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(692 posts)
99. Pretty telling...
Fri Feb 12, 2016, 12:27 PM
Feb 2016

where reactionaries and defenders of the power and privilege of a very small ruling class of capital, war, and Imperialism stand when they spit on Eugene Debs.


"I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars, while millions of men and women who work all the days of their lives secure barely enough for a wretched existence."

--Eugene Debs

"What can Labor do for itself? The answer is not difficult. Labor can organize, it can unify; it can consolidate its forces. This done, it can demand and command."

--Eugene Debs

"Private appropriation of the Earth’s surface, the natural resources, and the means of life is nothing less a crime than a crime against humanity, but the comparative few who are beneficiaries of this iniquitous social arrangement, far from being viewed as criminals meriting punishment, are the exalted rulers of society, and the people they exploit gladly render them homage and obeisance."

--Eugene Debs

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles."

--Eugene Debs

"They tell us that we live in a great free republic; that our institutions are democratic; that we are a free and self-governing people. That is too much, even for a joke. ... Wars throughout history have been waged for conquest and plunder... And that is war in a nutshell. The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles."

--Eugene Debs

"Ten thousand times has the labor movement stumbled and bruised itself. We have been enjoined by the courts, assaulted by thugs, charged by the militia, traduced by the press, frowned upon in public opinion, and deceived by politicians. 'But notwithstanding all this and all these, labor is today the most vital and potential power this planet has ever known, and its historic mission is as certain of ultimate realization as is the setting of the sun."

--Eugene Debs

"Yes, I am my brother's keeper. I am under a moral obligation to him that is inspired, not by any maudlin sentimentality but by the higher duty I owe myself. What would you think me if I were capable of seating myself at a table and gorging myself with food and saw about me the children of my fellow beings starving to death."

--Eugene Debs

"If it had not been for the discontent of a few fellows who had not been satisfied with their conditions, you would still be living in caves. Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization. Progress is born of agitation. It is agitation or stagnation."

--Eugene Debs

"Nothing is more humiliating than to have to beg for work, and a system in which any man has to beg for work stands condemned. No man can defend it."

--Eugene Debs

"I don't want you to follow me or anyone else. If you are looking for a Moses to lead you out of the capitalist wilderness, you will stay right where you are. I would not lead you into this promised land if I could because if I could lead you in, someone else could lead you out."

--Eugene Debs

"Those who produce should have, but we know that those who produce the most - that is, those who work hardest, and at the most difficult and most menial tasks, have the least."

--Eugene Debs

"Every solitary one of these aristocratic conspirators and would-be murderers claims to be an arch-patriot; every one of them insists that the war is being waged to make the world safe for democracy. What humbug! What rot! What false pretense! These autocrats, these tyrants, these red-handed robbers and murderers, the "patriots," while the men who have the courage to stand face to face with them, speak the truth, and fight for their exploited victims-they are the disloyalists and traitors. If this be true, I want to take my place side by side with the traitors in this fight."

--Eugene Debs

"When we are in partnership and have stopped clutching each other's throats, when we have stopped enslaving each other, we will stand together, hands clasped, and be friends. We will be comrades, we will be brothers, and we will begin the march to the grandest civilization the human race has ever known."

--Eugene Debs

"They have always taught and trained you to believe it to be your patriotic duty to go to war and to have yourselves slaughtered at their command. But in all the history of the world you, the people, have never had a voice in declaring war, and strange as it certainly appears, no war by any nation in any age has ever been declared by the people."

--Eugene Debs

"I am guilty of believing that the human race can be humanized and enriched in every spiritual inference through the saner and more beneficent processes of peaceful persuasion applied to material problems rather than through wars, riots and bloodshed."

--Eugene Debs

“As long as he owns your tools he owns your job, and if he owns your job he is the master of your fate. You are in no sense a free man. You are subject to his interest and to his will. He decides whether you shall work or not. Therefore, he decides whether you shall live or die. And in that humiliating position any one who tries to persuade you that you are a free man is guilty of insulting your intelligence.”

-- Eugene Debs

"Beware of capitalism's politicians and preachers! They are the lineal descendants of the hypocrites of old who all down the ages have guarded the flock in the name of patriotism and religion and secured the choicest provender and the snuggest booths for themselves by turning the sheep over to the ravages of the wolves.”

-- Eugene Debs

what a specious argument bigtree Feb 2016 #1
GTFO - nt KingCharlemagne Feb 2016 #3
And the results are: LiberalArkie Feb 2016 #35
This message was self-deleted by its author fleur-de-lisa Feb 2016 #36
Are you a true Bernie supporter ? stonecutter357 Feb 2016 #106
Why? She is PROUD of his endorsement which implies that she thinks he is just peachy fucking keen CBGLuthier Feb 2016 #15
How so? Kelvin Mace Feb 2016 #67
The huge difference would be... dchill Feb 2016 #127
Not sure how Bill Press figures into this Kelvin Mace Feb 2016 #132
No, but he did write a book... dchill Feb 2016 #137
No, HRC wrote a full blown review in the Washington Post Kelvin Mace Feb 2016 #138
That is truly disgusting. dchill Feb 2016 #140
oh that is funny jham123 Feb 2016 #139
Care to refute the point, or just want to love profanity and insults? Feeling the Bern Feb 2016 #90
+1000 stonecutter357 Feb 2016 #108
How so? Ken Burch Feb 2016 #125
the idea that someone's foreign policy ideas restorefreedom Feb 2016 #2
I am aghast. - nt KingCharlemagne Feb 2016 #4
It's nauseating. John Poet Feb 2016 #6
They probably have. CBGLuthier Feb 2016 #16
Who to bomb next. Helen Borg Feb 2016 #39
you pic is missing something magical thyme Feb 2016 #118
LOL! John Poet Feb 2016 #146
So, does this mean people who support Bernie support Cornel West on everything he has ever boston bean Feb 2016 #5
How many millions of people has Cornel West caused the torture, suffering and murder of? polly7 Feb 2016 #17
Did I say he did? I don't think I did. boston bean Feb 2016 #22
You compared him to Kissinger. polly7 Feb 2016 #23
No I did not. That might be your reading, but follow along. boston bean Feb 2016 #26
Oh, yes you did. I 'followed along'. polly7 Feb 2016 #27
I'm pretty sure the standard you speak of is... tk2kewl Feb 2016 #29
Wow, the Sarah Palin speak sure is popular with a certain candidates supporters around here. JTFrog Feb 2016 #50
I corrected my spelling in case that's what worried you about my post re genocide tk2kewl Feb 2016 #56
Parrotting Sarah Palin has zero to do with your spelling. JTFrog Feb 2016 #66
Wrong tk2kewl Feb 2016 #72
EXACTLY!!! jham123 Feb 2016 #141
Schroedinger's Candidate. Marr Feb 2016 #147
We aren't talking about two people who shared a cab, for fuck's sake. Marr Feb 2016 #136
+1000 jham123 Feb 2016 #142
I thought the same thing when I read "pal around" redstateblues Feb 2016 #58
Makes one wonder about where some of the attackers' loyalty really lies AlbertCat Feb 2016 #80
My loyalties lie with truth and equality. frylock Feb 2016 #126
So in your universe, using the phrase, 'pal around' is indicative of right-wing thinking, but Marr Feb 2016 #131
perfect jham123 Feb 2016 #143
... retrowire Feb 2016 #46
Don't be obtuse. A person's 'mentors' are indicative of their own positions/values. Marr Feb 2016 #129
That's a fake quote oberliner Feb 2016 #31
This message was self-deleted by its author JTFrog Feb 2016 #92
Has he said or done anything to upset your white middle class sensitivities and privileges? Bohemianwriter Feb 2016 #40
Yep, I support Cornel West on about 98.74% of things (nt) nyabingi Feb 2016 #64
Those of us old enough to have lived through the Vietnam war Merryland Feb 2016 #7
THANK GOD Bernie Sanders called her out on that shit. He has endeared himself KingCharlemagne Feb 2016 #12
Ayup. AzDar Feb 2016 #8
what a silly statement DrDan Feb 2016 #9
Why? Kelvin Mace Feb 2016 #73
there are many factors involved in deciding which candidate to support DrDan Feb 2016 #112
For me, certain lines cannot be crossed Kelvin Mace Feb 2016 #115
if either Hillary or Bernie is elected, I think we will see a meeting with W . . as there should be DrDan Feb 2016 #116
Not the same thing Kelvin Mace Feb 2016 #117
I respectfully disagree. cali Feb 2016 #10
makes you wonder where she was during the 60s nashville_brook Feb 2016 #11
Just for the bombing of Cambodia alone, he should be KingCharlemagne Feb 2016 #13
In the 60s she was supporting nuke the whole world Goldwater. CBGLuthier Feb 2016 #18
Well, Kissinger's foreign policy backed coups and created failed states... jeff47 Feb 2016 #55
High school mikehiggins Feb 2016 #62
In 69 she actually attacked a black senator in her college grad speech nashville_brook Feb 2016 #111
She led anti-Vietnam war protests at Yale. joshcryer Feb 2016 #74
Yeah, riiiight. Goldwater grrrrl. nashville_brook Feb 2016 #109
Bernie Sanders has praised Fidel Castro. By your logic, supporting Sanders means that Freddie Stubbs Feb 2016 #14
Like Batista much, do you? - nt KingCharlemagne Feb 2016 #19
Batista has been dead for over 40 years and the Castros are still oppressing the Cuban people Freddie Stubbs Mar 2016 #155
I will take Castro over fucking Kissinger any day. CBGLuthier Feb 2016 #20
Kissinger actually had a secret plan to launch airstrikes against Cuba to retaliate against KingCharlemagne Feb 2016 #21
Yep! nt. polly7 Feb 2016 #24
Using that logic Bernie supporters must idolize Daniel Ortega CajunBlazer Feb 2016 #25
I may not support Castro but I am smart enough to know the United States did more to harm A Simple Game Feb 2016 #85
I support Hillary vdogg Feb 2016 #28
My, aren't you precious? - nt KingCharlemagne Feb 2016 #30
Well, personally I'd recommend reviewing her foreign policy jeff47 Feb 2016 #59
If Hillary embraces Kissinger as a source of foreign policy philosophy Trajan Feb 2016 #65
Ouch! SammyWinstonJack Feb 2016 #81
And it means that she will continue to destroy governments with the acceptance of American DhhD Feb 2016 #84
That's quite a big strawman you built there vdogg Feb 2016 #144
Just the image of her embracing him during an election campaign Trajan Feb 2016 #145
Will everyone who posted here be blocked by the Hillary group katmondoo Feb 2016 #32
Sanders supporters must also LOVE Eugene V. Debs CajunBlazer Feb 2016 #33
What's wrong with one of the most important labor leaders ever? Feeling the Bern Feb 2016 #91
Pretty telling... AOR Feb 2016 #99
What's funny is they don't even seem to realize how out of step they are. Marr Feb 2016 #124
Pete Seeger did too for a while. Your point? I support everything Seeger supported. Feeling the Bern Feb 2016 #104
And if you support Bernie leftynyc Feb 2016 #34
Bernie said he trusts Stalin's advice? retrowire Feb 2016 #48
So was the OP leftynyc Feb 2016 #113
the OP at least tried connecting dots that existed. lol nt retrowire Feb 2016 #119
Because Bernie has publicly and proudly touted KingCharlemagne Feb 2016 #49
Nope - just his economic ideas leftynyc Feb 2016 #114
We should NOT be judged by those with whom we consult CajunBlazer Feb 2016 #37
You are not required to praise everyone you consult. jeff47 Feb 2016 #60
More importantly, Kissinger praised Hillary Lordquinton Feb 2016 #123
She didn't just consult him Kelvin Mace Feb 2016 #75
Oh dear, he read books from people Americans have been instructed to hate Feeling the Bern Feb 2016 #105
She may as well get Cheney as foreign advisor. Helen Borg Feb 2016 #38
I supported Obama but I didn't support Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Eric Holder, or Hillary Clinton think Feb 2016 #41
Obama was forced to disavow Rev. Wright, but Hillary is allowed KingCharlemagne Feb 2016 #42
Reluntantly, I have to agree erlewyne Feb 2016 #43
Senator Sanders showed us what he is made of, fitting on the eve KingCharlemagne Feb 2016 #44
but. but. but he is famous and all that olddots Feb 2016 #45
what a ridiculous, SCantiGOP Feb 2016 #47
Here's a positive post: the ghosts of 2,000,000 southeast Asians silently KingCharlemagne Feb 2016 #52
President Bill Clinton was one of the best presidents of all time lobodons Feb 2016 #51
Right up there with Lincoln, Washington and FDR, he is. /sarcasm/ - nt KingCharlemagne Feb 2016 #53
close, but no cigar lobodons Feb 2016 #54
Close but no cigar UnBlinkingEye Feb 2016 #83
LOL GummyBearz Feb 2016 #100
And she so PROUD of being praised by hifiguy Feb 2016 #57
for all of Kissinger's faults, Kissinger is not a COMMUNIST like Cornel West and Noam Trotsky ericson00 Feb 2016 #61
Yikes.... think Feb 2016 #63
I'm sure a lot of my childhood pals would agree mikehiggins Feb 2016 #68
Um, Hillary worked at TW&B, a communist party associated law firm. joshcryer Feb 2016 #76
Really, you would choose someone responsible Kelvin Mace Feb 2016 #78
WOW SoLeftIAmRight Feb 2016 #96
I'm surprised no one has reported on that post. B Calm Feb 2016 #98
Noam Chomsky says things about our country (assuming you're also an American) ericson00 Feb 2016 #120
Noam Chomsky tells the ugly truths... SoLeftIAmRight Feb 2016 #121
well then you're far out of the American mainstream; ericson00 Feb 2016 #122
What? gollygee Feb 2016 #134
complete nonsense beachbum bob Feb 2016 #69
If she loved Kissinger, wonder how she felt about Nixon? EndElectoral Feb 2016 #70
She liked Goldwater! Feeling the Bern Feb 2016 #93
Was that back when she was President of Young Republicans in college? I B Calm Feb 2016 #95
Yes, see in 1964, when Bernie was organizing sit-ins for Civil Rights, Hillary supported a Feeling the Bern Feb 2016 #97
In her heart, she knew he was right. (Little shout-out to fans of the KingCharlemagne Feb 2016 #150
These are the "advisors" she keeps nyabingi Feb 2016 #71
For an apt comparison: OilemFirchen Feb 2016 #77
Affirming the consequent is a common fallacy made by the irrational mind LanternWaste Feb 2016 #79
This is silly, too. NurseJackie Feb 2016 #82
hmmm rtracey Feb 2016 #86
have been a strong advocate for Colin Powell. AlbertCat Feb 2016 #89
He lied? rtracey Feb 2016 #110
Before you go touting your support of Powell, it would behoove you I think KingCharlemagne Feb 2016 #154
ZAP! Another fine addition to the ignore list. nt procon Feb 2016 #87
Guity by association. itsrobert Feb 2016 #88
Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy. Henry Kissinger B Calm Feb 2016 #94
When asked if why soldiers could die in high numbers for him, Hitler said: Feeling the Bern Feb 2016 #103
I agree with you 100%. When did DU become we love Kissinger channel because Hillary likes him? Feeling the Bern Feb 2016 #101
Upside-down, twilight stuff. DUers are morphing into republicans right before our eyes. RiverLover Feb 2016 #149
I did bad in logic class, too BeyondGeography Feb 2016 #102
Very simple... SoapBox Feb 2016 #107
Don't define me with your paradigm upaloopa Feb 2016 #128
If anyone has a YouTube channel Autumn Colors Feb 2016 #130
Nope. bettyellen Feb 2016 #133
Yawn. Not impressed. What else have you got? stopbush Feb 2016 #135
That logic is beyond sophomoric - almost preschool level I would say. nt hack89 Feb 2016 #148
Wuuuahhhaa!! Beacool Feb 2016 #151
Following this logic...... DFW Feb 2016 #152
Kissinger occupies an entirely different category of sub-human KingCharlemagne Feb 2016 #153
Latest Discussions»Retired Forums»2016 Postmortem»If you support Hillary, y...»Reply #99