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(9,126 posts)
19. I'll say this, though I know you weren't asking me
Thu May 7, 2015, 11:29 PM
May 2015

The world was watching what she--probably the most famous Democrat at the time, and as you said, the Senator from NY--would do. If she had stood up and taken a stand and said, "There is NO evidence that Iraq was part of 9/11 so I cannot in good conscience vote for this resolution," I would crawl over broken glass for her.

Yes, she was in a terrible spot, that is the cost of being in a powerful position. She did not have the courage to stand up and do the right thing and was complicit in the death of at least 500,000 people. She may have been vilified at the time, but she would have done the right and moral thing, and so now, less than a decade later, she would have been hailed as a hero and carried on our shoulders to the White House. We expect our leaders, especially a Democrat, to be able to withstand a time of crisis and lead in the direction that is best for the country. If she couldn't then how can she convince us that she can now?

You should write her a letter and ask. Renew Deal May 2015 #1
I doubt I would get a response worth the time, Mr. Renew. (or is it Mr. Deal)? Bonobo May 2015 #2
I guess it would be Lord Renew Deal May 2015 #3
I like Real Deal DemocratSinceBirth May 2015 #6
Small typo, you got an "r"..... daleanime May 2015 #7
Should we address you as "Your Dealership"? Ken Burch May 2015 #29
lol Renew Deal May 2015 #30
Lol, good one! BeanMusical May 2015 #103
Having the gutter mind that I have, my first thought Jamastiene May 2015 #101
From day 2 after my shock wore off and I learned my family members were safe, I knew.. AuntPatsy May 2015 #4
or Vice President Biden or Sec. of State Kerry? wyldwolf May 2015 #5
If he took the bo off the end of his name it would be cool.../NT DemocratSinceBirth May 2015 #8
Political calculation. moondust May 2015 #70
I watched that with tears running down my face. Autumn May 2015 #9
That's the most awful thing. I think they DID know. Bonobo May 2015 #10
I think they all knew, which is horrible, but if they didn't, they still get no slack from me. winter is coming May 2015 #81
"...done so frivolously...lives dismissed so easily...not so nuanced..." yallerdawg May 2015 #11
It is a fiction to you. For many of us, it is an eye-opening truth. Bonobo May 2015 #12
Roberty Byrd actually matured and changed. TM99 May 2015 #13
She has never actually admitted she was wrong to back the IWR. Ken Burch May 2015 #32
Assuming your post is true, my questions about Hillary's JDPriestly May 2015 #67
Hillary's complete speech. yallerdawg May 2015 #94
If you have the time, could you please send these JDPriestly May 2015 #96
It was a good speech. hrmjustin May 2015 #14
So you don't think the Bushies lied? MaggieD May 2015 #15
No, I think they were the most disgusting of all liars, thank you. Bonobo May 2015 #16
So you're mad she believed them? MaggieD May 2015 #17
Please show me her apology and tell me if you think it was sufficient. Bonobo May 2015 #18
You should read her books MaggieD May 2015 #20
You're wrong. Even the Bush Administration never said Iraq was behind 9/11. Bonobo May 2015 #22
So Hussein's reps... yallerdawg May 2015 #35
That was the only claimed link and it was a small one indeed. Bonobo May 2015 #40
I keep reading that Clinton apologized MannyGoldstein May 2015 #26
"Hard Choices" by Hillary Clinton yallerdawg May 2015 #39
Would you describe that as an "apology"? I wouldn't. nt Bonobo May 2015 #41
Yes, it is an apology. McCamy Taylor May 2015 #78
she did reddread May 2015 #42
I'll say this, though I know you weren't asking me BrotherIvan May 2015 #19
I think she really believed the bullshit MaggieD May 2015 #21
There was no claim made about 9/11, so the NY thing doesn't really matter. nt Bonobo May 2015 #25
After spending eight years in the White House, she JDPriestly May 2015 #82
Yes, it was the lack of courage. The lack of convictions. Bonobo May 2015 #23
Half the New York Congressional delegation voted against the infernal thing MannyGoldstein May 2015 #27
So says whitewater reporter Jeff Gerth MaggieD May 2015 #28
Can you clarify your statement, please? MannyGoldstein May 2015 #31
You're clearly parroting Jeff Gerth MaggieD May 2015 #36
Which point is untrue? MannyGoldstein May 2015 #44
Which point IS true? MaggieD May 2015 #45
Why do I waste my time on this? MannyGoldstein May 2015 #49
Why do you believe Jeff Gerth MaggieD May 2015 #51
So just to make sure we agree here, MannyGoldstein May 2015 #58
Here is what you wrote: MaggieD May 2015 #60
Does the title of the post MannyGoldstein May 2015 #62
So what? MaggieD May 2015 #66
LOL. MannyGoldstein May 2015 #69
But I'm not MaggieD May 2015 #71
He published my post title? MannyGoldstein May 2015 #77
Will you be inadvertently quoting.... MaggieD May 2015 #79
These are facts, corroborated by government records MannyGoldstein May 2015 #84
So says Jeff Gerth - chief whitewater fake scandal reporter. MaggieD May 2015 #86
Let's call it a draw MannyGoldstein May 2015 #87
Lol! Jamastiene May 2015 #109
Hillary and Obama said the same. merrily May 2015 #63
Thanks for stealing the big reveal from me MannyGoldstein May 2015 #65
I hope you're not expecting an apology. merrily May 2015 #74
Lol! Jamastiene May 2015 #108
Another link merrily May 2015 #102
Wow, that was smooth MaggieD May 2015 #85
You can find many articles quoting Hillary and Obama on this topic. Were you asleep 2007-08? merrily May 2015 #88
Yeah, and they all point back to.... MaggieD May 2015 #91
Um, no. merrily May 2015 #92
Um yes MaggieD May 2015 #97
Your claim is false. Give it a rest already. Some of us actually remember the 2008 primary. merrily May 2015 #99
Think of the 3000 service men who died in Iraq and JDPriestly May 2015 #75
The most charitable thing one can say about Hillary is that she is the biggest chump in KingCharlemagne May 2015 #112
Trying to conflate 9/11 with the Iraq war is the domain of lying and/or stupid Republicans. DisgustipatedinCA May 2015 #119
Of course they lied dreamnightwind May 2015 #24
And this is why.... MaggieD May 2015 #33
No, it's why real Democrats should not support Hillary dreamnightwind May 2015 #93
Real Democrats brought you.... MaggieD May 2015 #100
Makes no sense dreamnightwind May 2015 #104
How can I think of them as Democrats? MaggieD May 2015 #106
That sums up what I think of going back and forth with you about this dreamnightwind May 2015 #110
How old are you? TM99 May 2015 #120
Thanks for the Byrd speech. longship May 2015 #34
I remember that speech. kentuck May 2015 #37
Times change. nt Bonobo May 2015 #43
I think many of those people marym625 May 2015 #47
And many have passed away Art_from_Ark May 2015 #52
That sucks. marym625 May 2015 #53
She thought if she wanted to run for President in the future Samantha May 2015 #38
I don't know if she actually apologized marym625 May 2015 #50
Here is her speech urging people to vote yes. Very strong!! Bonobo May 2015 #54
Thanks marym625 May 2015 #57
Here is a very much abridged and edited version of her speech. yallerdawg May 2015 #72
Really? You don't think the speech is by definition intended to encourage people to vote with her? Bonobo May 2015 #90
I loved this marym625 May 2015 #46
Think? PNAC, The DLC and the Progressive Policy Institute wanted the invasion. merrily May 2015 #48
I thought conspiracy theories were off limits here MaggieD May 2015 #55
If you think you see a violation of TOS, you are, of course, free to alert. merrily May 2015 #56
It's in a stickie at the top of the group MaggieD May 2015 #61
I already responded to your "point." See Reply 56. Rephrasing it doesn't help you. merrily May 2015 #64
I'm just letting you know... MaggieD May 2015 #68
Yawn. Pardon me. Make that alert if you think a well documented post violates ANY board rule. merrily May 2015 #76
Nah, I'm not the alerter type MaggieD May 2015 #80
What do you we got? 13? 14 months of this ahead of us? theboss May 2015 #59
Byrd? BYRD? Are you kidding? I see you a Byrd and raise you a KKK recruiter... McCamy Taylor May 2015 #73
Who am I to "forgive" a war vote? Is Byrd even running for President this season? merrily May 2015 #83
I'll just let your ad hominem against his position to stand. Bonobo May 2015 #89
It's hardly an ad hominem BainsBane May 2015 #98
It is the very definition of an ad hominem. Bonobo May 2015 #107
You are using one politician with a sketchy past to attack another's past record BainsBane May 2015 #113
Byrd's past has nothing at all to do with Hillary Clinton and she is the subject of this criticism Bonobo May 2015 #114
It's always the first thing I think of when I see him BainsBane May 2015 #95
Yes, we must all sit down now. And... n/t freshwest May 2015 #111
Yeah Byrd, who Clinton called “friend and mentor”+“a man of unsurpassing eloquence and nobility.” PoliticAverse May 2015 #118
She voted for war. Ick. At least a million dead. Luminous Animal May 2015 #105
I too opposed that war at the time of that vote. lovemydog May 2015 #115
Are you kidding me?????????? leftofcool May 2015 #116
Losthiscool? nt Bonobo May 2015 #117
Latest Discussions»General Discussion»What did Hillary think af...»Reply #19