How to Talk to Your Teen About Colluding With Russia [View all]
Even the best-behaved teen is likely to encounter a situation where he or she is tempted to collude with Russia. Unfortunately for parents, a teens natural tendency to test the limits of independence can often manifest itself in his or her exchanging sensitive information with Russian emissaries for material or other rewards. If not constructively addressed during adolescence, colluding with Russia can have much more serious consequences in adulthood.
Here are a few tips for engaging in a healthy conversation with your teen about the hazards of colluding with Russia:
Keep the Lines of Dialogue Open
Dont be shy about asking your teen where she has been, who she has spent time with, or why she has receipts from Cypriot bank wire transfers hidden under a false bottom of her jewelry case. If you discover a folder marked parental Kompromat try to stay focused and not act emotional. Think about her point of view and why she would consider it important to have your social security number, Gmail password, and Pornhub search history in a secret folder. Take advantage of these teachable moments to have meaningful discussions about colluding with Russia with your teen.
Explain the Negative Consequences of Colluding With Russia
When talking to your teen about colluding with Russia honesty is the best policy. You shouldnt shy away from mentioning that a Federal indictment could turn into an awkward blemish on a college application, or that retributive Polonium poisoning could likely hamper ones ability to compete for a coveted lacrosse scholarship. Remind them also that sharing their behavior on social media is never a good idea. Posting a selfie with a Russian aluminum magnate or checking in to a Kremlin safe house can have ramifications that are difficult to erase later on.
(Found via Benjamin "Baby Cannon" Wittes)