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Showing Original Post only (View all)How would DU react to the 1930s and Hitler? [View all]
I see a lot of people dismissing any response to ISIS and the threat they pose because, gosh, they aren't really a threat to the United States anyway. I get the feeling, had there been an internet back in the 1930s, you'd be up in arms over the idea of ever there being a war in Europe.
You'd actively dismiss the deaths of millions, maybe even suggest it was all bullshit and a conspiracy of the MIC, solely to push your irrational anti-interventionist ideology. The Jews being gassed? Not our problem. Hitler is of no threat to the United States. Hell, we're responsible for him rising to power with our entrance into World War I! Had we just left enough alone, Hitler wouldn't have ever come to power and he wouldn't be killing all those poor Jews. Of course, now that he has, it's their problem.
Why should I worry my pretty little mind?
Then when Pearl Harbor was bombed, I'd be willing to bet that some of the worst crackpots would find justification in suggesting Roosevelt let it happen on purpose to drag the U.S. into war. Don't even get me started on what this place would be like if it was a Republican in the White House at the time. They'd blame it on the MIC, suggest it's the U.S.'s imperial ways and that we're all about war - after all, the U.S. had fought the Border War in the 1900s, World War I in the 1910s, the Russian Civil War in the 1920s and now we're looking at entering another war? Jesus Christ, that FDR is one sick warmongering son of a bitch.
Hitler isn't our problem. He's no direct threat to the United States. No more a threat than Wilhelm II!
Aren't we a nation tired of conflict and war? Yes, it's awful the images coming out of Germany - but it's not our problem!
Let's be honest, okay? The left likes to talk about humanity and hope and peace and a whole lot of you can give two fucks about any of it. It's all for show. You'll slump your head, push out those crocodile tears, for the men and women and children who are killed in U.S. conflict - but dismiss, ignore and downright excuse the massacres that are happening in Syria and Iraq right now. You'll get absolutely enraged over the beheading of an American, swear off the depravity, and then ultimately shrug when we ask what to do.
You say just leave 'em alone will work. Because, last I checked, the United States pretty much did that between 2011-2014 in Iraq and it didn't seem to stop ISIS. They didn't seem to go off to the sidelines and moderate. In fact, ISIS became a larger threat over the years the U.S. was out of Iraq than when we were actually there in the first place. Yes, I get the U.S. made this mess. Guess what? That doesn't fucking change the fact it's a mess - no more than us joining the allied forces in WWI led to a mess that we, fortunately, ended up cleaning.
No, I don't think ISIS is as bad as Hitler - or near the threat - but I'm also not advocating for war. I'm only pointing out your hypocrisy.
You bemoan the deaths of innocents in Iraq and Pakistan and ignore the deaths of just as many, if not more over the last three years, happening as a direct result of our inaction as a country. You advocate for a policy that will ultimately lead to the deaths of thousands and thousands more people - if not more when the power ISIS has expands because there is no greater force to step up the fight and stop them.
It's funny. So many on the left spent years and years saying Bush was responsible for 9/11 because he didn't act against al-Qaeda. The same people who then turn around and pretend ISIS, who's growing in influence a great deal like al-Qaeda out of the 1990s, is no threat to the United States.
Tell me there isn't some disconnect there? If you don't take these people seriously, why would anyone expect any president to do so? Bush didn't - and we paid for it on 9/11. Yes, I get there are some nut bars out there who think Bush actually orchestrated the attacks, but that's not relevant - for a vast majority of the left, the narrative has ALWAYS been that Bush didn't act and because of it, we were attacked.
Obama is acting and he's a warmonger.
Obama is doing something every president before him, whether Kennedy, Truman or FDR would do, and you blatantly lie and act like he's cut from the same cloth as Emperor Palpatine.
Kennedy is revered on DU and his administration had the leader of South Vietnam assassinated during a coup - at least backed the coup.
FDR firebombed an entire city and oversaw the creation of the atom bomb.
Truman dropped that bomb.
But it's Obama who has betrayed the entire ideology? Get fucking real.
What is betrayal is this idea that the world is some goddamn John Lennon dream. Then we pretend that if the United States wasn't some bogeyman, evil would never exist. As if it didn't exist before the U.S. or something. Then we demand no action and turn our backs to the plight of those thousands, if not millions, who are impacted because, dammit, we're tired of war.
Well I'm tired of war too. But I'm also tired of terrorists who feel they can go around beheading innocent people.
And if it takes a few bombs to make sure ISIS doesn't extend its reach, then I'll support it. What I won't support is this idea that the United States should just turn its back to the monsters like ISIS.
It doesn't make us pure. It doesn't absolve anyone of the sins. It doesn't mean I am cheer leading war - it does mean I believe we can take steps to end their reign and bring a little bit of sanity back to this planet. But I know if we let ISIS alone, they're not just going to go away magically - and they'll get worse and worse and then it'll be too late. Then it will require war.
Then you'll be able to complain.