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(1,250 posts)
82. You couldn't see North Carolina going Democrat until it happened, could you?
Sat Nov 3, 2012, 03:11 AM
Nov 2012

Before 2008, the last time North Carolina went for a Democratic President was in 1976 when they picked Jimmy Carter.
But somehow Barack Obama turned that state Democratic where even Bill Clinton could not.

North Carolina is part of that infamous Solid South which was forged in the 1800s & especially fortified after the Civil War.
With few exceptions North Carolina had voted the same as other Southern states in Presidential elections.

Let's take it all the way back to right before the era of Franklin Roosevelt with the 1928 election.

1928: North Carolina goes for the Republican Herbert Hoover (U.S. Commerce Secretary from Iowa) in one of those exceptions I mentioned.
Before this North Carolina went Democratic all the way back to 1876 (the period between 1864-1872 were other exceptions for obvious reasons).

1932: North Carolina goes for Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt (New York Governor) as FDR transformed the nation with his New Deal Coalition.

1936: North Carolina goes for Democrat FDR once again just like the rest of the Democratic South.

1940: North Carolina goes for Democrat FDR one more time just like the rest of the Democratic South.

1944: North Carolina goes for Democrat FDR YET AGAIN just like the rest of the Democratic South.

1948: North Carolina goes for Democrat Harry S. Truman (FDR's once Vice President now President successor from Missouri) but now the South is split ever since Truman signed Executive Order 9981 desegregating the military.
Southerners opposed to Black Equality measures cracked the cohesion of the Democratic Party as they started the States' Rights Democratic Party AKA the Dixiecrats to run against Truman.
The Dixiecrats ran Strom Thurmond (South Carolina U.S. Senator) & while the Dixiecrats got 8.8% of North Carolina's vote, the original Democrats got 58% of North Carolina's vote.
However, other Southern states voted in majority for Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond foreshadowing that Black Equality issues would crack FDR's New Deal Coalition.

1952: North Carolina goes for Democrat Adlai Stevenson (Illinois Governor) just like the rest of the South after Richard Russell Jr. the segregationist U.S. Senator from Georgia couldn't escape the primaries.
Harry Truman declined to run for 1952.

1956: North Carolina goes for Democrat Adlai Stevenson (former Illinois Governor) by default just like the rest of the South due to a weak field of Democratic candidates.

1960: North Carolina goes for Democrat John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Massachusetts U.S. Senator) after an ever-growing fracture within the Democratic Party on Black Equality issues.
Southern states so dismayed at Kennedy's openness to Civil Rights started writing in candidates who didn't even say they were running. All in an effort to stop Kennedy from being the Democratic Nominee.
One of these write-ins was Lyndon Baines Johnson (the U.S. Senator & Senate Majority Leader from Texas) & he sidestepped all the primary races officially announcing his candidacy a week before the Democratic National Convention (Adlai Stevenson futilely did the same).
Kennedy "smoothed over" the deep fracture by making Johnson his Vice Presidential running mate but you could see the Solid South looking more & more crumbled with unpledged electors, write-ins of non-Kennedy candidates, & even votes for Kennedy's Republican rival Richard Nixon (Dwight Eisenhower's Vice President from California).

1964: North Carolina goes for Democrat Lyndon Baines Johnson (JFK's once Vice President now President successor from Texas) after the furious fallout from JFK's 1963 assassination & LBJ's subsequent signing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act in Kennedy's honor.
The fracture of FDR's New Deal Coalition was complete with many of the Solid South states voting for the Republican candidate Barry Goldwater (Arizona U.S. Senator) in protest of Johnson & the strong Civil Rights platform of the Democratic Party.
This is the election that chased the Dixiecrats away from the Democratic Party for good & set the stage for the coming Southern Strategy.

1968: North Carolina goes for Republican Richard Nixon (Dwight Eisenhower's former Vice President now from New York) while much of the South goes for segregationist George Wallace (the former Alabama Governor) running under the American Independent Party label.
This was the 1st time North Carolina went for a Republican since that 1928 election with Herbert Hoover.
The Solid South was solid in protest to the Democrats' Civil Rights platform but not so solid in who to back to make that protest quite yet.
With LBJ suddenly refusing to go for another term, the fracture over Vietnam War & Civil Rights, & Robert Kennedy's shocking assassination, the Democratic Party was left weak toward this newly-forming Republican coalition which courted the Southern bigots alienated by Black Equality reforms.
The Southern Strategy was born.

1972: North Carolina goes for Republican Richard Nixon once again just like the rest of the South.
The last hurrah for the South to revive the evil fiefdom in the Democratic Party lay within the candidacy of George Wallace (Alabama Governor) running under the Democratic Party label this time around.
But an assassination attempt in the primaries destroyed his chances as he became paralyzed from the shot.
With Wallace out of the way, Nixon had no obstacles in locking down this Southern Strategy to secure the Solid South's votes.

1976: North Carolina goes for Democrat Jimmy Carter (former Georgia Governor)...just like the rest of the South? (except Virginia that is)
Huh? Jimmy Carter denounced segregation & racism yet he STILL wins the segregationist/racist Solid South?
The South obviously was not too used to voting for Republicans since the South was so identified with the Democrats all these decades.
Despite Jimmy Carter being FOR Black Equality he was still a Southerner & somehow this was enough to sway virtually all of the Solid South his way. Even with fellow Southerner George Wallace running against him in the primaries.
The disgust over Richard Nixon's Watergate scandal & his Vice President to President successor Gerald Ford pardoning him obviously had a whole lot to do with this turnout.
Looking at how the South voted in 1976, Carter threatened to ruin this new Southern Strategy.
Because of that he had to be politically destroyed. Hence the crap about killer rabbits & the outcome of the Iran hostage situation.

1980: North Carolina goes for Republican Ronald Reagan (former California Governor) just like most of the South (Georgia being one notable exception).
This is the election that began the permanent realignment of the Solid South from Democratic to Republican.
Jimmy Carter was made to look weak in his term & Reagan used the Southern Strategy to pull the South away from Carter (Ted Kennedy's bitter fight against Carter this year did not help things either).
While Georgia stayed loyal to the humble peanut farmer the rest of the South jumped ship.
The Republican Party would enjoy the strength of this Southern voting block for decades.

1984: North Carolina goes for Republican Ronald Reagan once again just like the rest of the Republican South.

1988: North Carolina goes for Republican George Herbert Walker Bush (Reagan's Vice President from Texas) just like the rest of the Republican South.

1992: North Carolina goes for Republican George Herbert Walker Bush once again like some of the South while others of the South go for Democrat Bill Clinton (Arkansas Governor).
What's happening here? The South is now a Republican stronghold. How is Bill Clinton getting all of this leeway?
Yeah, there's "independent" Republican Ross Perot (Texas businessman) cracking up some of the Republican vote but some states are going strong for Bill Clinton on their own.
Once again we got a Southern governor that can appeal to certain regions in the South despite the still-lingering grudge over the Civil Rights movement.
Even if this Southern governor goes on a Black guy's show named Arsenio Hall to play the saxophone.
Of course you know, this meant he had to be politically destroyed. The Southern Strategy was too important.

1996: North Carolina goes for Republican Bob Dole (Kansas U.S. Senator) like some of the South while others of the South go for Democrat Bill Clinton once again.
Clinton's still too strong. Lewinsky him then Impeach him. That should do it.

2000: North Carolina goes for Republican George Walker Bush (Texas Governor) just like the rest of the Republican South.

2004: North Carolina goes for Republican George Walker Bush once again just like the rest of the Republican South.

2008: North Carolina goes for Democrat Barack Obama (Illinois U.S. Senator) UNLIKE most of the Republican South.

After 7 Presidential elections of voting Republican, 28 years of voting for Republican Presidents, suddenly North Carolina votes for a Democrat.
And knowing why the Solid South is the Solid South (the racism factor) they vote for this Democratic President who is NOT Southern & half Black!
You couldn't see that coming if you looked at the historical record.

Never say never, onenote.
The Solid South is breaking up once again.
They will reform as a new Solid South THIS TIME in favor of Equality of ALL citizens when they finally rejoin the Democratic Party forged by FDR, JFK, & now BHO.
It may take a few decades to come to fruition but it will happen & this election of 2012 will be instrumental in making that happen.
John Lucas

DAMN IT!!! Drale Oct 2012 #1
Laughing all the way to the Electoral College Coyotl Oct 2012 #50
Love that picture! freshwest Nov 2012 #78
Electoral Landslide makes me laugh too johnlucas Nov 2012 #123
I could not agree more WeekendWarrior Oct 2012 #2
Thank you. Block the fraud & vote real broad. It's that simple johnlucas Oct 2012 #3
If everybody votes, or GETS to vote, you are right -- if they count the votes! immoderate Oct 2012 #4
Quit thinking of the Republicans as Masterminds. They're just unchallenged crooks johnlucas Oct 2012 #5
+50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Maximumnegro Oct 2012 #52
+1,000. I think I'm going to click on this thread and your strong words every day! Thanks for this. freshwest Nov 2012 #79
Same here! nt ProudProgressiveNow Nov 2012 #104
"Michele Bachmann was a Discount Palin?" GallopingGhost Oct 2012 #6
Love it! mrsadm Nov 2012 #92
YUP! Plus 1 zillion zillion zillion graham4anything Oct 2012 #7
Reality tman Oct 2012 #8
Put your money back on it. It's happening johnlucas Oct 2012 #25
Welcome to DU tman cheezmaka Oct 2012 #63
If only those stupid idiots like Gallup would stop skewing the polls! tarheelsunc Oct 2012 #9
These polls only measure a sample of voters. None ask the whole country how they feel johnlucas Oct 2012 #11
Really? A 20% popular vote margin? Codeine Oct 2012 #14
Didn't they say that Romney was least popular candidate since Mondale? johnlucas Oct 2012 #15
You really think President Obama's share of the popular vote will jump 13 percent over 2008 onenote Oct 2012 #38
I have a firm grasp of reality. I look at demographic trends johnlucas Oct 2012 #41
You are right that this isn't 2008. But that's not necessarily a positive onenote Oct 2012 #42
My Money is on SC being that state but that's only 5 ECV rbrnmw Oct 2012 #47
I would be so shocked & happy to see that! johnlucas Nov 2012 #85
Do you really think Obama will win the popular vote by 15? tarheelsunc Oct 2012 #19
Yes johnlucas Oct 2012 #24
You should study up on the electoral college. morningfog Oct 2012 #17
90% of the post-debate state polls have also looked pretty bad though. tarheelsunc Oct 2012 #18
Where did you get that number, 90%? morningfog Oct 2012 #20
I'm just guessing, but there has not been much good news tarheelsunc Oct 2012 #21
Meh. MI and PA are solid. OH still looks good. morningfog Oct 2012 #22
I've seen their latest electoral college tallies. Obama is WELL over 270 johnlucas Oct 2012 #23
What a great night! And here's the win! freshwest Nov 2012 #80
where have you heard that Georgia is in play? onenote Nov 2012 #81
You couldn't see North Carolina going Democrat until it happened, could you? johnlucas Nov 2012 #82
I'm not saying never. I'm just saying not this year. onenote Nov 2012 #83
I understand your skepticism but check out this post I just saw johnlucas Nov 2012 #84
The republicans lost before they ever started this year. bushisanidiot Oct 2012 #10
EXACTLY! That crap Romney pulled at Univision shows it johnlucas Oct 2012 #12
Obama has to win for us! We need each other! Kteachums Oct 2012 #13
Not a landslide, but a win nonetheless. And yes, all this pussy wussying over ONE debate is INSANE. RBInMaine Oct 2012 #16
After Biden's smackdown do you STILL think it'll be just a win? johnlucas Oct 2012 #26
This is simply delusional fujiyama Oct 2012 #27
So what. Beats the Depends Maximumnegro Oct 2012 #54
Maximumnegro you made me smile to the Maximum johnlucas Oct 2012 #57
Cynicism was pushed as being smart in 2010 and we can see what that got us, the freshwest Nov 2012 #98
PREACH IT freshwest! johnlucas Nov 2012 #108
YW, John Lucas! Here's a clip, part of an article I need to post: freshwest Nov 2012 #110
Possible, but its looking less likely, for now at least Daniel537 Oct 2012 #28
You might wanna read this: "History says be skeptical of presidential polls" johnlucas Oct 2012 #29
I'm just comparing them to '08 Daniel537 Oct 2012 #31
Common sense says be skeptical of ridiculous assertions. onenote Oct 2012 #39
I put 'common sense' on the same level as 'conventional wisdom' johnlucas Nov 2012 #76
Amen brother! thevoiceofreason Oct 2012 #30
YES! Get motivated! johnlucas Oct 2012 #35
Your prediction of a 15-20 popular vote margin is "severely" optimistic. Dawson Leery Oct 2012 #32
God Forbid, an optimistic Democrat... Maximumnegro Oct 2012 #53
There's a few of them around, most especially this one, who asks us all: freshwest Nov 2012 #102
Hmm, maybe if the Romney campaign has a big upcoming blunder or October surprise to its detriment. anAustralianobserver Oct 2012 #33
To this day, I still get a kick out of Rick Santorum's "Blah People" comment. CheapShotArtist Oct 2012 #34
Thank you for that! One debate puts Romney up by that much? Yeah right johnlucas Oct 2012 #49
I am inclined to agree with you!!!! mstinamotorcity2 Oct 2012 #36
Yep. There are some who are paying attention johnlucas Oct 2012 #43
Does not matter if it is a landslide or not davidn3600 Oct 2012 #37
But that's what I'm talking about. Landslides roll downticket johnlucas Oct 2012 #40
guess we'll know 6 november. until then, it's still time to work struggle4progress Oct 2012 #44
I like how you think, and I'm bookmarking your thread to keep you honest! CaliforniaPeggy Oct 2012 #45
I'm Sorry but you are living in a dream world jzodda Oct 2012 #46
Democrats must lose this defeatist attitude. We are going to WIN in November johnlucas Oct 2012 #69
Realist NOT defeatist jzodda Oct 2012 #71
You missed everything I said in my reply johnlucas Oct 2012 #72
AND MAY THE BEST MAN WIN: freshwest Nov 2012 #111
I'm Fired Up and Ready to Go rbrnmw Oct 2012 #48
HELL YEAH!!!! Now your reply Maximumnegro Oct 2012 #55
Fired Up and Ready to Go!! lib87 Oct 2012 #58
The Story of "Fired up! Ready to go!" freshwest Nov 2012 #99
This one's for you, Edith Childs. From the band Fojeba with their Afro-Latino beat! johnlucas Nov 2012 #120
So mellow and joyful! I'm going to share it on the song poll thread. freshwest Nov 2012 #121
K&R ProudProgressiveNow Oct 2012 #51
love this: "Obama slapped the taste out Romney's mouth this week. " whttevrr Oct 2012 #56
Nov. 5th is here & Obama will continue slapping the taste out of Romney's mouth on Nov. 6th johnlucas Nov 2012 #119
You're forgetting that Rmoney is white eridani Oct 2012 #59
No, I factored the racism factor in my results johnlucas Nov 2012 #74
Love your optimism - and ideas. s-cubed Oct 2012 #60
Romney might not even get 20% of the Latino vote johnlucas Nov 2012 #88
*bump* whttevrr Oct 2012 #61
I won't get my hopes up... brooklynite Oct 2012 #62
I am definitely waiting... GetTheRightVote Oct 2012 #64
Obama has the advantage... cheezmaka Oct 2012 #65
Oh, I love this! from your lips (or keyboard).... lunamagica Oct 2012 #66
That's right. Halloween masks have predicted the winner of elections for years now johnlucas Oct 2012 #70
I *heart* John Lucas JustAnotherGen Oct 2012 #67
Hmm....interesting poll from Reuters today johnlucas Oct 2012 #68
Let's keep laughing all the way! The universe rewards the purest love. Or something like that. freshwest Nov 2012 #91
Get it on! The signs are out there if people are willing to look for them johnlucas Nov 2012 #93
'We will have the last laugh & our purest love will be rewarded by the universe.' freshwest Nov 2012 #94
K & R whttevrr Oct 2012 #73
I'll wait until next Tuesday to believe that. musical_soul Nov 2012 #75
I'm not counting on anything Andy Stanton Nov 2012 #77
Man! I LOVE your enthusiasm! BlueCaliDem Nov 2012 #86
Thank YOU BlueCaliDem johnlucas Nov 2012 #87
What an amazing analysis! I agree with you 100%, but election fraud still scares the hell out of Stardust Nov 2012 #89
Thank you Stardust. Let's look at Obama's Electoral Count in 2008 right quick johnlucas Nov 2012 #90
That's right, he should get all of those states again! freshwest Nov 2012 #97
Agree joejoejoe Nov 2012 #95
Welcome to DU! hrmjustin Nov 2012 #96
K&R and bookmarked. Thanks! :) n/t OneGrassRoot Nov 2012 #100
I think I need a smoke. Reading that was like having good sex. n/t Whisp Nov 2012 #101
K&R nt ProudProgressiveNow Nov 2012 #103
this is the post I have been waiting all cycle for.... blue sky at night Nov 2012 #105
Thank you so much! johnlucas Nov 2012 #106
How many people know what a GallopingGhost Nov 2012 #107
Haha! Wrestling fans know johnlucas Nov 2012 #115
kick for later Lil Missy Nov 2012 #109
I like your Optimism, johnlucas, and your Logic! Cha Nov 2012 #112
John Lucas Iwillnevergiveup Nov 2012 #113
Paddy Power has spoken: Obama Wins rizlaplus Nov 2012 #114
kick Whisp Nov 2012 #116
Thank you! We agree... jenneferelud Nov 2012 #117
PERFECT showcase of Republican hypocrisy! johnlucas Nov 2012 #118
Words to live by! Why manage others' lives? Too much time on their hands, maybe. freshwest Nov 2012 #122
the exit polls are backing you up! big_dog Nov 2012 #124
Mr Lucas - we salute you ! CorBlimeyGuvnor Nov 2012 #125
Thank you, John Lucas! Whisp Nov 2012 #126
I TOLD YOU SO! (despite small errors on Popular Vote results) johnlucas Nov 2012 #127
Latest Discussions»Retired Forums»2016 Postmortem»ELECTION SPOILER: Obama w...»Reply #82