Delarage's JournalIf you have a car, how old is it?
A discussion about Christmas car commercials prompted a great discussion that got me thinking (and proud!) about my vehicles:
1997 Corolla (395,000 miles)
2000 Ford Ranger (90 k miles)
I generally do the oil changes and tune-up on the Corolla myself, since it's pretty open and easy to work on. Cheap parts, gets about 34 MPG on average. I change the oil on the Ranger (although the oil filter is insanely difficult to reach and makes me cuss in my driveway) but it's a V6 and is too hard to tune-up myself (so I have a kid I know who is into cars do it for me). It gets horrible mileage but is useful for home/yard projects (and moving stuff) and is a good back up. I bought the Corolla off Craigslist when it had about 150,000 miles on it (for $3000) and, unbeknownst to me, got myself one of the most reliable versions of the Corolla ever made....although it has succumbed to the piston ring issue that is common for that engine and now drinks some oil. The kid who works on cars says it will last another 400K miles if I let him put new rings on it. Not sure, though, since the car's worth about $500. But I am thinking about it
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Gender: MaleHometown: Wilmington, DE
Home country: United States
Member since: 2001
Number of posts: 2,365