Gun Control & RKBA
Showing Original Post only (View all)My support for gun ownership rights is not universal and unqualified. [View all]
After years of surveying the anti-gun rhetoric I have come to realize that some people -- many people -- are not fit to own a gun. They are paranoid delusional, authoritarian, violent-minded, hateful towards opposing facts, vile to those not like them, disrespectful of basic civil rights, confrontational, quivering with anger, sexually obsessed and generally just...MEAN! They seem to thrive on negative emotions. It's an obviously unsettled state of mind and it cannot be healthy for them or those around them. I think it is safe to say the only reason they do NOT act on their hostile impulses is because they are unarmed and as such they should be kept so.
That the group I am referring to happens to be the anti-gun crowd itself. They argue against universal ownership and darned if they aren't right about it. Thankfully, though, for the most part (not counting David Brock, Michaels Moore and Bloomberg and Chris Dorner) they seem to keep themselves in gun-free zones.
It seems a shame to write this. I think everyone should have the confidence to not be restricted from anything in life but -- in spite of the seeming satire of this post, I'm not joking -- they should remain disarmed. So many within the anti-RKBA community seem so disturbed as to be disturbing. They are the best advocates for disarming those like them.