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nationalize the fed

nationalize the fed's Journal
nationalize the fed's Journal
November 5, 2016

Battery fanatics have tried to paint Toyota's latest move into lithium

as if they are going to abandon fuel cell vehicles.

NOTHING could be further from the truth. But cult members are resestant to anything that goes against their "beliefs".

Toyota to produce battery electric vehicles - fuel cell hydrogen cars still alive

Fully electric cars (BEV) to be developed, but at the moment small short distance transport envisaged.

Toyota still indicates that for heavy transport and long distance personal transport, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCV) favoured.

Toyota's approach to environmental technology
Making eco-cars that lead the way to tomorrow

A Cult member types the following:

Toyota is (finally) rolling out a series hybrid like the Volt.

They're years behind the times, but the direction of the market towards lithium+ is clear and they are following.

Hydrogen is only one thing - a nonstarter.

Observe- the cult member claims Toyota is "behind the times" ROFL

They PIONEERED today's electric cars. They aren't following anyone - they are true leaders. Then, the cult member goes on to call H2 "a nonstarter".

That's big news to Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, BMW and Mercedes.

I really don't understand at all this hatred of fuel cells from battery cult members. Fuel cell advocates are for anything that will help break the fossil fuel addiction. Battery Cultists hate hydrogen and fuel cells and many of them want the tech to be suppressed and disappear. THEY CAN"T HANDLE COMPETETION! Maybe it's just that simple.

Who cares anyway. Japan and Germany are so far out in front of this tech the US will probably never catch up. We can all (partly) thank Steven Chu and Obama for that because of what they did in 2009.
November 4, 2016

"What ITM Power are doing is brilliant, efficient, counter intuitive and is thankfully catching on."

Published by FullyCharged on Nov 2, 2016
Ever since I did a rant about 'hydrogen is the future' 6 or 7 years ago, I've had my suspicions. But we should not have closed minds about any new clean tech.

What ITM Power are doing is brilliant, efficient, counter intuitive and is thankfully catching on.

25,272 views in 48 hours. 1,415 upvotes 63 downvotes


November 4, 2016

Nikola Motors Readies Electric Semi-Truck, Battery Pack and Hydrogen Charging Station Plans

Trucks.com | TIFFANY HSU NOVEMBER 3, 2016

Electric semi-truck startup Nikola Motor Co. is ratcheting up anticipation for its upcoming launch event by teasing the reveal of three products key to its vision of an emissions-free freight future.

On Dec. 1 in Salt Lake City, the private company plans to show off its Nikola One electric truck as well as a model-agnostic battery pack and a hydrogen fueling station, it said Thursday...snip

...Interest in the truck has been high. The company said it scored nearly $3 billion in reservations within 30 days of accepting requests. The vehicle, slated for road-readiness by 2019, has even been imagined as a replacement postal delivery truck...snip

...Come Dec. 1, though, the company also plans to display an example of the hydrogen stations it hopes to scatter across the continent. Initially, 56 stations will go up around North America, with more than 300 planned stations eventually making up the largest hydrogen network in the world, Nikola said.

Using hydrogen created on solar hydrogen farms built by Nikola as part of a vertically-integrated supply system, the stations will sell the fuel to non-Nikola customers for $3.50 a kilogram — nearly half the current market price, according to the company...snip
Read More: https://www.trucks.com/2016/11/03/nikola-readies-electric-semi-truck/

(*$3.50/Kg Hydrogen = $1.75/Gallon Gas)

Press PDF: https://nikolamotor.com/pdfs/Nikola30days.pdf

Join the Live Stream December 1, 2016: https://nikolamotor.com/


Für eine nachhaltige Zukunft

November 3, 2016

Of course Electrek didn't mention the fact that hydrogen cars are included

because, for some reason, Electrek hates hydrogen. Maybe, like Cllean Technica, the owner of the site owns TSLA stock. But hey, conflict of interest is so 1970's.

From the Whitehouse page:

Launching the Process to Designate Alternative Fuel Corridors as Part of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act:

Today, the DOT is soliciting nominations from State and local officials to assist in making designations for alternative fuel corridors. Section 1413 of the FAST Act requires that the Secretary of Transportation designates national EV charging, hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling corridors, and the nomination process will ensure that the corridors proposed for designation will create a national network of alternative fuel facilities...snip

Sites like Electrek and CleanTechnica might just be able to influence a bunch of Musk fans and continue to convince them that hydrogen cars AREN'T Electric cars, but Japan and Germany don't care a bit what these biased websites write. And one day their extremely biased reporting will be widely known.

The next story on the Electrek Website is about yet ANOTHER Tesla lithium fire:

Rare Tesla Model S fire following fatal crash in speeding accident
Fred Lambert - 8 hours ago

Cars catch on fire after severe high-speed impacts. That’s nothing new to Tesla or electric vehicles, but there’s also no doubt that battery fires are different from gas-powered car fires. The latest example comes from a tragic fatal accident in Indianapolis early this morning.

The driver and passenger of a Tesla Model S died after hitting a tree at a reportedly high-speed. The car caught on fire following the accident and was difficult to extinguish according to local firefighters.

Local news interviewed a witness that said the vehicle was “speeding when it lost control at the intersection, crashed into a tree, and caught on fire”...snip

Spokeswoman for the Indianapolis Fire Department, Rita Reith, commented on the fire:

“The car, kind of, for lack of a better term, disintegrated. The debris field is at least 100 yards long. The batteries and the pieces and parts from the Tesla — all which were on fire when firefighters initially arrived.”

It’s the fourth Tesla to catch on fire this year. Another instance happened after an impact on the highway, while the two others happened without any impact. One instance was during a test drive, Tesla said that it was due to ‘electrical connection improperly tightened’ by a human instead of robots, and the other fire without an impact happened while the car was charging at a Supercharger.

Tesla recommends using “large amounts of water” to extinguish a battery fire in its vehicles and to use a thermal imaging camera to monitor the battery for at least one hour after it is found to be completely cooled:

“If the high voltage battery catches fire, is exposed to high heat, or is bent, twisted, cracked, or breached in any way, use large amounts of water to cool the battery. DO NOT extinguish with a small amount of water. Always establish or request an additional water supply.”

Who doesn't travel with "large amounts of water"?

There's a reason the FAA has strict rules about lithium batteries on airplanes

Can you take batteries on a plane?

Spare (uninstalled) lithium ion and lithium metal batteries must be carried in carry-on baggage only. When a carry-on bag is checked at the gate or at planeside, all spare lithium batteries must be removed from the bag and kept with the passenger in the aircraft cabin.

Lithium Batteries Could Spark ‘Catastrophic’ Plane Fires, FAA Warns

You don't want to get caught in a lithium battery fire. You have seconds to get away.
November 2, 2016

The world's first zero-emissions train could be running by 2017

Maria Gallucci
Mashable • Nov 2, 2016

Passengers in Europe may soon be commuting on the world's first zero-emissions train.

French engineering giant Alstom is building a passenger train powered by hydrogen fuel cells and lithium-ion batteries. The train won't emit any greenhouse gases — just clean steam.

Alstom's hydrogen-powered passenger train.

Alstom said its hydrogen-powered Coradia iLint trains could be running on German railroads as early as December 2017. The goal is to steadily replace Europe's diesel-powered trains, which spew toxic soot and carbon dioxide into the air...snip

Both hydrogen fuel cells and lithium-ion batteries have been greeted with some skepticism in the transportation sector. Hydrogen is an extremely flammable gas, and some electronics with lithium-ion batteries have famously caught on fire. (Does Samsung's Galaxy Note7 ring a bell?)

But manufacturers of hydrogen-powered cars, such as Toyota and Honda, say their vehicles are actually safer than petroleum-fueled cars, since hydrogen quickly dissipates in the atmosphere once released from the tank. Gasoline, by contrast, leaks and pools, creating a larger source for prolonged burns...snip
Read More: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/worlds-first-zero-emissions-train-213419803.html

Alstom unveils its zero-emission train Coradia iLint at InnoTrans

Brennstoffzellen sind die Zukunft
November 1, 2016


Toyota has a 100 year plan. It includes everything from lithium batteries to hydrogen buses. They have billions in the bank and they make ~10 million reliable cars per year. They pioneered electric cars, and multitudes of fools laughed at them when they did- just like now.

Few have (and will) bother to watch the following event but they've explained this hydrogen plan clearly in this and other videos and press releases (translation provided).

While Americans quibble about how hydrogen is described and say it can't be contained because it leaks through everything, Japan has perfected a car that doesn't need a drop of oil - and produces power. Germany has introduced a hydrogen airplane and hydrogen trains to go with their h2 submarine. Keep smirking.
October 31, 2016

Well he has a lot of endorsements

from people that know a lot more about this tech than most posters on an internet forum.

Shouldn't you tell them all?

Take this person for example.

“Altered Genes, Twisted Truth is very readable, thorough, logical and thought-provoking. Steven Druker exposes shenanigans employed to promote genetic engineering that will surprise even those who have followed the ag-biotech industry closely for years. I strongly recommend his book.”--Belinda Martineau, Ph.D., a co-developer of the first genetically engineered whole food and author of First Fruit: The Creation of the Flavr Savr™ Tomato and the Birth of Biotech Foods

I'm guessing she knows more about GMO's than you, but I could be wrong. Credentials?
October 30, 2016

"I Used to Work as a Scientist with GMOs...

—Now I'm Having Serious Second Thoughts About The Risks

I believe that GMO crops still run far ahead of our understanding of their risks.

By Jonathan Latham, PhD

By training, I am a plant biologist. In the early 1990s I was busy making genetically modified plants (often called GMOs for Genetically Modified Organisms) as part of the research that led to my PhD. Into these plants we were putting DNA from various foreign organisms, such as viruses and bacteria.

I was not, at the outset, concerned about the possible effects of GM plants on human health or the environment. One reason for this lack of concern was that I was still a very young scientist, feeling my way in the complex world of biology and of scientific research. Another reason was that we hardly imagined that GMOs like ours would be grown or eaten. So far as I was concerned, all GMOs were for research purposes only.

Gradually, however, it became clear that certain companies thought differently. Some of my older colleagues shared their skepticism with me that commercial interests were running far ahead of scientific knowledge. I listened carefully and I didn’t disagree. Today, over twenty years later, GMO crops, especially soybeans, corn, papaya, canola and cotton, are commercially grown in numerous parts of the world.

Depending on which country you live in, GMOs may be unlabeled and therefore unknowingly abundant in your diet. Processed foods (e.g. chips, breakfast cereals, sodas) are likely to contain ingredients from GMO crops, because they are often made from corn or soy. Most agricultural crops, however, are still non-GMO, including rice, wheat, barley, oats, tomatoes, grapes and beans....snip
Full: http://www.alternet.org/food/i-used-work-scientist-gmos-now-im-having-serious-second-thoughts-about-risks

Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public

"GMO's- the biggest scientific fraud of our time"


From Altered Genes, Twisted Truth Amazon page

“A fascinating book: highly informative, eminently readable, and most enjoyable. It’s a real page-turner and an eye-opener.”--Richard C. Jennings, Ph.D., Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, UK

“This incisive and insightful book is truly outstanding. Not only is it well-reasoned and scientifically solid, it's a pleasure to read--and a must-read. Through its masterful marshalling of facts, it dispels the cloud of disinformation that has misled people into believing that GE foods have been adequately tested and don't entail abnormal risk.” --David Schubert, Ph.D. molecular biologist and Head of Cellular Neurobiology, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

“Altered Genes, Twisted Truth is lucid, illuminating, and alarming. As a former New York City prosecutor, I was shocked to discover how the FDA illegally exempted GE foods from the rigorous testing mandated by federal statute. And as the mother of three young kids, I was outraged to learn how America’s children are being callously exposed to experimental foods that were deemed abnormally risky by the FDA’s own experts.”--Tara-Cook Littman, J.D.

“Steven Druker has written a great book that could well be a milestone in the endeavor to establish a scientifically sound policy on genetically engineered foods. The evidence is comprehensive, clear, and compelling; and its credibility is irrefutable. No one has documented other cases of irresponsible behavior by government regulators and the scientific establishment nearly as well as Druker documents this one. His book should be widely read and thoroughly heeded.”--John Ikerd, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Missouri – Columbia

“Altered Genes, Twisted Truth will stand as a landmark. It should be required reading in every university biology course.”--Joseph Cummins, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Genetics, Western University, London, Ontario

“Steven Druker's meticulously documented, well-crafted, and spellbinding narrative should serve as a clarion call to all of us. In particular, his chapter detailing the deadly epidemic of 1989-90 that was linked with a genetically engineered food supplement is especially significant. I and my Mayo Clinic colleagues were active participants in the attempt to identify the cause of this epidemic. Druker provides a comprehensive analysis of all the evidence and also presents new findings from our work. Overall his discussion of this tragic event, as well as its ominous implications, is the most comprehensive, evenlybalanced and accurate account that I have read.”--Stephen Naylor, PhD CEO and Chairman of MaiHealth Inc., Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, & Pharmacology Mayo Clinic (1991-2001)

“Steven Druker has done a beautiful job of weaving a compelling scientific argument into an engaging narrative that often reads like a detective story, and he makes his points dramatically and clearly. The examination of genetic engineering from the standpoint of software engineering is especially insightful, exposing how the former is more like a ‘hackathon’ than a careful, systematic methodology for revising complex information systems. I will recommend this book to my friends.”--Thomas J. McCabe, developer of the cyclomatic complexity software metric, a key analytic tool in computer programming employed throughout the world

“Based on over 30 years of teaching computer science at universities and on extensive experience as a programmer in private industry, I can state that Steven Druker has done an excellent job of demonstrating the recklessness of the current practices of genetic engineering in comparison to the established practices of software engineering. His book presents a striking contrast between the two fields, showing how software engineers progressively developed greater awareness of the inherent risks of altering complex information systems – and accordingly developed more rigorous procedures for managing them – while genetic technicians have largely failed to do either, despite the fact that the information systems they alter are far more complex, and far less comprehended, than any human-made system.”--Ralph Bunker, PhD

“Steven Druker has written one of the few books I have encountered, in my many years of public interest work, with the capacity to drive major change in a major issue. What Ralph Nader’s Unsafe at Any Speed was to the auto industry and what Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring was to synthetic pesticides, Altered Genes, Twisted Truth will be to genetically engineered food. It is profoundly penetrating, illuminating, and compelling, and it could stimulate a monumental and beneficial shift in our system of food production.”--Joan Levin, JD, MPH

“Altered Genes, Twisted Truth is a remarkable work that may well change the public conversation on one of the most important issues of our day. If the numerous revelations it contains become widely known, the arguments being used to defend genetically engineered foods will be untenable.”--Frederick Kirschenmann, Phd Distinguished Fellow, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Iowa State University, Author of Cultivating an Ecological Conscience

“Druker's brilliant exposé catches the promoters of GE food red-handed: falsifying data, corrupting regulators, lying to Congress. He thoroughly demonstrates how distortions and deceptions have been piled one on top of another, year after year, producing a global industry that teeters on a foundation of fraud and denial. This book is sure to send shock waves around the world."--Jeffrey M. Smith, international bestselling author of Seeds of Deception & Genetic Roulette

“Altered Genes, Twisted Truth is very readable, thorough, logical and thought-provoking. Steven Druker exposes shenanigans employed to promote genetic engineering that will surprise even those who have followed the ag-biotech industry closely for years. I strongly recommend his book.”--Belinda Martineau, Ph.D., a co-developer of the first genetically engineered whole food and author of First Fruit: The Creation of the Flavr Savr™ Tomato and the Birth of Biotech Foods

“Altered Genes, Twisted Truth reveals how the inception of molecular biotechnology ignited a battle between those committed to scientific accuracy and the public interest and those who saw genetic engineering’s commercial potential. Steven Druker’s meticulously researched book pieces together the deeply disturbing and tremendously important history of the intertwined science and politics of GMOs. Understanding this ongoing struggle is a key to understanding science in the modern world.”--Allison Wilson, PhD molecular geneticist, Science Director, The Bioscience Resource Project

So much for the BS about all scientists being in favor of this patented lab food.

October 28, 2016

Using clean cars as power plants: it can be done in the UAE. A detailed plan from Dr. Ad van Wijk

October 28, 2016 by Frank Wouters and Ad van Wijk

The combined engine capacity of the new cars we build in just one year is more than the entire electricity generation capacity in the world. If we power our cars with fuel cells, we can use them as clean power plants the 96% of the time we are not driving in them, generating all the electricity we need, at competitive costs, with zero emissions. Frank Wouters, Director of the EU-GCC Clean Energy Network, and Ad van Wijk, Professor Future Energy Systems at Delft University of Technology, show how this could be done in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

We are not using our cars very much in the UAE, nor elsewhere by the way. A quick scan on Dubizzle, the leading internet platform for used cars in the UAE, shows that we drive some 20,000 km per year. At an average speed of 60km/h, this means that we use our car less than 1 hour per day. The remaining 23 hours, or 96% of the time, our cars sit idle. In another context we would call that stranded assets.

Let’s assume that an average vehicle has an engine capacity of 100kW. More than 80 million cars are sold each year, which represents a capacity of 8,000GW. The combined capacity of all power plants in the world producing electricity amounts to 5,000GW, so each year we are adding more capacity in our car engines than we have installed to produce electricity. And we only use those cars 4% of the time, whilst power plants are used thousands of hours per year. Of course a car engine, as we have them now, doesn’t produce electricity, it only moves the car; but let’s look at fuel cell cars...snip


So all of this is technically feasible with present day technology and sounds promising, but what about the cost? Although hydrogen fuel cell cars are still more expensive than standard cars, there is no reason why they should be more expensive in the future, if we manufacture them at similar scale. So the main difference lies in the cost for the fuel. It requires 50kWh to produce 1 kg of hydrogen and since solar energy costs 2ct/kWh in the UAE, the energy cost to produce hydrogen is 1$/kg.

An electrolyser costs approximately $600 per kW nowadays. If we implement large scale projects such as proposed here, it is safe to assume an electrolyser of 1MW will cost $400,000 in a few years from now. The UAE has more than 2000 annual sun-hours, hence such an electrolyser coupled to a solar PV system would produce 40,000 kg of H2. Assuming a ten-year life and linear depreciation, this would add 1$ to the cost of the hydrogen. The overall cost of hydrogen in such a scheme in the UAE would hence amount to 2$/kg...snip

Towards a new paradigm

We have described a system, where hydrogen is produced from seawater and low-cost solar energy in the UAE, at a cost of $2/kg...snip
Read More: http://energypost.eu/using-clean-cars-power-plants-can-done-uae/

Our Car As Power Plant
I am very proud to announce the book Our Car as Power Plant, in which the crucial role that cars will play in our future energy infrastructure is further explained.

The full book Our Car as Power Plant can be downloaded for Free! (PDF) http://www.profadvanwijk.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/our-car-as-power-plant-ad-van-wijk.pdf

Moreover, a comprehensive infrographic has been developed to visually show all the important aspects of this upcoming revolution. Check it out below! full size pic here: http://profadvanwijk.com/books/car-power-plant/

A Brilliant example of thinking outside the box. Kudos to Dr. van Wijk. Americans are too busy thinking about how to overthrow the next leader they don't like. So it's up to the van Wijks of the world.

Published on May 9, 2016
Prof. Dr. Ad van Wijk - Professor Sustainable Energy, TU Delft
Title: Our Car as Power Plant
Smart Cities Summit

Biography: Prof Ad van Wijk

Prof. Dr. Ad van Wijk (1956) is one of the most influential sustainable energy entrepreneurs and innovators in Europe. In 1984 he co-founded the sustainable energy knowledge company Ecofys, which eventually grew into Econcern. As chairman of the executive board he lead and developed Econcern into a company with 1200 people in more than 20 countries, sharing the mission ‘A sustainable energy supply for everyone’. Until its bankruptcy in 2009 as a result of the financial crisis. Econcern was the holding company of Ecofys, Ecostream, Evelop, OneCarbon and Ecoventures.

Econcern developed and marketed many new products and services in the field of sustainable energy. Examples include the 120 MW offshore wind farm Princess Amalia, several multi-MW solar farms in Spain, BioMCN (a bio-methanol plant in Delfzijl) which is the largest second generation biomass plant in the world, Sea Water Air Conditioning systems in the Caribbean(still under development), the Closed Greenhouse (an energy producing greenhouse) the console (an innovative and cheap support structure for solar systems), the Energy Mirror (visualizing energy consumption in buildings) and Quicc (an electric van).

Ad van Wijk achieved many important prizes for excellent entrepreneurship. Amongst others he was entrepreneur of the year in the Netherlands in 2007. In that same year he received the 2007 Amsterdam Private Equity Club Award. And in 2008 he was top-executive of the year in the Netherlands. He was member of several Supervisory Boards, amongst others Solland Solar Energy (A solar cell manufacturer) and BioMCN

Today, Ad van Wijk is a an independent sustainable energy entrepreneur, advisor and Professor in ‘Future Energy Systems’ at the Delft University of Technology. He is member of the Economic Development Board Rotterdam and of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities.

في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، الهيدروجين هو رقم واحد
October 28, 2016

City of Bordeaux Embarks on Project to Use Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bikes

FuelCellsWorks, October 27, 2016

The City of Bordeaux will soon be providing a hydrogen fuel cell fueling station which will be located at Newton Begles near the Bordeaux train station. The plan also calls for a fleet of ten fuel cell bikes.

It was recently reported that the company providing the fuel cell bikes will be Pragma Industries based in Biarritz.

Pragma recently showcased (Oct. 5-9) their latest fuel cell bike, the "Alpha Model", at the World Congress on Intelligent Transport systems in Bordeaux France.

The company claims a range of 100km on a charge of 5 minutes...snip
Read More: https://fuelcellsworks.com/news/city-of-bordeaux-embarks-on-project-to-use-hydrogen-fuel-cell-bikes

Shouldn't someone tell Pragma that Hydrogen can't be contained?

A Bordeaux, l'hydrogène est numéro un

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