Always a proper holster...always [View all]
A woman was accidentally shot and killed at a Walmart store in northern Idaho on Tuesday when her 2-year-old son pulled a loaded handgun from her purse that then went off, a county sheriff said.
While her heart was in the right place, her knowledge was severely lacking. If you're going to purse carry please spend the cash to buy a proper purse. Safety first, getting shot by your two year old never...
1. Buy the proper handgun carrier (purse, holster, ect...)
2. Maintain control of your CC device at all times, be aware at all times.
3. Stay safe and carry on.
Stories like these are the reason I laugh at the "My safety is between my ears folks." Sure this woman thought she was doing the right thing, but in reality it was a costly mistake. If you're going to carry make sure you're the only one that can access your firearm unless you hand it over.
This is also one of the reasons I like that long DA pull of my LCP, CZ or P220, or the manual safety on my striker fired shield. Train Train Train and you won't have to worry about getting glocked like this woman probably did. Of course she may have had a DAO revolver like my wife carries.