Delarage's JournalFlorida to help protect the US border against the workers it needs.
Republicans need to get serious about immigration reform; instead of illegally hiring people (including children) and paying them a pittance--no complaints for fear of getting caught--they should be happy that people want to come to the US and work. The shortage of workers / the people trying to come to work could not be a more obvious solution to multiple problems. They need work and we need workers. Hmmm..........
Another beach business in Rehoboth (The Royal Treat) is closing--partly due to the family aging out of the business and partly due to a lack of workers. Somehow I never managed to get there, but it apparently was good. It's a shame. A lot of the seasonal beach places in Delaware hire teens from abroad to work (a lot seem to be from eastern Europe).
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Gender: MaleHometown: Wilmington, DE
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