I don't agree with a great deal of his policy, but he has also had war declared on him by Congress. You won't believe some of the thing said about him. But, in our very rural area, around 40-45% of voters chose Obama. It's not everyone.
But then they turn around and stab him in the back.
Rather than paying for representatives to actually accomplish something for working people, Southerners sent Teabaggers whose only goal was to shut the gubbmint down.
It's really remarkable how voters from the region of the country most dependent on the charity of federal gubbmint continue to bite the hand that feeds them.
I say let the South have its own way. Become a place where you have vast poverty and a few wealthy scum, where there are no public services and it's every one for themselves.
Just let me out before it becomes completely Third World.
I want to live in a civilized country among people who care for one another and who support the commons so that their children can have libraries, good schools and a chance to succeed. I'm sick of living in a monarchy where the desperately poor can't afford doctors, so they become addicted to illegally traded painkillers to find some relief, where people's teeth are rotting out of their heads, where kids are having kids and then leaving them to their dysfunctional parents to raise, where our schools are not worth the investment we put into our prisons.,\
And I am way sick of living on the plantation. It's a game for the wealthiest employers to pay employees the lowest wages possible. And Southerners EAT THAT SHIT UP.
It's amazing. Southerners will fight to keep the Man paying the worst wages imaginable, and then bitch and gripe that tax money has to be spent to support the low wage workers.
DERP, y'all.