2016 Postmortem
Showing Original Post only (View all)ELECTION SPOILER: Obama wins in a LANDSLIDE [View all]
All this handwringing & worrywart crap.
It means nothing to me.
All the 'this poll says this' & 'this poll says that'.
It means nothing to me.
All the carrying on about the outcome of the first debate.
It means nothing to me.
I KNEW from DAY ONE as soon as the field of Republican candidates was established that
President Barack Hussein Obama II...
...would get his 2nd term.
How can I be so sure?
Well, just LOOK at these fools.
Sarah Palin was too scared to run for all that fuss she made in the past 4 years since she got her ass whooped in 2008.
Chris Christie was too scared to run because he knew he had no chance in hell of getting past the beast that is Obama.
Tim Pawlenty knew he didn't have Enough. Plenty of Not Enough.
Then what they had left was a crew of Keystone Cops, a pack of Circus Clowns on parade.
Who they got?
Herman Cain?
Michele Bachmann?
Rick Perry?
Jon Huntsman?
Newt Gingrich?
Rick Santorum?
Ron Paul?
Mitt Romney?
What? Hahahahahaha!
Herman Cain. Hahahahaha!!
Never mind his bull about Pokémon & Sim City. Never mind his sex scandal even.
He wasn't going NOWHERE because ain't no way Republicans would have a decision between a Black man & a Black man.
Ain't HAPPENIN' with the Southern Strategy embedded in that party. And he knew it. He ran for the SuperPAC money.
(I was so hoping he would get past just to see what would happen. Would have drove them people crazy! Hahaha!)
Michele Bachmann was a Discount Palin. At least Palin was original.
This was a wannabe & she was crazy as hell from jump. It was no surprise when she whimpered out after getting stomped in Iowa.
Besides I really wonder if Republicans trust women in a Presidential role. They're supposed to be traditionalists after all.
Rick Perry was the dumbass from Texas who replaced that other dumbass from Texas in 2000 as Governor.
When Bush Junior left for the White House, Perry went to the Texas Governor's House.
He showed his dumbassness on that debate with his "duuuuuhhhhhhh" response of the 3 departments he would cut.
Jon Huntsman posed the biggest threat to Obama from this list of nominees.
He wasn't dumb. He wasn't crazy. He seemed reasonable & open to compromise.
But he couldn't get ARRESTED! Hahahahaha! He might as well have been invisible.
Plus he worked under the Obama administration as an ambassador. That may have worked against him, maybe.
Newt Gingrich is the textbook definition of CORRUPT.
He's the one who had his Contract on America while playing up Bill Clinton's sex scandal.
Except that his sex scandal was WAY worse than Bill's was.
Women were not going for this cat after how he treated his wife on her hospital bed to leave for another womanwho's now on the campaign trail with him. Lots of women take that personal & it was a giant strike on the character scorecard.
Besides Newt represents the Old Guard. He's the old Republican from the 80s & 90s. The 90s were 20 years ago.
Also he was unorganized! How you gonna run a Presidency when you can't even get your name on the damn ballot?!
Rick Santorum was a faceless goon who only got as far as he did because everybody else dropped out.
Because so many were dreading that Mitt Romney would be the nominee they put all their efforts behind the only man who was left.
He was a lame motherfather too. "I don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them other people's money" becomes...
"No no, I said BLAH people" Oh really now. This lame ass jabroni!
Most telling of his lameness was when his daughter got sick & he cancelled the campaign to look after his daughter.
No, Rick. You don't do EITHER/OR. You do BOTH/AND. Look after your daughter THEN come back to the campaign trail later.
Obama's grandma died, he went to her funeral, & came back to the campaign with tears in his eyes. That's how it's done.
Ron Paul had his Cult of Personality, no doubt. Of all the Republican candidates no one had a more enthusiastic base than Ron Paul.
Badgering internet forum after internet forum with the zeal only a true believer can have.
Problem was he wasn't really a Republican Republican. He was a Libertarian Republican.
A Paleo-Conservative which is just another way of saying Fossil (get it? Paleo? Fossil?).
A Relic from a Republican Party of decades past.
Oh speaking of fossil, he's OLD. 77 years old.
His lifespan & mental sharpness may be long-ranging for all we know but people get wary when candidates get to this level of age.
It worked against John McCain in 2008 & he was only 72 then.
People got scared he would die in office & then Sarah Palin would be Prez. People remember the Alzheimer's stories of Reagan.
It's one thing to be Robert Byrd & Strom Thurmond as a Senator of a state.
It's another thing to be in charge of the Nuclear Button as President interacting with foreign regimes.
But none of this mattered to the Ron Paul acolytes. Never mind the flaws in his policies (gold standard really?) & his lack of votes.
They were so WITH him that they would be WITHOUT anyone else & I KNEW this would be a problem for whoever became the nominee.
Mitt Romney was the inevitable uninspiring candidate. Nobody wanted him at all.
But pragmatically they believed he had the best shot of taking down Obama with the collection of clowns they had running.
His votes were reluctantly given & in the primaries his challengers got the ANTI-Romney vote.
With the exception of Ron Paul, all the Republican contenders were the Anti-Obama vote but Romney himself was faced with Anti-ROMNEY votes!
Anybody But Romney BEFORE Anybody But Obama??? Hahahahahaha!
Also he couldn't go against Obamacare because Obamacare is essentially ROMNEYCARE!
And his Gubernatorial record in Kennedy-land Massachusetts works totally against the Tea Party-style Republicans.
He would have to switch his whole belief systems all over the place like an Etch-A-Sketch to maintain hold on those Teapots.
Throw in his shadiness on showing his taxes, his barely hidden mean-spiritedness, his record at Bain Capital & you've got yourself a loser.
Also certain religious-head voters are wary of his Mormonosity. They think it's a spooky cult & don't trust him.
And he was considered the BEST OF THE BUNCH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
If Romney's your Best of the Bunch, you're done from the moment you step out the door!
BUT ABOVE ALL THIS, Jeb Bush didn't DARE show his face in 2012 after the dismal era of George Junior.
He was the one they were supposed to run, ol' Jebediah.
If they were serious about uprooting Obama they would have put him up, but Obama was JUST THAT FORMIDABLE.
So you see I had no more worries about the 2012 election once the Republicans showed their field of nominees.
I knew more & more as each day went on that we were looking at the end of the Republican Party on the National Stage.
The Southern Strategy DIES in this election.
They hold a strong bitter Plurality but no longer a Majority.
Appealing to the Bigots for the benefit of the Selfish Rich will no longer work on Presidential elections after this.
Once the Republicans lose the National Stage they will eventually lose the Regional Stages.
Either the Republican Party TRIPLES down for 2016 with the same strategy & lose even harder
Or the Republican Party goes searching for another reliable voting block to pad the Elite (AKA Few) Greedy Rich's numbers for future elections.
That takes time & they lose in the short term in search of this new base.
If they don't find one in time, they lose permanently.
This is a Realigning Election.
Obama will win this HANDILY.
It's not a matter of IF he will win or even WHEN he will win but HOW MUCH will he win by.
I say a LANDSLIDE of 20 points in the Popular Vote. Minimum 15.
Damn the polls. Damn the crying & carrying on.
My confidence in my prediction is strong.
Even WITH the racism factor working against him in 2008 he beat McCain 53% to 46%.
Now with his accomplishments & the opposition he faces, I say he will widen that lead like you have never seen.
The Mandate is coming & the openly Progressive President we have been waiting for will emerge in the 2nd term.
John Lucas