2016 Postmortem
Showing Original Post only (View all)I have a theory on why Sanders is not conceding or endorsing at this poinjt [View all]
This discussion thread was locked by EarlG (a host of the 2016 Postmortem forum).
This is just a theory of mine, as to why he isn't going through the Kabuki Dance of endorsing Clinton now, and folding his campaign before the convention.
If he keeps his campaign going -- although not on an active basis against Clinton -- and does not release his delegates, there will be a floor vote between the two of them.
He will lose.
But if his pledged delegates vote for him, at least it will show a level of support for his message and policies that can't be swept under the rug. It is a form of leverage symbolically for the positions and reforms he is advocating for.
It will show that it is not "fringe" and that a significant number of Democrats support the reforms and policies he is pushing for. It will counter the usual habit of assuming that the nomination of Clinton means she and the DLC/Centrists own the party lock, stock and barrel.
Once the first ballot is over, the party can still move on to placing the Crown on Clinton's head. And Sanders can endorse the Democratic nominee and actively campaign to elect Democrats and beat Trump -- but also still keep his issues alive for the future, and make sure the people who have supported himand his Reform Message are not brushed off once again. .
Just a theory, but makes sense to me. Not as neat and tidy as it would be if Sanders were to kiss her ring before the convention. But we don't need neat and tidy at this point..