Little Tich
Little Tich's JournalA Note From a Stranger Saved the Lives of 3 Tiny Kittens...
Source: LoveMeow
It was a note that led a team of people in an rescue effort to save three tiny kittens that found their way under a woman's car.
Nur Izzah Zabidi from Malaysia shared the story on Facebook how her mother found a note on her car this week.
When she returned to her car, she found a note alerting her to check for kittens underneath her car before turning on the engine.
The note says: "Dear sir/madam, there is a sound of little kittens underneath your car. Appreciate if you can check before you start your engine. Thank you so much."
Nur Izzah's mother immediately called the fire department to help with the search. A few students also stopped to offer a helping hand.
With help from everyone, they were able to retrieve three tiny ginger kittens who were stuck underneath the car. They were no bigger than one week old.
The mother cat was nowhere in sight so they found the kittens a new home where they will be loved and spoiled.
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#ProjectB2: Strangers unite to form chain to get rescue cats home in 300-mile relay
A pair of rescue cats were driven 300 mile to their new home in a four-stage relay made up of strangers who came forward after seeing their plight on Twitter.
Benny and Barney were driven for nine hours from Keighley, West Yorkshire, to Portsmouth, stopping off at Doncaster, Birmingham, and Oxford.
The cats were originally taken in by Keighley Cat Care rescue centre (KCC) after they were rescued from a home in a joint operation to take in 30 cats from a squalid home.
But after six months Benny and Barney had still not been adopted and an appeal was put out on Twitter.
Welfare officer at KCC, Angela Gray, said: The problem was that they were so inseparable that they had to be re-homed together.
Then with the added complication that they are elderly and have some health problems, it meant that they were still here six months later and we were desperately wanting to get them to their forever home.
Benny is 14-years-old and Barney is also thought to be in his teens.
When the centre appealed on Twitter they managed to find a perfect home within a month the problem was it was almost 300 miles away.
But amazingly, without any prompting from the centre, followers of their cat call on Twitter started to get together, creating their own group to orchestrate their journey down south.
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#ProjectB2 on Twitter:
Source: The Orphan Pet, MARCH 6, 2017
Two of SCARS rescue cats, Iron and Powder, found in each other all the love, the warmth and the tenderness they were deprived off during most of their lives. They love each other so much, eat together, play together, and sleep in each others arms in front of the window, where the sun keeps them warm.
They were both strays, and were rescued by SCARS volunteers within weeks from one another.
Powder, the white one, suffers from skin cancer and is FIV positive. For him, every day is a bet he needs to win. The FIV has affected his kidneys, he has lost his appetite and is not gaining weight. He was on IV for a few days and the volunteers are doing their best to keep him healthy and happy. If he gains back his strength, his ears will be amputated.
Irons condition is devastating. He suffers from everything a cat can possibly suffer from: FIV, fungus, Two broken legs, a mutilated tail. Pus keeps coming out of his eye and his ears. He was found very week and starving, and he has managed to survive for about a month now, against all odds.
Their meeting
At first, when Iron was rescued, he was put on a crate in the same room where Powder was (also in a crate). The volunteers started noticing that the two cats kept purring and meowing at each other, rubbing their bodies against their crates and trying to get closer together.
So at first, the two crates were placed one next to the other, and the two boys could not be happier. They would sleep next to each other, talk and purr constantly. After a couple of weeks went by, a room was emptied in the cattery, so that they could live together and nothing could make them happier.
Today, the two cats share a room, a life, and a friendship rarely seen among male cats. Neither of them is neutered, because their health does not permit them to undergo any operation yet. So we are waiting, and so are they although they do not realize that they are in a temporary place and that SCARS plans to make their lives much better once they recover.
(Graphic) Emaciated and mutilated cat rescued from the streets - Iron
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SCARS (Second Chance Animal Rescue Society) Homepage:
What we are not: We are not an organization with employees; we are an organization of volunteers. We dont have animal shelters or other designated spaces to keep or take care of animals. For us, our very own homes are the places where we are trying to deal with all the emergencies that arise.
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The Orphan Pet Youtube channel
Scars FB Page (mostly in Greek):
Man Saves Every Stray Cat He Finds in His Village and Turns Their Lives Around...
Source: LoveMeow
A man, Uli Sharbinie, with a humble beginning and a tremendous heart for animals has been on a crusade to save stray cats in his village.
When he was young, his grandfather brought home stray cats and cared for them. It was instilled in Uli that with love and compassion, they could make a difference for these animals. He saw what a little bit of kindness could do to help those in need, and he has been on a journey to rescue local strays ever since.
Uli lives in a village near Bogor, Indonesia. It is rural and covered with dirt roads. He brings home sick, injured cats and kittens from garbage disposal, traditional markets, schools, streets and parking lots.
Now at 47, a father of five children, his wife Desi and his mother, 90 years old, all live in one room home, but Uli is building a new home for the cats. "In 2011 I started building a small shelter to give home for stray cats," Uli told Love Meow.
But soon he realized that it wasn't enough as the number of needy cats kept increasing. Then he met an Angel named Kristen Larson who lives in Oxnard, California.
There are currently 33 cats living at the sanctuary. Uli and his family also care for cats living outside to make sure they are fed, vetted, and spayed/neutered.
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Uli cleaning and feeding an orphan kitten
Uli Sharbinie's FB page:
GoFundMe page for Uli's Place-Home for Stray Kittens ($24,440 of $50k goal)
People All Over The World Are Helping This Guy Save Cats
Source: The Dodo, Feb 27, 2017
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Cute Overload: Father cat supporting the Mother cat giving birth
Source: Imgur
Unadoptable' Cat Wouldn't Let Anyone Near Him But His Rescuer Never Gave Up, Now a Year Later...
Source: Lovemeow
A year ago when rescuers came across the saddest looking feral cat on the streets of Boston, they knew they had to trap him and get him help.
His name is Coconut.
Rescuers of Boston's Forgotten Felines went on a TNR mission when they spotted a pathetic looking feral cat who was in terrible shape. He was beaten up and living in constant fear on the cold streets of Boston.
Their initial plan was to neuter him and return him to his feral colony, but as soon as they noticed his poor condition, they knew they had to help him.
"Coconut was a mess. He had URI, UTI, goopy eyes and had something covering his tail that looked like oil. Not to mention ear mites and chronic diarrhea along with a bad back leg," Joni Nelson founder of Boston's Forgotten Felines said. "But it was his nasty attitude that made him hard to like. The pathetic thing couldn't go back to his colony in the shape he was in."
They took him in and placed him in a cage where he received his daily meds. His infections started to clear up but he was still very grumpy and wouldn't let anyone near him. Feeding and cleaning his cage became very difficult as the kitty would lash out when they tried to open the door.
Slowly but surely, Coconut progressed to letting his human clean his eyes. As Nelson got closer to Coconut, she discovered the reason why he had such a hard life as a feral.
"It took two very deep bites from him to realize he was deaf and could only see shadows. He was frightened and no one knows the torture he went through living on the streets for so long in that condition."
Read more:
Coconut's Journey FB Page:
Boston's Forgotten Felines FB Page:
Deaf white cat
Source: Wikipedia
Deaf white cats are domestic cats with a pure white coat. Some all-white cats suffer from congenital deafness caused by a degeneration of the inner ear. This condition can occur in cats with yellow, green and blue irises, although the chances of deafness are dramatically increased with blue irises. In white cats with mixed-coloured eyes (odd-eyed cats), it has been found that deafness is more likely to affect the ear on the blue-eyed side. White cats can have blue, gold, green, or copper coloured odd eyes.
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(Graphic) Woman Hugs Cat No One Would Touch, the Kitty So Happy He Thanks Her with the Sweetest Meow
Source: LoveMeow
A woman hugged a shelter cat that no one would touch. The kitty was so thankful that he thanked her with the sweetest meow.
Meet Valentino the cat.
Valentino had a really rough past. No one knows his story but it was evident that his life had been very difficult.
When Elaine Seamans headed to medical at Baldwin park shelter, she was shocked by the kitty's condition. The mange-ridden cat was covered in filth and suffered from a condition called sarcoptic mange which is highly contagious. His eyes were so infected that they were stuck shut.
"It killed me to see him in that condition, knowing how defeated he must have felt," Elaine told Love Meow.
"I opened his cage door after being shocked by his appearance. He stood up and almost fell over but he turned and came to me." Valentino reached out his little paw and made the tiniest cry for help.
Elaine wasn't afraid of his illness and held him in a warm embrace that he had longed for.
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Leave No Paws Behind Feb 15 Update:
Leave No Paws Behind home page:
Leave No Paws Behind FB Page:
(Tripod Cat): Calico Cat Dropped Off Outside Animal Hospital with a Note for Help...
Source: LoveMeow
A staff member of an animal hospital was shocked when she found two crates with a note attached at the front door. Upon closer look, she saw a beautiful calico inside, pleading for help...
Meet Mia Noel!
On Christmas Day when an employee at Williamson Animal Hospital stopped by to check on and care for the animals there, she was shocked by what they discovered.
"In front of the door she saw two milk crates tied together with the note attached to them and this gorgeous girl inside," Dorella Tuckwiller, founder of IBKC, said.
The two-year old kitty came with a mangled leg. They reached out to Itty Bitty Kitty Committee (IBKC in Charleston, West Virginia), hoping they could help.
"We knew that we had to help," Tuckwiller said. She and her team drove almost two hours to pick up little Mia Noel.
The note says: "Very friendly cat broke back leg - found her and caught her. Hopefully some gentle heart will help her."
Despite everything Mia had gone through, the sweet calico was extremely friendly and loving.
After getting examined by the vet at Kanawha Valley Animal Emergency Services, they determined that her leg injury was so severe that it could not be saved, but the kitty would recover and thrive.
After the surgery, Tuckwiller went to visit her little brave rescue. "When I opened that door and touched her head she tried to get up. I talked to her and told her no, you don't have to move, you just stay there, but she is a cat and did not listen," Tuckwiller said.
"Miss Mia got up and attempted to walk. She, like any other amputee of her age stumbled, but made it to her destination. She came to me, she took her head and bonked my chin, she looked at me with the eyes of thankfulness and she purred so very loud."
Read more:
Itty Bitty Kitty Committee FB Page:
Family Finds Stray Kitten Cuddling Up to Unlikely Friend in Chicken Coop
Source: Lovemeow
A tiny ginger kitten wandered into a chicken coop and started snuggling with his feathery friends who kept him warm.
Meet Caramel the kitten!
It was mid-November when the kitten first showed up at a family's house. Allyson Radach's children spotted the little ginger boy underneath their trampoline. They befriended him by giving him some food, and the kitten decided to stick around.
The family has a chicken coop where nine chickens reside. Caramel took a liking to the warm shed and started spending a lot of time in the coop, cuddling with his unlikely friends.
"The kitten found his way into the coop. At first he was so tiny he could fit through the fencing of the run," Allyson told Love Meow.
They built an insulated cat house with a heating source just for the kitten, but little Caramel never used it and stayed in the coop with his friends all day long.
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Abandoned At 17, This Elderly Cat Finally Trusted Her Rescuers
Source: The Orphan Pet
Abandoned, betrayed, chased around the house with sticks, hurt and abused at the age of 17, Cinnamon was rescued from the only place she ever knew as home.
After her elderly owners passed away, within a few months from one another, Cinnamon was left under the care of the woman who used to take care of the elderly couple and the relatives, who wanted nothing to do with her.
At 17, Cinnamon was trapped in her own home, with strangers who would beat and chase her around, intimidate and bully her. She was taken in by SCARS in the summer of 2016. She suffers from pancreatic cancer, which causes the hair loss, and does not have a lot of time left.
For months Cinnamon would not be approached. Her eyes were full of hate and mistrust, and every time we tried to sweep the floor, the sight of the broom would infuriate her even more. She spent five lonely, very lonely months, hating people.
All SCARS volunteers wondered about who she really was. Was she always the lonely cat, who wanders around the house like a ghost, or was it the wickedness of the relatives who made her so hateful? I always believed it was the latter, until last Wednesday.
I was on my shift at our cat shelter, and I did what I always do. Entered her room, sat beside her, talked to her gently and slightly touched her neck with my sleeve. For the first time, she did not move, nor tried to scratch me. I can barely remember exactly what happened because the first moments after I approached her are blurry. I was in awe.
I took my hand off my sleeve and started petting her. The more I touched her, the more she relaxed. The wall she had built around herself was torn down, and since last Wednesday, she is not the same cat anymore. I still cant believe she chose to trust me I am definitely not that much of a cat person. But that moment we shared was one of the most special ones I ever shared with any rescue dog or cat, and of course, I started crying like a baby.
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Earlier article about Cinnamon:
Elderly Cat Abandoned At 17 Is Given A Home To Spend Her Final Years
Source: The Orphan Pet, September 15, 2016

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SCARS - Second Chance Animal Rescue Society, Greece FB page:
About The Orphan Pet:
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Note: The OP is written in the first person, and I'm just posting them. The Orphan Pet mostly posts dog-related stories, and some of them are absolutely heartrending, like this one:
10 Rescue Dogs That Beat Death In 2016
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Member since: Thu Oct 6, 2011, 01:22 AMNumber of posts: 6,171