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(136 posts)
19. Tucker Carlson is a Tool
Sat Jun 16, 2012, 02:08 AM
Jun 2012

That Mr. Carlson would say of a rude, uncouth person (clearly, the knuckle-dragger reporter is not a journalist) "This is what reporters are suppose to do...They're supposed to get their questions answered." (Huffpo - Obama Immigration Speech) This only proves there is no respecting this President. Had someone done this to the right's saint Reagan (raised taxes 11 times), the right-wing controlled media would have asked for a beheading and nothing less would have sufficed.

I listen to the Randi Rhodes show (available in select markets, I-Heart and XM Sirius satellite radio). There is something she's said for years and this incident just goes to prove her point. There needs to be standards and practices for journalism or else you shouldn't be able to brand yourself as "news". What we have now is opinion-tainment, or just plain propaganda. There are no facts, there is no news, just opinion being paraded as facts with the lead in of "Some say...". This drives me crazy. Another Randi quote you'll hear her say is, "The news is dead."

The spoiled rich kids have grown up and what they did to the rest of us in kindergarten, elementary school, middle-school and high school, they are doing it again, only now they are affecting us nationally. This is serious and it's time to put these spoiled little brats back in their place, period.

These are the same little brats that didn't respect the Principal because they knew their parents would buy off the school and pay for whatever trouble they got into there. These are the same disrespectful miscreants that left flaming bags of dog-poop on an aging veteran's doorstep, watching from a distance and laughing at a man who faced down the Nazis stomping on flaming dog-poop. These are the same malcontents that would dress up in a state trooper's uniform just to stop college girls and scare them half out of their wits. All the while not even caring that what they were doing was a felony because they knew they would never see the inside of a jail cell.

I don't expect anything to change from the right, however I wish Mr. Carlson's email, or his mailing address became public so he could receive not only my strongly worded letter explaining journalistic ethics and how what he is supporting is, as far as I am concerned, an Un-American attitude; but an avalanche from regular Americans saying the same thing. If he wants to act that way, or have people on his staff act that way, then by all means, I believe that's the way they act in the House of Commons in England. Maybe he'd be happier under British rule, they already have a built in aristocracy.

I was raised to respect the office if not the person occupying it. Since 1980 I've had to endure 20 years, yes 20 years, of buffoons, mental midgets, a head of the CIA and Darth Vader (c'mon, we all know Darth was really the President for 8 years)... Oh, and that's not even mentioning the first 4 years of a stolen presidency. I will admit I never, ever referred to Prince George as President, I did at least say "Mister" Bush, that's a form of respect... Considering all of the other names I'd love to call him.

The bottom line here is there is a lack of respect, not only for the President, but for America in general and Americans overall. Decent, hard-working, truly ethical, salt-of-the-earth Americans. We are what stands in the way of the privileged class from running rough-shod over us all. The Super-Rich have gotten their way since birth and they want to dismantle this democratic republic under the guise of "it's our turn". The only right they have is the very same one each and everyone of us have, and that's the right to vote. They don't like that, because there are a whole hell of a lot of us than there are of them and they don't like the odds. They like to own the casino, because the house always wins. Well America is not a casino.

They are truly Anti-American in their view of this country. They don't want to deal with the messy reality of having a purpose to run on, other than protecting their money. They don't want to have ask us for anything, much less our measly little stinky vote, there's just too many people and besides we're so unwashed and huddled. Wouldn't it be easier if we just selected someone based on how much money they raised? Oh wait... Isn't it ironic that the court case that opened the floodgates of money was called "Citizens United" when it should be called "Billionaires United".

OK, it's late and I was pissed when I read this story. Sorry if I drifted a bit here and there, but I was very upset when I read this story. It's people like the reporter who dis-respected the office of the President of the United States of America and worse, the Editor-in-chief condoning this behavior which boiled my blood. At least in the 1930's people like this reporter wore white hoods so you could know who they were and what they stood for, it's not that easy anymore.

So douchebaggy that even faux douchebags are offended. nt onehandle Jun 2012 #1
LOL! freshwest Jun 2012 #6
To be fair, Shep Smith is one of the saner ones. NYC Liberal Jun 2012 #20
I can watch Shep and not get angry. Until the usual suspects: Boehner, Kanter, McConnel .... marble falls Jun 2012 #22
Shep Smith was one of the first ones to go ballistic about Katrina. alphafemale Jun 2012 #23
Agreed. I really meant Wallace. nt onehandle Jun 2012 #24
Shep Smith often surprises me .... spin Jun 2012 #34
Chris Wallace has surprised me a few times too. NYC Liberal Jun 2012 #35
They are probably AsahinaKimi Jun 2012 #30
Tucker knows better?!?! Blue_Tires Jun 2012 #2
I agree maindawg Jun 2012 #25
Don't forget that the wife of Clarene Thomas goclark Jun 2012 #28
I think they know what side their bread is buttered on... 47of74 Jun 2012 #3
I doubt they will want President Obama on Fox 'news' between now and the election. Murdoch AlinPA Jun 2012 #11
I'm actually relieved to hear this, so I give props to Shep Smith & Chris Wallace for speaking up. pacalo Jun 2012 #4
+1 nt steve2470 Jun 2012 #13
Mission Accomplished RufusTFirefly Jun 2012 #5
Bingo zeemike Jun 2012 #12
Sadly Rain Mcloud Jun 2012 #7
TRANSLATION: "We think it's WONDERFUL rocktivity Jun 2012 #8
Hmmmm, Tucker Carlson?...... JPK Jun 2012 #9
Good analogy! randome Jun 2012 #14
Good one, JPK. Little Lord Fauntleroy Tucker is, sadly, a jerkapotomus. FailureToCommunicate Jun 2012 #15
!!! I expected that they would cheer the guy as their hero. Fox & Friends will celebrate the guy. AlinPA Jun 2012 #10
Fucker Carlson wouldn't "know better" if it bit him on his soggy white ass. Zoeisright Jun 2012 #16
This message was self-deleted by its author syberlion Jun 2012 #17
This message was self-deleted by its author syberlion Jun 2012 #17
Tucker Carlson is a Tool syberlion Jun 2012 #19
This message was self-deleted by its author maindawg Jun 2012 #26
Thank you syberlion maindawg Jun 2012 #27
Conclusive proof this is a no brainer. JohnnyRingo Jun 2012 #21
The lying MUNRO shit lied he thought Prez was through. Video shows Prez in full stride of talking.nt UTUSN Jun 2012 #29
does anyone believe this would have happened to a white president? greenman3610 Jun 2012 #31
Tucker know nothing. hrmjustin Jun 2012 #32
I apologize to my fellow DU'ers for a comment I posted yesterday on this topic mike dub Jun 2012 #33
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