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(11,093 posts)
151. It's age-old
Sun Jan 31, 2016, 03:58 PM
Jan 2016

(and I'm not defending it, just trying to understand it). Men were the traditional strong ones, the ones who could make the most impact in their community. Not that there weren't strong women, but I think it was relatively few and far between, certainly socially, but more importantly just physically. So, mankind (if I can call it that) became a male-centric universe. This stuff doesn't change easily, and it's had hundreds and hundreds (or thousands) of years to get entrenched.

As people evolve, we're finding (I think) that other skills - diplomacy, negotiation, social order - are valued now more than they used to be, mainly because armament and such have evened out the playing field, and strength itself is no longer the deciding factor. I would argue that females are actually better in this department than males. And the religions are changing - there are more female priests, activists in repressive societies and so forth; the shift might not be running as fast as some would like, but at least it's going in the right direction. It took a long time to get here, and it might seem like it's taking a long time to get out, but we also had slavery / female oppression (right to vote) / xenophobia / homophobia for a long time, but the turnaround is, I think relatively quick. I've seen remarkable changes since I grew up in the 60s. There's a long way to go, granted, but I wouldn't lose hope. It's a good question, and we're going to get there.

Yes, it is. And not every. I'm Wiccan. TDale313 Jan 2016 #1
Have you heard of Diane Stein ? BlueJazz Jan 2016 #16
Doesn't Mary . . . Depaysement Jan 2016 #2
I dunno, maybe we should ask temporary311 Jan 2016 #3
Yes I know the Catholic hierarchy is sexist Depaysement Jan 2016 #5
So it's an "awesome revelation" Mendocino Jan 2016 #9
Oh spare me Depaysement Jan 2016 #25
Why not answer the question? lunatica Jan 2016 #86
I did Depaysement Jan 2016 #123
And of course she was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus. smirkymonkey Feb 2016 #159
That is a different issue though treestar Jan 2016 #34
"women in inferior positions" is the issue of the OP (nt) muriel_volestrangler Jan 2016 #95
No Mendocino Jan 2016 #4
Zero Depaysement Jan 2016 #6
Have you forgotten Pope Joan? Jim Lane Jan 2016 #125
Message auto-removed Name removed Jan 2016 #8
Only because she was a virgin. beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #15
Well they said she was a virgin but since there was no artificial insemination back then malaise Jan 2016 #18
What's even more misogynistic is the idea of original sin. beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #21
That right there abelenkpe Jan 2016 #27
Not a single one of my friends stayed in the Church after they were old enough to leave. beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #30
Only one of my siblings raised her sons Catholic malaise Jan 2016 #57
Who needs the additonal guilt? beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #60
Original sin is corrosive and abusive. Manifestor_of_Light Jan 2016 #58
Very well said! Wish I could rec this post! beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #64
Thank you, kind fan. The Christians have no good answer for me on that. Manifestor_of_Light Jan 2016 #69
Walking away is the best policy Warpy Jan 2016 #78
I had profound doubts about that nonsense by the time I was 10. hifiguy Jan 2016 #83
Excellent post malaise Jan 2016 #140
Message auto-removed Name removed Feb 2016 #155
Yep - I think the only person ever blamed for everything more than women malaise Jan 2016 #33
THANKS Obama! randys1 Jan 2016 #66
+1000 smirkymonkey Jan 2016 #138
+ a brazilian!!! hifiguy Jan 2016 #48
"Virgin" is a mistranslation of "young woman". Manifestor_of_Light Jan 2016 #90
Or they said she was a young woman truebluegreen Jan 2016 #130
Message auto-removed Name removed Jan 2016 #37
Hold yourself to a decent standard malaise Jan 2016 #38
He's dead, Jim! beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #39
I was going to add - have a good life malaise Jan 2016 #40
I think we've had a "divine intervention " Mendocino Jan 2016 #41
Hehehehehhe malaise Jan 2016 #44
I just don't know my place! beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #42
That damn Mary Mendocino Jan 2016 #51
The RCC: proudly shaming women for over 1000 years. beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #54
Goes back to Eve Mendocino Jan 2016 #61
Yep, it was all HER fault! beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #62
They get older, Mendocino Jan 2016 #67
Some break free, more than a few DUers were raised as fundamentalist Christians. beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #68
Point taken Mendocino Jan 2016 #113
Nope, it's not but they've made it their modern day crusade and they have the numbers to wage it. beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #115
I agree Mendocino Jan 2016 #118
Yes, many do but the only one powerful enough here to affect laws is Christianity. beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #119
Your facts are wrong. Again. rug Jan 2016 #73
Catholic Church and the politics of abortion: beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #79
"The RCC was behind every law restricting access to birth control, women's health clinics and rug Jan 2016 #82
Every recent law, splitting hairs about how involved the RCC is in restricting my rights? beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #85
Knowing the facts is not splitting hairs. And the issue is far greater than "your" rights. rug Jan 2016 #93
Anyone who feels he needs to defend the Church from its victims is no ally. beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #94
Has someone ordained you to declaim who is or who is not an ally of whatever you think you're doing? rug Jan 2016 #99
Oops, missed one: Catholic dominance over hospitals endangers women beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #100
Oh, you've missed much more than that. rug Jan 2016 #101
The Church frames it as a religious war, rug and they wage it every day. beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #104
They frame their position as religious doctrine. rug Jan 2016 #105
There it is! The word "religious", thanks for admitting that religion is the source. beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #106
Read the post again. rug Jan 2016 #108
The Vatican's War on Women: beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #109
There's the monomania again. rug Jan 2016 #110
Another uppity woman speaks: Beatriz Case Reveals Catholic Hierarchy’s War on Women beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #111
Your disregard of Pelosi suggests yorur real target here is not women's rights at all. rug Jan 2016 #112
My focus is the Church's war on women and guess who's leading the charge?: beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #114
And Pelosi's focus is on keeping the laws on the books and enforced. rug Jan 2016 #116
Annie Laurie Gaylor is pretty credible, she speaks for me: beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #117
That's a matter of opinion. Every pronouncement is through the lens of FFRF. rug Jan 2016 #120
You asked and I answered, my opinion is just as valid as Nancy's and counts for more than yours. beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #121
Let me guess. Your opinion counts for more than mine because . . . .? rug Jan 2016 #122
+1000 smirkymonkey Feb 2016 #160
More: "Thank the Catholic church for terrifying abortion restrictions in Latin America" beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #107
Rightwing Watch: The Personhood Movement: Internal Battles Go Public beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #96
More facts for you: Do Bishops Run Your Hospital? beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #97
More anti-Catholic bias, this time from the ACLU: beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #98
There is a very clear war on women malaise Jan 2016 #141
Yes there is, and it's escalated significantly. beam me up scottie Jan 2016 #142
They won't win that one malaise Jan 2016 #143
And it's about as much of a secret hifiguy Jan 2016 #153
LOL malaise Jan 2016 #154
Message auto-removed Name removed Jan 2016 #146
Isn't that because of her virgin status? loyalsister Jan 2016 #56
mary is seen as a saint and a very special one restorefreedom Jan 2016 #74
She might outrank Joseph. Ino Jan 2016 #152
You need to go to Venus for women to play a dominant/equal role. valerief Jan 2016 #7
"When 'God' was a Woman" Donkees Jan 2016 #10
Message auto-removed Name removed Jan 2016 #13
thank you for mentioning this book. truedelphi Jan 2016 #71
"The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets" is also excellent Donkees Jan 2016 #84
Message auto-removed Name removed Jan 2016 #11
Prajnaparamita --The Perfection of Wisdom Donkees Jan 2016 #12
Yes there are female bodhisattvas (enlightened beings) in Buddhism. Manifestor_of_Light Jan 2016 #81
i think so barbtries Jan 2016 #14
We went to a funeral service this morning malaise Jan 2016 #17
Most religions are about divine approval of whatever TPTB want ... eppur_se_muova Jan 2016 #19
Actually ancient religions gave women a prominent place nichomachus Jan 2016 #20
It is because most religions developed out of primitive socieities Kurska Jan 2016 #22
It's not like that in Unitarianism. nt GliderGuider Jan 2016 #23
Yes, and UUs are not Christian anymore. Manifestor_of_Light Jan 2016 #65
My Church JustAnotherGen Jan 2016 #75
nor in the Society of Friends. n/t eShirl Jan 2016 #126
Until this year, The Presiding Bishop of the U.S. Episcopal church was Katharine Jefferts Schori... Journeyman Jan 2016 #24
Twelve U.S. presidents have identified as being Episcopalian . . . Journeyman Jan 2016 #47
Message auto-removed Name removed Jan 2016 #26
Not every, just the loudest and most visible Rebkeh Jan 2016 #28
No. kwassa Jan 2016 #29
Well that is true but they feed each other n/t malaise Jan 2016 #36
Pretty sure you have that backwards Lordquinton Jan 2016 #45
The indigenous people would not give up their goddesses. Manifestor_of_Light Jan 2016 #70
Funny thing. Look up the origins of the goddess Columbia and her importance Promethean Jan 2016 #128
and because many of the indigenous hopemountain Feb 2016 #156
I disagree kwassa Jan 2016 #72
Yep, the Romans were masters at pragmatic co-opting hifiguy Jan 2016 #87
It is because they originated in patriarchal societies. Odin2005 Jan 2016 #31
I think that's true for most institutions - the views of the dominant class prevail malaise Jan 2016 #49
And they are codified in texts considered to be hand made by God, backward norms made sacred Bluenorthwest Jan 2016 #76
It does seem to be a common feature of ancient civilization treestar Jan 2016 #32
Seriously, there is a simple answer Depaysement Jan 2016 #35
Not every EdwardBernays Jan 2016 #43
It is certainly one if humanity's hifiguy Jan 2016 #46
Same here malaise Jan 2016 #50
"The bible is my favorite book of fiction" Mendocino Jan 2016 #52
Unfortunately it's the only book many persons have read malaise Jan 2016 #55
I had a co-worker who considered reading anything Mendocino Jan 2016 #63
Wow, what a narrow-minded person smirkymonkey Feb 2016 #161
Objectively speaking, that is about as profoundly hifiguy Jan 2016 #89
Yes indeed malaise Jan 2016 #136
In addition to Wicca, Unitarian Universalism does not. KamaAina Jan 2016 #53
Not all religions. Cleita Jan 2016 #59
Not arguing but that is not how the Native American women are portrayed doc03 Jan 2016 #80
"In the movies"... Curmudgeoness Jan 2016 #91
The dictionary definition of the word squaw is "an American Indian Women". Had no idea doc03 Jan 2016 #133
Movies made by men, mostly white men..... Grey Jan 2016 #92
Movies? Of course one must base all one knows about First Nations people on movies. Cleita Jan 2016 #103
Because all Abrahamic religions were started by men. smirkymonkey Jan 2016 #77
But the Hindu religion is not Abrahamic malaise Jan 2016 #137
Well, hell, it BEGAN IN THE BIBLE. onecent Jan 2016 #88
TPTB are also killing the planet AKA "Mother" Nature. They really hate women. nt valerief Jan 2016 #102
Modern societies where women rule OxQQme Jan 2016 #124
This brush is so broad that it must need a crew to move it. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #127
Not all do. H2O Man Jan 2016 #129
Well, not picking on Eastern religion here just Western Rex Jan 2016 #131
I see the relegation of women to lesser roles not as a crux so much, Half-Century Man Jan 2016 #132
It's easier to justify injustice if you are guided by an invisible being whose will only you know DFW Jan 2016 #134
Profound malaise Jan 2016 #145
I wish it were posted at the Capitol and at the EPA DFW Jan 2016 #147
Quakers have never had women as other than equal. quaker bill Jan 2016 #135
Quakers were a very progressive religion particularly with the regard to the malaise Jan 2016 #139
Friends Comittee on National Legislation quaker bill Feb 2016 #157
I know about Susan B.Anthony - a great woman malaise Feb 2016 #158
Because almost every religion codifies the existing power structure. eom. Bad Thoughts Jan 2016 #144
I think it's more like the power structure adopting and adapting what suits them malaise Jan 2016 #148
Yes. It's the outward show of the crux. The crux can be ferreted out. One theory is Marilyn French's ancianita Jan 2016 #149
There are now women Buddhist monks yuiyoshida Jan 2016 #150
It's age-old Tab Jan 2016 #151
Nice post malaise Feb 2016 #163
Yes and Yes madokie Feb 2016 #162
Because every religion is copied after earlier ancient religions. B Calm Feb 2016 #164
Most of the ones that have gained and retained power were made up for that very reason. Arugula Latte Feb 2016 #165
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