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(53,177 posts)
57. Your silly graphic does not list her plans. Her plans are on hillaryclinton.com.
Fri Mar 11, 2016, 03:43 PM
Mar 2016

Just two examples:


The New College Compact: 
Costs won’t be a barrier, debt won’t hold you back.

Hillary will:

Ensure no student has to borrow to pay for tuition, books, or fees to attend a four-year public college in their state.

Enable Americans with existing student loan debt to refinance at current rates.

Hold colleges and universities accountable for controlling costs and making tuition affordable.

“We need to make a quality education affordable and available to everyone willing to work for it, without saddling them with decades of debt.”



Hillary has a vision for America in which education is attainable for all. The New College Compact will ensure that costs aren’t a barrier to college and that debt doesn’t hold Americans back.

Here’s what every student and family should expect under Hillary’s plan: 

Costs won't be a barrier.

Students should never have to borrow to pay for tuition, books, and fees to attend a four-year public college in their state under the New College Compact. Pell Grants are not included in the calculation of no-debt-tuition, so Pell recipients will be able to use their grants fully for living expenses. Students at community college will receive free tuition.

Students will do their part by contributing their earnings from working 10 hours a week.

Families will do their part by making an affordable and realistic family contribution.

The federal government will make a major investment in the New College Compact by providing grants to states that commit to these goals, and by cutting interest rates on loans.

States will have to step up and meet their obligation to invest in higher education by maintaining current levels of higher education funding and reinvesting over time.

Colleges and universities will be accountable for improving outcomes and controlling costs to ensure that tuition is affordable and that students who invest in college leave with a degree.

We will encourage innovators who design imaginative new ways of providing a valuable college education to students—while cracking down on abusive practices that burden students with debt without value.

A $25 billion fund will support HBCUs, HSIs, and other MSIs serving a high percentage of Pell Grant recipients to help lower the cost of attendance and improve student outcomes at low-cost, modest-endowment nonprofit private schools.


Climate change and clean energy

 Making America the world’s clean energy superpower and meeting the climate challenge. 

Hillary will:

Create good-paying jobs by making the United States the clean energy superpower of the 21st century.

Set national goals to have 500 million solar panels installed; generate enough renewable energy to power every home in America; cut energy waste in homes, schools, and hospitals by a third; and reduce American oil consumption by a third.

Lead the world in the fight against climate change by bringing greenhouse gas emissions to 30 percent below what they were in 2005 within the next decade—and keep going.

"I won’t let anyone take us backward, deny our economy the benefits of harnessing a clean energy future, or force our children to endure the catastrophe that would result from unchecked climate change."


Climate change is an urgent threat and a defining challenge of our time—and Hillary Clinton has a plan to tackle it by making America the world’s clean energy superpower, taking bold steps to slash carbon pollution at home and around the world, and ensuring no Americans are left out or left behind as we rapidly build a clean energy economy. 

2015 was the warmest year on record—and 15 of the 16 hottest years on record have come just since 2001. Already, American families are seeing the impacts of climate change with their own eyes, from the record drought in California to the frequently flooded streets of Miami and Annapolis. While climate deniers continue to ignore settled science because it does not suit their political agenda, and climate defeatists doubt America’s ability to meet this challenge, Hillary knows that America is fully up to the task. 

Already, U.S. carbon pollution has been cut to its lowest level since 1995. Wind power has expanded three fold and solar power 30-fold since 2008. But that’s not enough to tackle the climate challenge, meet America’s carbon pollution reduction goals, or to compete for the $13.5 trillion of global clean energy investment unlocked by the historic international climate change agreement reached in Paris. We can and must go further.

That’s why on day one, Hillary will set bold, national goals that will be achieved within ten years of her taking office:

Generate enough renewable energy to power every home in America, with half a billion solar panels installed by the end of Hillary’s first term.

Cut energy waste in American homes, schools, hospitals and offices by a third and make American manufacturing the cleanest and most efficient in the world.

Reduce American oil consumption by a thirdthrough cleaner fuels and more efficient cars, boilers, ships and trucks.

Hillary’s plan is designed to deliver on the pledge President Obama made at the Paris climate conference last December—without relying on climate deniers in Congress to pass new legislation. Her plan will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 30 percent in 2025 relative to 2005 levels and put the country on a path to cut emissions more than 80 percent by 2050.Her approach will catalyze new investment and economic opportunity across the country, create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, reduce energy bills and save families money, make our country more secure, and protect our families and communities from pollution.

As president, Hillary will:

Defend, implement, and extend smart pollution and efficiency standards, including the Clean Power Plan, which will prevent 3,600 premature deaths and 90,000 asthma attacks annually, and efficiency standards for cars, trucks and appliances that are already reducing energy costs for American households and businesses by over $75 billion per year.

Launch a $60 billion Clean Energy Challenge to partner with states, cities, and rural communities and give them the tools and resources they need to go beyond federal standards in cutting carbon pollution and expanding clean energy. The Clean Energy Challenge will also help ensure all Americans share in the benefits of a clean energy economy by encouraging solar and energy efficiency investments in low-income communities.

Invest in clean energy infrastructure, innovation, manufacturing and workforce development to make the U.S. economy more competitive and create good paying jobs and careers. Hillary has a comprehensive plan for making existing energy infrastructure cleaner and safer, unlocking new investment, and forging a climate compact with Canada and Mexico to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and accelerate clean energy deployment across the continent.

Ensure safe and responsible energy production. As we transition to a clean energy economy, we must ensure that the fossil fuel production taking place today is safe and responsible and that areas too sensitive for energy production are taken off the table. Hillary knows there are some places where we should keep fossil fuels in the ground or under the ocean.

The Arctic is a unique treasure. Given what we know, it's not worth the risk of drilling. -H

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton)August 18, 2015

Reform leasing on public lands. As president, Hillary would reform fossil fuel leasing and significantly expand clean energy production on public lands, from wind in Wyoming to solar in Nevada.

End wasteful tax subsidies for oil and gas companies. Oil and gas companies have enjoyed billions in tax breaks for decades. Hillary would end those wasteful subsidies and invest in clean energy.

Cut methane emissions across the economy. Hillary would cut emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, by 40-45 percent and put in place strong standards for reducing leaks from both new and existing sources.

Revitalize coal communities.Building a 21st century clean energy economy will create new jobs and industries, protect public health, and reduce carbon pollution. But we can’t ignore the impact this transition is already having on coal communities. Hillary’s $30 billion plan to revitalize coal communities will ensure coal miners, power plant operators, transportation workers, and their families get the respect they deserve and the benefits they have earned; invest in economic diversification and job creation; and make coal communities an engine of US economic growth in the 21st century, as they have been for generations.

"In spite of the strongest possible scientific consensus about what climate change means for our environment, economy, health, and future, there are still some who deny the facts. They’re intent on obstructing progress. We can’t let them win this fight. We have no choice. There is no Planet B."




very good post Merryland Mar 2016 #1
I agree. All the "older women" I know are distinctly pro Bernie. Bubzer Mar 2016 #2
I'm in my 70's and definitely pro Bernie. Duval Mar 2016 #36
Awesome! Bubzer Mar 2016 #79
Yes, "very good" except for EVERYTHING. :) We're not "desperate," Hortensis Mar 2016 #55
The word desperate was part of a title, but I wont shy away from it. I will merely agree to disagree Bubzer Mar 2016 #82
And yet here you are, partisan as hell. Why not Hortensis Mar 2016 #83
I'm not here pretending to be nuetral. Bubzer Mar 2016 #84
About 95% of the ones I know are pro Bernie hobbit709 Mar 2016 #5
Two of my closest friends are women in their fifties. bvf Mar 2016 #13
My mom will be 80 this year, and is Bernie all the way. nt PunkinPi Mar 2016 #17
Female, in my 80s and very much for Bernie Thirties Child Mar 2016 #93
Can somebody link me to this brick thing they're constantly going on about VulgarPoet Mar 2016 #3
Thanks for connecting the term with the act! I forgot all about that word: gaslighting. Bubzer Mar 2016 #6
Exactly what it is. VulgarPoet Mar 2016 #7
Yep, that's the correct term. haikugal Mar 2016 #77
I think this is where that meme began Electric Monk Mar 2016 #68
Yeah, I got linked here earlier. VulgarPoet Mar 2016 #70
Nothing else has worked so bring this out again. hobbit709 Mar 2016 #4
Nothing will make people feel comfortable about immediately denouncing any sexism kcr Mar 2016 #8
That's a non-sequiter and very disingenuous. Phony accounts of sexism is itself sexism. Bubzer Mar 2016 #11
Or. You just don't agree that it's sexist. Which is more likely? kcr Mar 2016 #15
Wait, let me get this straight... Bubzer Mar 2016 #19
Not in the context of who's right on the internet. No. kcr Mar 2016 #21
And we come to the heart of it. Bubzer Mar 2016 #25
Okay, then kcr Mar 2016 #26
Selective Sexism snort Mar 2016 #41
Right! Add a dollop of gaslighting and mix vigorously. Bubzer Mar 2016 #43
To me there are few things that are lower than... tex-wyo-dem Mar 2016 #29
It won't shock you to learn I don't agree, I'm sure. kcr Mar 2016 #30
We've already been around the antisemitism bush several times here in GD-P Fumesucker Mar 2016 #59
Yep. I wonder if the person I was responding thought it was low to complain about that? kcr Mar 2016 #62
+about a million! BlueMTexpat Mar 2016 #32
Thanks! kcr Mar 2016 #56
Their lies have disgusted decent Americans to the point where Zorra Mar 2016 #9
It's interesting that she BlueMTexpat Mar 2016 #33
The actual online misogynists are aligned with the Tea Party starroute Mar 2016 #10
Exactly right! The few who manage to get onto this site, dont stay long either... thank you MIRT!!!! Bubzer Mar 2016 #14
I remember a bunch of people here claiming an economic fix would be beat to preserve equal rights- bettyellen Mar 2016 #81
That seems dumb but it isn't misygyny starroute Mar 2016 #88
That dog just ain't gonna hunt. Fuddnik Mar 2016 #12
K&R. bvf Mar 2016 #16
Hillary wants to fight for all those low income women. jalan48 Mar 2016 #18
I've Said It Before SDJay Mar 2016 #20
Sexism might be a bigger issue with an older demographic Victor_c3 Mar 2016 #22
The meme is quite noticable . TheFarS1de Mar 2016 #23
I'm a woman way over 45 and I support Bernie! I can't stand CharlotteVale Mar 2016 #24
As an older female Bernie supporter myself, the media keeps forgetting the other point... Bernieftw2016 Mar 2016 #27
They conveniently forget it, since it doesn't fit the preconceived narrative. Betty Karlson Mar 2016 #39
Not at all, just noticing an increasingly sexist tone here. Remember, it is possible to support anotherproletariat Mar 2016 #28
The American people were finally ready for a female president, but reject establishment candidates. JFKDem62 Mar 2016 #31
Right. Because telling a woman to vaginally disembowel herself with a brick is not sexist. SunSeeker Mar 2016 #34
That's so low! kcr Mar 2016 #35
Link, please? ljm2002 Mar 2016 #40
It still sits in GDP, with 136 recs. A DU jury upheld the vile language 4-3. SunSeeker Mar 2016 #45
Thank you... ljm2002 Mar 2016 #46
Why use that phrase at all? It is not just "crude," it's misogynistic. SunSeeker Mar 2016 #47
And this is exactly my point... ljm2002 Mar 2016 #63
Sexism isn't ever expressed metaphorically? kcr Mar 2016 #65
Nice attempt to move the goal posts... ljm2002 Mar 2016 #66
So, then. What do you think the poster meant, metaphorically speaking? kcr Mar 2016 #71
No, that language is used at women and it is misogynistic. SunSeeker Mar 2016 #67
She laughed at the death of someone... ljm2002 Mar 2016 #69
Correct - I've said "fuck him with a rusty fork" (or similar items) PLENTY of times about disgusting kath Mar 2016 #80
Hillary did not call for Gaddafi to die by bayonet. His own troops (rebels) stabbed and shot him. SunSeeker Mar 2016 #86
OFFS... ljm2002 Mar 2016 #87
Yes, it is common misogynistic hate speech aimed at women. SunSeeker Mar 2016 #89
Wait a minute. You were talking about Quaddafi? kcr Mar 2016 #95
In post #63, upthread, I said: ljm2002 Mar 2016 #98
I was talking about post 69 kcr Mar 2016 #100
Shame on you. ljm2002 Mar 2016 #102
I'm a lot like Bernie? Thanks! kcr Mar 2016 #104
Twisted is twisted... ljm2002 Mar 2016 #105
Twisted is twisted kcr Mar 2016 #106
Whoa that is FUCKED UP vintx Mar 2016 #50
I entered the description of a BernieBro into my supercomputer and it spit out this image: snort Mar 2016 #37
LOL nt m-lekktor Mar 2016 #54
!!! Waiting For Everyman Mar 2016 #75
Excellent analysis, I doubt it will penetrate the Hilly-bubble though. Betty Karlson Mar 2016 #38
so you might say it's a "Single White Female" role? MisterP Mar 2016 #42
This message was self-deleted by its author liberalnarb Mar 2016 #44
That poster was protesting a DUer telling a woman to vaginally impale herself on a brick. SunSeeker Mar 2016 #49
That's repulsive. Did the brick DUer get banned? liberalnarb Mar 2016 #58
No. It survived a alert and sits in GDP with 137 recs. SunSeeker Mar 2016 #60
Well, I replied to the OP, not that it makes a difference. liberalnarb Mar 2016 #96
No. I suggest reading their whole post. Lizzie Poppet Mar 2016 #64
Not only not banned, but over 150 recs for the post. kcr Mar 2016 #73
Jesus. liberalnarb Mar 2016 #74
...proving that she has nothing positive and real, to run on. Ferd Berfel Mar 2016 #48
Hillary is the only candidate out there offering real plans. SunSeeker Mar 2016 #52
if you call these plans Ferd Berfel Mar 2016 #53
Your silly graphic does not list her plans. Her plans are on hillaryclinton.com. SunSeeker Mar 2016 #57
There is plenty of sexism and misogyny on the left. That brick comment vintx Mar 2016 #51
go f yourself is not sexist. It is said by both sexes to both sexes. I'm not sure why that poster liberal_at_heart Mar 2016 #76
Really? You don't know why they "added the brick part"? SunSeeker Mar 2016 #91
Yep. It brings out the hypersensitivity. backscatter712 Mar 2016 #61
It's the same thing we've been seeing here for years Waiting For Everyman Mar 2016 #72
no sexism involved oldandhappy Mar 2016 #78
GG is a libertarian who cheered when the Ds lost the 2010 mid-terms. His view is that struggle4progress Mar 2016 #85
True. GG is no friend of Democrats. nt SunSeeker Mar 2016 #90
That doesn't delegitmize his analysis of the situation. Not by a mile. Bubzer Mar 2016 #94
His "analysis" is not impartial: he intends it to have the consequences I indicated struggle4progress Mar 2016 #99
look, unless the fairness doctrine has been re instituted when I wasn't looking, no one's impartial Bubzer Mar 2016 #101
It already is. Namely, only someone who shares my plumbing... lumberjack_jeff Mar 2016 #92
So, because it's merely coincidence that Bernie just so happens to share yours? kcr Mar 2016 #97
I have yet to meet anyone who says they're voting for Bernie because he has a penis. Bubzer Mar 2016 #107
Well of course not. Why would they? kcr Mar 2016 #108
If anyone were voting for a man BECAUSE he was a man? Hell yes it'd be sexist. Bubzer Mar 2016 #109
Okay kcr Mar 2016 #110
My state has 2 women senators. Men have run against them. Rilgin Mar 2016 #112
Am I just imagining we've only ever had men as presidents, then? kcr Mar 2016 #114
Presidency is not the only election. Your claim is about gender and running for election. Rilgin Mar 2016 #118
No. It's not. n/t kcr Mar 2016 #119
So, the last person who should be pointing at women and claim they're sexist for that kcr Mar 2016 #111
That's quite the double standard you're lugging around. Bubzer Mar 2016 #113
How is it a double standard? kcr Mar 2016 #115
So your going to defelct and not answer the hard question? Typical. I expect no less. Bubzer Mar 2016 #116
I'm not deflecting. I'm sticking to the point of this subthread. kcr Mar 2016 #117
When you desperately have nothing, accuse them of sexism. Ivan Kaputski Mar 2016 #103
Second Wave Vs. Third Wave Feminism DrFunkenstein Mar 2016 #120
Latest Discussions»Retired Forums»2016 Postmortem»Hillary Clinton's Interne...»Reply #57