanternWaste Sep 2014 #191
The facts are that men abuse women much more often than the reverse still_one Nov 2014 #201
If it's a duh statement for men to make Shankapotomus Nov 2014 #202
I've never seen a woman break a man's jaw, pelvis, back, or neck, Jamastiene Nov 2014 #203
It's a tu quoque shenmue Nov 2014 #205
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