IBT: Birthplace Of ISIS Traced To US Prison Camp Bucca; Top ISIS Leaders Once Inmates [View all]
By Reissa Su | November 6, 2014 7:06 PM EST
The birthplace of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has been identified as Camp Bucca, a detention centre run by the United States during the Iraq war. In a report by the Washington Post, March 2009 may have been the beginning of ISIS when it released hundreds of detainees who were some of most radical fighters in the Iraq War. The sprawling detention centre in the southern town of Garma has released its prisoners of war. Many families had rejoiced as their sons, brothers and fathers were finally coming home to them after many years.
Mahmoud's fears about the prisoners of Camp Bucca may have come true. Reports said the camp represents the "opening chapter" in the historic rise of ISIS. Many of its leaders, including Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, were imprisoned in the camp and possibly met one another there. Based on the accounts of former prison commanders, soldiers and analysts,
Camp Bucca may have provided the environment for the radicalisation and collaboration of prisoners that has helped shape the development of ISIS.
Soufan Group, a terrorist research organisation, said all the nine members of ISIS' top command had been imprisoned in Camp Bucca. Aside from Baghdadi, who reportedly spent five years in the camp, his number two man, Abu Muslim al-Turkmani, and senior leader, Haji Bakr, now dead, also came from Camp Bucca.
How special. We brutalize, they radicalize, they brutalize, we radicalize..... the never ending cycle of violence that is the Sand Box.
We can't win by violence.
Way past time to come home.
I hope the Congress has enough sense to end this stupidity. I'm calling mine to vote against this perpetual war dream of the neo-cons.