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In reply to the discussion: Do you favor or oppose mandatory vaccinations for preventable diseases? [View all]Agent_99
(1 post)The very thought of society being told that they will be forced to mandatory vaccines, reminds me of the witch hunts in Salem. For people who dont have vaccines, theyll be subjected to ridicule and accusations of being the ones to make other people sick. Diseases will always be a part of life vaccines or not.
Not only do vaccines have no guarantee that someone wont get a disease, the vaccines themselves can include such things as Aluminum, Formaldehyde, Phenoxyethanol, Polysorbate and Mercury. Im sure most people are more familiar with the dangers of Mercury, and yet it is still put in our vaccines.
I have had Formaldehyde exposure myself and it made me very ill. Why would I purposely let somebody inject these things in my body? My being injected with these foreign properties is not the answer to somebody else not getting a disease.
Being someone who has spent just about their whole life doing things to stay healthy, physically and mentally, I am feeling more and more like my rights to stay healthy are being taken away. I dont want to absorb smoke from someones joint, but yet Im subjected to it as I walk through the hallways of my apartment building. I have a right to not smell like it or have my family subjected to it. Yet the smoker doesnt seem to care about that. I also have the right to not subject myself to additional poisons, such as vaccines.
It is a rarity for me to be sick I take care of my health and immune system. Isnt this what we need to do in our lives instead of depending on a one time shot full of toxins? We are told that vaccinations are perfectly safe of course were told that. But as history has shown with many other things considered safe at the time, they are currently or have been part of law suits and considered now to be harmful. Some people have negative reactions immediately to these foreign substances, while other people experience it through time. So much time that they may not even realize what the origin is.
My subjecting myself to these vaccines is not the cure-all to another person not getting sick. But it could very well be the thing that makes me sick. And your comments about putting people on islands - I'd like to do that with the smokers and drug abusers. Some of us want to be truly healthy.