"We'll have to agree to disagree" [View all]
Ugh, I hate that thought-terminating cliché.
Here's what happened. I just had a small interchange with someone on Facebook who I knew in high school. I was aware he was a right winger (not uncommon in the area where I grew up). Turns out he's also a climate denier. So he posted some stupid meme about Al Gore and the ice caps. After politely (really, I was polite) showing him more rational alternatives to bat-shit-crazy conspiracy nonsense he posted, he knew he was out of comebacks and said, "We'll have to agree to disagree."
Actually, he did have one little tidbit to add. He said he would
have to agree with me because he didn't want to get hauled off to jail by Loretta Lynch. I had to look that one up. According to Breitbart, the US AG is going to prosecute climate deniers.
Really. It was the fourth story down on Google news about Loretta Lynch
He'll likely be posting some of the same bullshit again. Time to remove another from my friend list I guess.